Making Monkees: Conquering Fear- May 23, 2019 (no video today)

in #fundition-vs352qfr25 years ago (edited)

80 hours a week - at least.

It's amazing that you can spend THAT much time developing a project - but it's true. When you are starting out, taking an idea from conception to birth - there really isn't much time that you're relaxing. Even when you're relaxing - your mind is working out details, planning the next course of action, and making slight course corrections.

You eat (or forget to eat), sleep (or don't quite sleep) and breathe (yes... you must keep breathing!) your project!

You're constantly balancing these two thoughts: Am I talking too much about this and does anyone care? with Should I be talking more and trying to earn people's care? I always err on the side of pulling back. I hate annoying people, and I figure - if this is going to have a life of its own, then it's going to have to STAND on its own and draw people in, organically.

The past two days I've been very frustrated about not getting the video that I wanted. There is only one place that I can set up our booth - and unfortunately, that's been in the rain. I've been learning patience, but everything in my being is jittery with the feeling that I'm losing time. Isn't that an awful feeling? Sitting helplessly, watching the world go by? I hate it. I need to DO. Time is slipping away and it feels a little like I'm drowning as I watch that clock tick, tick , tick the seconds away.

But there is a reason for everything. Ebb and flow. Time for seasons.

Tomorrow I will attempt ONCE AGAIN to set up our booth. The calendar tells me that we are only 2 weeks away from the convention, and I can feel my stomach immediately knot up.

But you know what? Fear is ok. Everyone has fear! It's what you do in the face of it that matters. I keep telling myself over and over "Do not give up." My dad has taught me a lot of things - but this is one that resonates in my mind over and over these days :

Even right now, as I'm sitting in the cold living room instead of my warm bedroom at midnight LOL, phone pressed against the window to post this (my internet died for some odd reason because I live high up in the mountains!), I didn't just put my computer away and put off this post until tomorrow. Nope. You gotta keep pushing.

Find a workaround and DO it.

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Missed any of our update posts? Check them out below!

What is Spunkee Monkee: a FANTASTIC explanation by @shadowspub

MonkeePal: The Soul of Spunkee Monkee

The Critical Role of the MonkeeMom

Heart of a Monkee

Sun's Out-Time to Garden: a Spunkee Monkee Tale

SPECIAL thanks to the Steemit witnesses who have been supporting Spunkee Monkee: @aggroed, @steemcommunity (the former witness team made up of @paulag and @abh12345), @derangedvisions (who is the other half of the @c0ff33a witness team), @jackmiller, @enginewitty and @guiltyparties!


All Spunkee Monkee images have been created for Spunkee Monkee by the amazing @jimramones! Images are not to be used without permission from Spunkee Monkee.

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Remember we should not allow fear and frustration to have control over us

I believe it!!!! Now... I must act as though I believe it 😄

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