Making Monkees - May 6, 2019

If an idea stays in your mind...

it never has the opportunity to grow into a potential reality. Fear, money, mistakes, laziness... they all get in the way, but I encourage all you dreeeeemers out there to just go for it and try! It seems like each day I have this battle inside me... Will I take another step in the right direction in taking Spunkee Monkee to the next level? Or will I procrastinate and hide under the covers a little longer? hahaha

Mistakes WILL be made - but you can always use them as opportunities to make the next attempt a little better! I gotta keep trying! :)


of course it matters ... there is no doubt on that
creep before you crawl, crawl before you walk, walk before you run
doesn't matter how long each stage takes.. it matters.

thank you for the reminder :)

you know me - i was born to fly! so creeping, crawling, walking and even running take some adjustments hehehehehe

but i know i need to start slow! so - i'm trying :)

If at any point you really wonder if one small thing can make a difference, consider a spider in a room full of people! One small person can move mountains, if the purpose is just, as this purpose is. Keep plowing forward and remember this:
Someone made the statement that in order to fly, one must take off against the wind.

oh wow - that's great!!!! i love that statement! i'll definitely remember that one :)

and the spider one is SO TRUE!!! it made me giggle!!! hahahaha

Thank you jamesy ;)

Yes yes yes. It matters.
Progress- not perfection. That's what I've been holding in my heart.
Keep the spirit of what you're working towards alive and dear and close to your heart - and every little step, and win and moment on the path will get each starfish closer to being back in the sea.

Evie x

thank you my lovey :)

i'm holding that in my heart too! i need to reminding myself every day - do what you love, do what you love :)

and... it was so intimidating at first
but now i look back - and i've made some progress!! :)

My goodness- you've made loads of progress! Look at all the amazing things you've already achieved in such a short time. You're wonder woman! E x

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i think you meant wander woman

Well... of the shoe fits 😂 (or should that be cape?)

Posted using Partiko Android

i think she wears a strait jacket


Babysteps... Big steps.... Whatever steps 😊 it all matters love!
Don't be afraid be afraid of mistakes... It will be made...Noone is perfect and that's the beauty of things... You don't have to be... well you are in my eyes but you know what I mean 😉
Most important thing is you do it Your way, in your own pace, what You feel comfortable with.
Let it take time if you feel that is the right thing... Or JUMP... Take a chance...Just follow your ❤️
And know... You are doing do well and OMG... Look how far you have come! 😘

YOU are amazing and I love you sis 🤗💕🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

i love you right back!
and i hear you! yes - step by step, i'm doing it just a little bit at a time!

i'm really learning to look at the enjoyment im having - and not let fear stop me. its taking little chances, day by day. but i look back over the last few weeks and i'm like heyyyyyyyy! i'm getting there! hehehehe

I was totally going to make some cool comment with a video on how you gotta take steps and be patient and shit but I fell down some rabbit hole and listened to like every TechN9Ne video on the web so, let's go with this one -

Lolololol you make me laugh :)

thank you for the REAL STEEL encouragement

I got you🤗😎tried not to lay it on too heavy🤣

Yup. Step by step by step - and getting some sleep in-between is a really good idea :)

Sleep? Is that like a new type of snack ??? Hmm sounds tasty!


Morning to you 😘

Yes!! It is gluten-free!!!! 😂

Good morning 😄

Ok perfect!!! It's not like those croutons though.... Right??? Hahahahhahaha

No!! for sure all the way gluten-free LOL

Hahhahahahahha! I still cannot believe that!!! Thank God for Mike!! 😂😂😂😂

And I'm happy you are home safe and sound 🤗

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