The Empty Chair #7 -Weekend Freewrite 2/3/2018 - Single Prompt Option: Airplane

in #freewrite6 years ago

For every daily 5-minute freewrite prompt, i will be writing on the theme: "The Empty Chair".

If you missed my last freewrites on the theme, here are the links from latest to last:-

  1. The Empty Chair #6 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: The smell from within]
  2. The Empty Chair #5 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Elephant]
  3. The Empty Chair #4 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cigarettes ]
  4. The Empty Chair #3 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Cracker]
  5. The Empty Chair #2 - (5 minute freewrite challenge) [prompt: Paint]
  6. The Empty Chair #1- (5 minute freewrite challenge) [Prompt: hardboiled minds]

The latest:- For the first prompt of the multiple-prompt Weekend Freewrite, click Here!
Or, if you'd prefer to do a single prompt, click Here!

I am going with the single prompt..

So here i continue the "Empty Chair" trail. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks again to @mariannewest and ya'll freewriters who keep upvoting and sharing in this trail. I cant be grateful enough for how much you helped welcome me, and since supported me, making sure to curate my works, and to happily keep dropping me links to latest prompts every now and again.

I can't name all, but the following quickly come to mind, and of them, i make heartfelt mention, meaning to say: THANK YOU:- @byn, @omra-sky, @wandrnrose7, @snook, @lindahas, @deirdyweirdy, @miniature-tiger, @f3nix, @deaconlee, @simgirl and many others.

I am equally indebted to @terrycraft, @wilx, @majes, @digit, @jdbry, @idnit, the @christian-trail, @hr1 ...all of who continue to selflessly curate my works and help steer my growth here at steemit. I can't be grateful enough for your giant upvotes and comments.

Prompt - Airplane

The news came in thick and fast, on national TV, in Radios.…the Alaska Air had crushed. There were no survivors.
Claire next found herself in a hospital, grandma on her bedside. “Tell me it is not true, Granny”.
“Rest dear.”
But Claire only sobbed. First her Parents, and now Scott. They had even talked, prayed before he boarded.
“Don’t lose faith, my daughter”.
“When He keeps taking away everyone I love…”
At her age, the little girl had surely suffered, losing her parents to the last airplane crash, ayear ago. And now Scott, on a return trip for their wedding.
How farther could her faith be stretched? Grandma feared the girl would break this time.
Shortly Claire’s phone vibrated. Grandma answered.
After listening without speaking, Grandma’s eyes watered. Claire’s worst fear was now confirmed. She sobbed even more
“Wipe your tears, dear,” Grandma however said, a smile breaking through her tears,
Claire didn’t understand.
“That was from the airport,” Grandma explained, “Scott’s chair was empty before takeoff,”
He had missed his flight.
Before those words sunk in, Claire’s phone rang again: Scott.
Claire picked her bible, swore: “I will never doubt you again Father”

The Empty Chair trail on #freewrite Continues ....


He missed his flight!!! Finding that out gave my heart such a rush!! (Now you have me emotionally invested, well done!)

I know! hhahh. The relief of finding finding out your greatest fear is not so, after all. Thanks @brisby, a lot.

Thank you for the kind words, my friend. Your writing makes it easy to support you. As someone who once questioned my Faith, this story moved me personally.

God works in mysterious ways. Our task, no easy one, by the way, is to trust in him still, and still. I wrote this particular story to honor him. I have seen his hand too, many times in my life's lowest points. When i have questioned, doubted...

Thanks again, for your selfless support.

Yes, he does. And you're most welcome.

While snacking on a tasty piece of Snook Fruit, I came across a delicious little platter of prompts left by the Goddess Marianne. As tempted as I was to keep them to myself, they looked too scrumptious not to share.

Freewrite Prompt Day 108

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