The Empty Chair #8 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Palimpsest]

in #freewrite6 years ago

For every daily 5-minute freewrite prompt, i will be writing on the theme: "The Empty Chair".

If you missed my last freewrites on the theme, here are the links from latest to last:-

  1. The Empty Chair #7 -Weekend Freewrite 2/3/2018 - Single Prompt Option: Airplane
  2. The Empty Chair #6 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: The smell from within]
  3. The Empty Chair #5 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Elephant]
  4. The Empty Chair #4 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cigarettes ]
  5. The Empty Chair #3 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cracker]
  6. The Empty Chair #2 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Paint]
  7. The Empty Chair #1- (5 minute freewrite challenge) [Prompt: hardboiled minds]

The latest Sunday prompt

Yesterday i did my 7th consecutive freewrite, so i have decided to make sure that in the 8th prompt, that is for today (Sunday's) i include in my freewrite, all the previous seven prompts (hard-boiled minds, paint, cracker, cigarettes, Elephant, the smell from within, airplane)

So here i continue the "Empty Chair" trail. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks again to @mariannewest and ya'll freewriters who keep upvoting and sharing in this trail. I cant be grateful enough for how much you helped welcome me, and since supported me, making sure to curate my works, and to happily keep dropping me links to latest prompts every now and again.

I can't name all, but the following quickly come to mind, and of them, i make heartfelt mention, meaning to say: THANK YOU:- @byn, @omra-sky, @wandrnrose7, @snook, @lindahas, @deirdyweirdy, @miniature-tiger, @f3nix, @deaconlee, @simgirl and many others.

I am equally indebted to @terrycraft, @wilx, @majes, @digit, @jdbry, @idnit, the @christian-trail, @hr1 ...all of who continue to selflessly curate my works and help steer my growth here at steemit. I can't be grateful enough for your giant upvotes and comments.

Prompt - Palimpsest

“Creepy old museum”, Jeff hissed, ignoring the smell from within, as he rummaged the gallery. Dawn threatened. He had to be in time for the airplane, and before town awoke to the curator’s demise.
The faded paint of six bald heads didn’t interest him. “Just Hardboiled minds!” But another, of an African elephant did: a birthday gift for his cracker of a girlfriend! “Hmmmmm”, he sighed, lighting a cigarette, “The things we do for love!”
Now the curator’s dying words echoed: The palimpsest!
It had the final clue to the treasure hide.
He found it, inside a broken drawer. Muttering the principle of decrypting ancient palimpsests: read behind the lines, he ignored the pronounced gibberish, sought faintly lines beneath. Everything fell in place: The empty chair! The curators’. Oh My! His adrenaline raced, his feet responded….
He quickly knelt, swept his hand beneath, grabbing an object: “The treasure bag”, he grinned, quickly tearing open the sack cloth: a book! No! A bible. Now he frowned, squinting his eyes on the cover sticker: Mathew 6:33.
He cursed, smashed it on the wall. That was about the only verse his crazy father, the curator, used to recite to him!

The Empty Chair trail on #freewrite Continues ....


Very nice! It reminds me a little of Dan Brown :) Your writing is really good and I've enjoyed reading it. It's dramatic and tense.

Aow...I love Dan brown, its fair to say today's idea had in mind his code-classics! Thanks @zen-art

Very good! I like the way you include the prompts in your story :D

I drop here the link for the newest freewrite:

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