Tick tock! A fiction

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Dear friends

I am pleased to participate in the daily challenge of @mariannewest, Thursday's message: Tick tock. I hope you enjoy.


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The perception of time for Miguel turned out to be very different from how Sandra was living it. He now continued with his daily routine of attending his work in the city center, so he frequently lost track of time and neglected small details of his relationship with Sandra.

That day motivated that Sandra's pregnancy was already quite advanced was accompanying her to the doctor and when she entered to meet the doctor, he must have been waiting outside, there a clock incessantly marked the seconds with a loud sound, tick tock, tick tock, ..., a little restless just wished that moment would pass quickly.

On the other hand the doctor while evaluating Sandra, performed an abdominal echo to her as he did in each of the opportunities, this time the creature on the screen looked clearly with the sex marked, then he informed Sandra:

"Today I give you very good news, you are pregnant with a girl"

Sandra now knew that her prayers had been heard by God.

When leaving the consultation with the doctor, Sandra when seeing Miguel hugged him affectionately.

(to be continue...)

© 2019, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.



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This is the continuation of Mark's adventures, you can read the previous episodes in the following links:

01 The jungle21 Coffee Mug42 Describe what ...!
02 Main street23 Shawl43 Brussel sprout
03 Funny incidents24 Backwoods
04 Fern25 Sunscreen
05 vegetables26 Business trip
06 Disposable diaper27 Skiing
07 Not moving28 Barbecue
08 A broken toe29 Sesame sticks
09 Stovetop30 Good surprise
10 Gutless31 Satellite
11 Napkins32 Wedding
12 Envy33 Bright light
13 Recycle34 Fresh air
14 Wool sweater35 Details
15 Black-eyed peas36 Cannibals
16 Chocolate cake37 Radish
17 Understand38 Cleft
18 Bandage39 Pregnant
19 We are young40 Facelift
20 The big test41 Enjoy the day

Also here you can enjoy the Mary´s adventures.


Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!

[image source courtesy of @freewritehouse]

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