My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


If you want to succeed in anything in life first you have to believe with all your heart and soul that you CAN do it. It is incredibly important that you do. With all your heart and soul. So before anything ask yourself DO YOU TRULY BELIEVE?

Because that belief will be your guiding star. Your guiding star when you fall down, when you make mistake, and when life gets tough. That belief will be your light in the dark days when everything around you seems to be crumbling and when people stop believing in you. Your belief is ALL YOU NEED. YOU are that powerful so you really only need you to KEEP BELIEVING. YOU ARE!!!!


I was looking like the person in this picture so many times in my life.. source

So do you believe in your goals and dreams, my amazing friends? Do you truly BELIEVE? Because if you do and you have fallen down, ***I WANT YOU TO GET UP RIGHT NOW? I MEAN NOW!!! Because all your problems, mistakes, look so BIG while you are DOWN feeling sorry for yourself. Life got me down. So what? There is not a single successful person on the face of this planet who was not thrown hard on his butt at some point in his life. This is only a first paragraph of your life's journey to your goals and dreams. Don't make it out to be an entire story. And it will become your entire story if you let it? DON'T let this little setback you are having to be your entire story. And, I don't think you want it as well.That is why you need to GET UP RIGHT NOW!!!

Are you UP? The view is so much better from up here, isn't it? Take a big BREATH in and BREATH out. Relax and focus at the same time. Enjoy the view. Can you see all your problems and mistakes now? They don't look so BIG right now. Now, do you still see your goals and dreams now above all the crap in your life right now? If you do then start clearing those problems in front of you. One by one until they are gone, and you only see a clear path to your DREAMS in front of you.They are not going to clear themselves up on their own. YOU HAVE TO DO IT.


And because of the picture before I was also this person so many times in my life... source

Are you doing it? Because I will tell you one thing I learned through life. Each time you get up, it will be two times harder to get you down again. So think of falling down as an OPPORTUNITY to get STRONGER and TOUGHER. Don't let life or people, or anything get you down, and most importantly if they somehow do, don't let them keep you down. Always get up because your goals and dreams are waiting for you. GO GET THEM!! NOW!! DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT TWICE!!!Because YOU CAN and YOU WILL.

"You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."

Thank you for reading, keep GETTING UP my amazing Stemian friends, as always much love,

dbjegovic 💓💓

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of my other motivational posts I wrote:

My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."

My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".⛅️

My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."

My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness." 😃

My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." 💪🏻

My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."



I am lost for words... Thank you for this, even when we think we don't need it, we need it. 💚

You are always more than welcome and thank you for always stopping by and commenting. You are awesome. :)

I totally agree! Never see failure as the end....just an opportunity to learn and improve on yourself. This ties in very closely to the post I made today about the fear of failure. This may stop people dead in their tracks before they even give it a try. But, by believing in themselves, they can find the determination to push past any mistakes to find success!

You got it straight to the point my friend. It is that BELIEF which will get us through the tough times when no one else believes in us. We should always BELIEVE. :)

Will have to stop by and read your post now. Thank you for always commenting on my posts. Have an amazing day. :)

Great inspirationaL Post

falling down is inevitable and happens to us all and

Thank you, my friend. It happens to everybody but what you do when you fall down is totally up to you. And, what matters most of all. :)


It's all about how we react to our failures, rather than the failures themselves, that really counts in the end. Sometimes mistakes don't even have negative consequences, if we correct early we can learn from the experience without having to pay a great price. @ironshield

I could not agree more my friend. It is all about how we react to it and what is our perception of it? That is what matters in the end. Because we all fall, but what we do after we have fallen is entirely up to us.

We can choose to stay down, or get up and rise above our problems. :)

You are posting a lot today. It is always refreshing to visit and see your smiling face.

Thank you, my friend. I have written a little more than usual recently, but I am just trying to keep my promises. :)

Thank you for stopping by and commenting. :)

I believe! Thank you, Duro for the inspiration. Good morning, my friend!

I never had a doubt you did not BELIEVE. You are an amazing person and you can only be amazing if you are TRULY AMAZING. :)

Good morning to you as well. Have the best day ever. :)

full uv....Excellent post and message and so true, we get knocked down but must get up again

Thank you, my amazing friend. I am glad you like it. The best posts and motivation is written from the heart and personal experience. This is just me on the paper. :)

Thank you for stopping by, and commenting. Have an amazing day. :)

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