Satellite! A fiction

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Dear friends

I am pleased to participate in the daily challenge of @mariannewest, Thursday's message: satellite. I hope you enjoy.

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Sandra that afternoon had a desire to relax so she headed to a park on the shore of the lake, there she sat on a bench to contemplate the sky. With the afternoon breeze her imagination flew to what would be the highlight of her wedding with Miguel.

Without pretending that now he would be her satellite that he should go with her to all places, however thinking about it made her very happy, she already knew in advance that he would do everything in his power to please her.

Now, from that moment, she was counting the hours in which everything would happen.

(to be continue...)

© 2019, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.


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This is the continuation of Mark's adventures, you can read the previous episodes in the following links.

Also here you can enjoy the Mary´s adventures.


Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!

[image source courtesy of @freewritehouse]


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He has no clue what's waiting for him @felixgarciap, well written and fun, it's awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

It has therefore got a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome, for the Awesome Daily Upvotes in category Freewrite, I give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 4 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in today's Awesome Daily report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

@thisisawesome Thank you very much for the nomination, I'm glad you loved it. Greetings

Thanks @felixgarciap, and keep on creating awesome content.

Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

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