My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Unfortunately today people are so divided that they really don't like to see other people succeeding and accomplishing the IMPOSSIBLE. They want other to stay on their "level" instead of inspiring others to achieve goals and dreams. I see it every day of my life. I refuse to be this way, and nothing makes me happier than seeing somebody succeed knowing my words of had a little part of their success. This is true intent of all my motivational posts. I WANT you get inspired and succeed in anything you are pursuing in your life journey.

There is no better feeling than it. So today I hope my words will be the motivation and inspiration on for the journey to your goals and dreams. Because INSPIRING is CONTAGIOUS, and I can tell you right now, the more people you inspire, the more you will be inspired in the process.


Keep Failing Until You Succeed

Just imagine how many great inventors, scientists, artist, athletes, were told their goals are impossible. Michael Jordan was kicked off his high school basketball team. Thomas Edison failed 1000 times to invent the light bulb. How many experiments have Einstein run before he proved his theory of gravity? There are so many examples out there and all of them failed who knows how many times? Don't you think they were told by many they will never be a great player or inventors? Or that they will never accomplish their goals. I am sure they were told it was IMPOSSIBLE countless of times. But what others thought was impossible, they taught it was more than POSSIBLE. All they had to do is keep failing until they succeeded. They all had one thing in common?

They all BELIEVED reaching their goals and dreams is POSSIBLE. With all their heart and soul they BELIEVED. They knew their failures will eventually lead them to their POSSIBLE. No matter how many times people around told them it was IMPOSSIBLE. Because those people's impossible was their POSSIBLE. And, they knew it, and all it took for them is to work for it and ignore the rest. They had their vision and their vision was all they focused on.

So What You Should Do?

First of all, start BELIEVING. Start believing with all your heart and soul. Because believing in yourself and your dreams will get you over any obstacle in front of you. Get focused. Work toward your goal. It will not accomplish itself on its own. You have to DO IT. DO IT every single day of your life. That is the only way to your dreams.. Ignore the people saying it is IMPOSSIBLE. Deep down you know it is POSSIBLE. Don't let them discourage you, or bring you down. No matter what they SAY or DO. Rather use them as motivation to KEEP PUSHING, because you believe in YOURSELF AND YOUR GOALS.


Don't Let Their Lives IMPOSSIBLE, Become Your Life's IMPOSSIBLE

You are more powerful than you think and you have the power to DECIDE what is POSSIBLE for you. It is your DECISION. Don't let someone make that decision for you. It is yours and yours only DECISION to make. Rather accomplish the impossible and inspire them to start thinking about making their impossible into something more than POSSIBLE. Let's inspire each other to achieve our OWN IMPOSSIBLE'S. And, most importantly, let's never stop BELIEVING. :)

I truly hope I motivated you to chase the IMPOSSIBLE as much as I have motivated myself simply by writing these words. Anything in life is possible, we just have decided it is, believes with all our hearts, and WORK FOR IT. Let's chase the impossibles my amazing Steemians. :)

Thank you for reading, have the best day ever, much love,


If you enjoyed this post I invite you to check out of my other posts for some extra motivation:

My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness." 😃

My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." 💪🏻

My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."



Your posts make me smile and that is one of my biggest goals on Steemit to not get stressed but to smile. Thanks for sharing.

GREAT post @awakentolife ! Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction 😁

I am sending you so much love right now! As always, your words are perfect, absolutely perfect. Thank you for this 💚
Since Wayne Dyer died I thought I couldn't find another living person with that kind of motivational and spiritual abilities, I was obviously wrong :)

Really appreciate the words of inspiration...

hey buddy! just what I needed to hear. recently I realized some friends have slowly distanced from me when I started to progress forward in life. not too sure why it’s really quite discouraging when it seems like the cost of success is certain friendships. perhaps I’ve been guilty of wanting something too much but that’s what makes me work hard and preserve. thanks for instilling confidence and belief back into me. I tend to self doubt when I don’t see support from people who I’ve personally supported and wanted them to succeed in life. I guess there can’t be an answer to everything but there is a choice to keep believing in myself and work at it! 💪🏼

What an inspiring post. This is my philosophy in life too... Never be affected by other people's negative view of you. If you put your heart and mind in something, you can succeed in it. Thanks for sharing @awakentolife . I am possible and I can make a positive difference.

If someone gets inspiration in any work, then we can move forward with that task. The first step of success is the feat. Those who succeeded learned to lose. The win in the middle of the rate has taken away. It is easy to understand that the rate is not easily appreciated. See if there is not one word in a hundred times.

Exactly keep believing in your dreams and the key to achieve them is hard hard hard hard work! these 2 elements are more than enough for everything!

Oh, I like that. Yes, "I'm Possible". #notetoself !!!!

Agree 100%. All my 'Create Your Own' courses are based on this principal.

"I haven't failed. I just found 10.000 ways that don't work" is among one of my favorite quotes :)

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