Happiness Competition 01 -My Original Daily Motivation - "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."

in #happinesscontest7 years ago (edited)


I think this is by far most underrated secret to happy living. Surrounding yourself with the right people is one of the most important things you can CHOOSE in this beautiful gift we got called LIFE. The key words in all of this are YOU CAN CHOOSE.

We are who we choose to be around. And yes, I truly believe who we choose to have around in our life is a matter of personal CHOICE. We all choose the people who are going to be there for us through the WORST, and the BEST days of our lives. Choose wisely my amazing Steemians because it can be a difference between you succeeding and failing. Having the right support at the right moment is one of the keys on your journey to success. Of course, YOU being the first and most important support for yourself. But, we all need a helping hand at some point in our life.

Magic Words

We all need those friends to give us a hand and lift us off the ground. Dust us off, and be a shoulder to lean on. We all need those friends who will be there for us in tough times. When we are hopeless and lost. We need them to pick us and say those magic words such as:

"Everything will be ok. I am here for you."

I can remember so many situations in my life where without some amazing people I would not be able to go through a certain tough situation in life I was in. And, I was in some tough situations during my life believe me. Some of them I have no idea how I got through. I was fortunate to have the RIGHT people to me who helped create the person I am today. I will remember those people for the rest of my life as I am sure most of you do also.

Asking For Help And The Right People

If you are surrounded by right people asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength in my opinion. Don't ever be proud to ask for help when you need one.We ALL been there.We all needed help at some point in our lives. Nothing to be ashamed of. Trust me, nothing. It is all part of life. Falling down, and needing help, all of it is part of LIFE.

One thing you should NEVER do is forget the people who were there for you when you needed them the most. Because you should be there for them if they ever need your help. That is what life is all about. Being there for each other and helping each other become the best we can be. Or simply as good as we WANT to be.

Let's be those people who will help another when he or she needs help. Let's be the people who help others be the best they can be. No matter if they are not willing to do the same for you. Let's be those people who bring out the BEST in people and people who pick people up when they are down.


Not everybody will appreciate it, but then there will be people who will stay part of your life forever appreciating you being there for them. One person like that in your life is worth a 100 who disappointed you. Because that person will be there for you when you are down to pick you up. Those people are the RIGHT people in your life. Keep helping, my friends, and those RIGHT people will come into your life sooner than later. Be the person you want to meet when you need help.

Surrounding yourself with the right people is one of the most important things you can do in your life. It is not an easy thing to find, and sometimes we do get let down by the people who we would do anything for. Sometimes people are not willing to do for you what you are willing to do for them. It can be discouraging no doubt. But I always try to keep my conscious as clear as possible. I always help if it is in my power to help no matter if that person would do the same for me. I am just built that way. Helping is in my nature. Life will take care of me, as it did for 29 years now. I have no doubt in my mind about it. Sometimes I just don't see the "reward" right away.


People Angels

For me, the "reward" usually comes in the form of people "Angels" who appear from nowhere to pick me up and help me get back on my feet again. I mean people I never met before doing some incredible things to help me. It just leaves me stunned every time. Incredible feeling. I can recall every single person who was there for me when I needed some help. And I would do anything in my power to help them if they ever asked for my help. I think we are all here to help each other reach each other dreams. Who is the first person which comes to your mind right now you would call an Angel in your life? Make sure that person knows how much they mean to you.

Doing good is always doing GOOD. Life will surround you with the RIGHT PEOPLE when you need them the most if you keep helping others around you. I truly believe this and I have experienced it so many times during my life. The question is do you believe it? Will you give a helping hand next time you see a person in need? God knows we need more people helping each other in today's world. Let be those people. One person can make a BIG difference. Life changing differences in some people lives by simply being there for someone when they are going through tough times.

  • Let's be the "Angels" in someone's lives. Let's be those RIGHT people.

"Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."

Thank you for reading, have an amazing day, be the Angels, much love,

dbjegovic 💓💓💓

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of my other motivational posts I wrote:

My Original Daily Motivation - "Don't be afraid to be different in life, but rather be afraid of going through LIFE PRETENDING to be someone you are not."


My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."


My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".⛅️


My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness." 😃


My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." 💪🏻


My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steem Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018. :)

The STEEM Engine



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Truly inspirational! Thanks for sharing this my friend! Let's be angels in each other's lives. ^^

Agreed. Let's be the RIGHT people. :)

Have a great day. :)

Your posts always make me stop and evaluate my own life. I have definitely chosen the wrong people to surround myself with in the past. As I get older, however, I am realizing the need for the right ones by my side. It's always great to have people there for you when you are struggling, and only true friends and loved ones will be there every time.

