Pregnant! A weekend freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago

Dear friends

This is the weekend freewrite challenge. I am using @mariannewest’s #weekendfreewrite, to write this piece please read. The honeymoon of Sandra and Miguel had passed in a dreamlike environment until they went to visit a sorceress of the place, she would announce a good news. I hope you enjoy my fiction story.

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Aimee was fascinated with her own shadow. She kept looking at it, scratching it...

That afternoon, despite their beliefs, Sandra and Miguel wanted to know more about the local culture on that island, since time immemorial they had inhabited cannibals which even in modern times were traces of their passage there in some of the locals .

Now being in that shabby room, they kept admiring the wanderings that the woman was doing, beside her there remained a doll to which she was pinning pins, in addition she emitted incoherent sounds which made them restless.

He however was not paying attention but was hugging Sandra who began to tremble at the bewilderment.

Miguel remembered in those moments the words that the restaurant waiter had said the night before:

When a sorcerer moves to attack, you can defeat him easily with his own power.

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In those moments he felt calm because everything that happened seemed part of a cheap theater.

After several spells the woman finally told Sandra that she was pregnant and that she would have a son.

Sandra exclaimed out loud:

"I still don't have the symptoms of pregnancy but I really want to be."

Miguel who did not expect those words immediately replied:

"Honey you know this will give us happiness"

The woman sitting in front of them with a committed expression and

a raised eyebrow

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she again ratified her prognosis again.

At that time all the lights of that room that had remained in darkness were turned on.

On one side stood a large vase where those who visited it should place their offerings on local coins.

And then out of there, both hugged each other wishing that the woman's forecasts were only a good forecast for their happy marriage.

Already the next day they planned to take the plane that would take them back to the routine and that incident would remain as an anecdote more than lived in that place.

(to be continued).

Waiting for your upvotes , comments and resteem.


© 2019, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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This story is the continuation of Mark's adventures, you can read the previous episodes by following the links below.

01 The jungle21 Coffee Mug
02 Main street23 Shawl
03 Funny incidents24 Backwoods
04 Fern25 Sunscreen
05 vegetables26 Business trip
06 Disposable diaper27 Skiing
07 Not moving28 Barbecue
08 A broken toe29 Sesame sticks
09 Stovetop30 Good surprise
10 Gutless31 Satellite
11 Napkins32 Wedding
12 Envy33 Bright light
13 Recycle34 Fresh air
14 Wool sweater35 Details
15 Black-eyed peas36 Cannibals
16 Chocolate cake37 Radish
17 Understand38 Cleft
18 Bandage39 Fish fillet
19 We are young
20 The big test

Also here you can enjoy the Mary´s adventures.

Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!


[image source courtesy of @freewritehouse]


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@felixgarciap It would be so nice if they were expecting.

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