We all did, my friend. At some point in our lives, we all did make bad choices. Mostly because we choose to ignore that gut feeling about those people. Not listening to our selves really. At least, this is how it was for me. I honestly think we sense all the time how some people are but choose to ignore it.

Thank you for a lovely comment, have an amazing day. :)

Wow! This was overflowing with good stuff! I not only felt happy reading it, but excited! And, I love that you focused on being the friend that you'd want to have, without expecting anything in return. I'm seeing that all over Steemit. Thanks for being one of those people spreading happiness and goodness!

Thank you @coachjj. I am glad you found something in here to read which made you happy and excited at the same time. That is my goal with all my motivational posts. So it encouraging to read this kind of comments from people like you. :)

The only way to really meet the right people is to be one in the first place. Even if the people you meet are not like you, the way you go about things might encourage them to become the RIGHT people. At least this is how I go about it. There has been disappointments no doubt because like I wrote in the text:

"Sometimes people are not willing to do for you, what you did or would do for them."

And, that again ok by me. I did everything well from my side and my conscience is clear. :)

Thank you for such an amazing comment. Enjoyed reading it. Have the best day ever. :)

I've told myself all I want is to be happy and then sometimes I think I don't even know what happiness looks like. I think I've closed myself off and don't let people into my world because like you say "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST days of your life." I have very few friends who I even let be there for me and I have a hard time asking for help. However, when someone asks me for help I bend over backwards to help them, even if I really don't know them all that well. Your posts are always inspiring.

Wow, thank you for writing from your soul in this comment. I can only speak from my experience on this comment. At one point in my life, I did the same like you and I was tempted to ask for help from others but would bend over backward to help others. But, this is why stopped being afraid to ask for help?

Because asking for help told me exactly who my real friends are. If I am or you are bending over backward for them to help, it is only logical REAL friends should do the same for you. Or at least to the best of their ability. That is how you find the difference between REAL FRIENDS and the ones are only friends when they need you to help them. I CALL THEM USERS. They have a short memory and always forget how many times you helped them before, and only record the one time you did not. Those are people who drain our energy and give nothing in return. But, like you even when I know all of this I am still struggling not to help them when they ask for help because I am just built that way. I like helping people. But I do have my limit.

So my friend, don't close up but open your eyes, ask for help when you need it, and the right and REAL friends will help always. And, keep helping when you can. Keep your conscious clear. At least this is how I go about it, and life has taken care of me always. We can't control what others do, but we can control our actions every day. :)

Sorry for the long response, I just think your amazing comment deserved a proper reply. :)

Have the best day ever. :) @herosjourney

You are so helpful and loving. I read this and just want to send love and energy so you will always Be happy and give to all who need to hear your words all around the world. There I go again duro-follower. 😛🦅

Abolutely the key is to have supportive and caring pewople around you, and ones that will listen when you need to be heard and know you will do the same for them


You nailed it, my friend. That is how true friendships work. It is all about trusting each other and helping each other knowing you or he will be there for each other in life. :)

Thank you for a great comment and a tip, my friend. Have an amazing day. :) @tattoodjay

You to have a great day

beautiful...I just wrote a post about mediation and it falls in line with your message. Gave you a follow and upvote :) I loved your content!

Not sure if cats count as people but my cat is there for me every day... Meow-ing. Not sure if shes hungry or just telling me she loves me.. 😌

.hmm... I should probably try feeding her one day.


Well let's go with SHE LOVES YOU and SHE IS HUNGRY. :P

Love your sarcastic comments. hahahah :) Maybe you should try to feed her one day. She might love you even more. :)

You are a happiness machine. This is a big subject you like and why not? Definitely good to be happy. Thank you for being one of those people that give good cheer to others.

Thank you, brother. I truly appreciate the support. Life is designed for us to be happy. But, only we can create it for ourselves. :)

The more you spread happiness, the more happy you will be. That is how you become a "happiness machine". :)

You make me laugh... "a happiness machine"

this post should be on the trending page. I am so grateful for the people angels in my life and to God for carrying me around and for standing up to my tantrums as well . Thanks for the inspiration, resteemed

@sayee thank you for the share and such an amazing comment and support. I truly appreciate it. :)

I am glad you find inspiration in my words. And, make sure your people's Angels know how much they mean to you. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

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