A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 11) - The Hours Between 1500 and 1600

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

This is a continuation of the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the previous chapters to catch up with the story. Enjoy!

<< Chapter 10


The multi-talented @verbal-d has bestowed a wonderful gift for this story. To enhance the reading experience, play this on loop in the background as you read this chapter. Please be sure to follow and donate to @verbal-d!

I lay in my bunk, unmoving, for what seemed like hours. Ideas swirled in my head like common thought. This sitting — rather lying — still really does wonders to strategic planning. I've played and replayed scenarios over and over, trying to come up with the best possible outcome.

    "Think of where you will land before you leap off the cliff." This must be what the elders of my village always used to say. This was the sabiduria that they were referring to. If only we had listened, we wouldn't be in this mess. That is ... if there are still others like me.

They were elders for a reason. The wisdom they held was from countless study, practice and experience. If they weren't any good at what they do, they wouldn't have lived as long as they did. If only I ... If only—

No, that's ... Dwelling in the past won't do me any good. The best I could do now was to avenge my people. Causing the downfall of these giants — all of these giants — would be the best way to honor their memory.

To be honest, I don't remember much from my youth. I recall things in passing, but I ... I never really have a concrete recollection. Every day I spend here in this prison, every water treatment, every ... Every second spent was one less memory of days past.

The Chachapo— No, that's not right. Cha? Chacha? I lika do da cha cha. Was that it? Wait, no. I've heard that somewhere before. Has a ring to it. What was I thinking about? Oh! The Sachaphoyans, my people, are ... They would ... I will be with them again. Some day soon. I will be with them in the wind. Up in the mountains, down the river, wherever the winds will blow.

My eyes welled up, but I did my best to contain my tears from spilling. I let out a yawn to justify the precipitation around my eyes. The ceiling stared back at me mockingly. It was the only thing that separated me from the sky above. One day, I shall pierce through it with the full might of my viento. We'll see then who will be the one mocking.

I stood up slowly, still a bit exhausted. Gingerly, I walked toward Teten to initiate my plan. Since she was in league with the giants, I won't reveal to her the full extent of my plan. She'll be my pawn to get into the giants' good graces, the chink in their armor.

    "Teten," I whispered to her, while my hand was softly shaking her right calf. "Are you awake?"

    "Go away," she replied, sobbing. Her sniffling and sniveling made it hard to comprehend what she was saying.

Normally, I wouldn't have the patience to ask her why she was grief-stricken, in fact, I was a bit delighted. But, now would be the best time to get on her good graces. If only I could offer her consolation for whatever was ailing her. That way, she would definitely feel gratitude towards me.

    "No, come on," I followed, sympathetically. "Tell me what's wrong."

She moved further away, and curled herself into a ball. All that time, she kept sobbing while trying to mute her weeping with her pillow. It's not for me to say, but it wasn't all that effective.

I sat on her bed, with my back against hers, and placed my hand in the middle of her back. Gently, I started to rub it up and down, in hopes of reinvigorating her healing chi.

    "There, there," I told her, while trying to focus my viento on my palm. With whatever small amount of energy I had left, I couldn't believe that I was wasting it to heal a traitor. This was me aiming toward where I'll land way before I jumped off a cliff. "It'll all be alright."

    "Go away, Ledd!" she pleaded. "Please leave me alone."

    "Look, I-I ... I know that we haven't always met eye to eye. You've made mistakes, I've had some faults, and you ... Well, what I'm trying to say is that even though it's mostly your fault, and some of mine, but mostly yours, I—"

    "Please! Just ... Ugh! Please go away. I just ... I can't deal with this right now. Just go!"

    "Why I ... You don't," I stammered, thinking about my next move. Keep it together, Ledd. There's no use in starting another confrontation. Remember, you've beaten her before, almost to an inch of her life. Your presence might've just jogged that memory of your viento almost hitting her. I mean, I would be terrified if I was her. "Yes, that's right. Oh, wait, no. I didn't mean to ... Wait, let me start over."

    "Ledd let's go," interrupted Mamie, grabbing me by my torso and carrying me outside. "Let's leave Teten be to rest."

    "Rest? She's fine! Tell her, Teten. Unhand me, you giant!"

I should've known better than to even try to go toe-to-toe with these creatures in a test of strength. A mere slip-up. Breathe, Ledd. Keep calm. Sabiduria.

Mamie carried me to the outside corridor, closed the door behind her and set me down on the ground. She opened up the usually locked cedar-colored chest, and pulled out a variety of trinkets, which she later placed on the ground in front of me.

This chess game that these giants and I played was very strange. Favor swings from one direction to another in a matter of moments. This unpredictability should be something that I should take advantage of. I'll be the first to admit, they've won this round. Unbeknownst to them, it was an attempt to turn Teten against them. Might as well make a cannon or some sort of incendiary device out of these trinkets to repay the favor.

As far as I can remember, these trinkets have been here even before they captured me. They gave us free reign to do whatever we want with them. I've seen other prisoners take some out into the yard. The only thing that made the giants angry was whenever we don't return them to their proper storage.

What was the purpose of these seemingly random trinkets? Were they just meant to distract us from planning our escape? Did the giants just consider them scrap, that's why they pawned it off to us prisoners?

Since my readjusted strategy was that of thinking before leaping, I decided that I needed to do just that. Think, Ledd. There's a pattern to everything. If I stepped back a little, I could connect these trinkets somehow. I needed to find their true purpose.

In a way, all of us prisoners are like these trinkets. We all came from different backgrounds, different places, but if we manage to band together and find a right combination of all our abilities, we could create magnificent feats. I'm sure of it. I mean, why else would these giants bother keeping all of us here if they didn't have any use for us? Why would these giants place us in separate fortresses?

As I looked out the window, all I saw was potential. Somewhere out there, I know there are prisoners who skill that complement mine. I just hope they belong in the same prison as I do. They don't know it yet, but they hold the key to not only our freedom, but our victory against our titanic captors.

I unhinged parts of one trinket and attached it to another. Playing around with different combinations, I tried to create something useful. At times it felt like I was onto something, but I end up with an amalgamated piece of useless junk. My head throbbed as I stressed about which combination to use. What am I not seeing?

The sun illuminated the corridor. Its rays reflected against the colorful curtains that adorned the windows. Beside our sleeping quarters was another room that served as Dadier's station. Deafening music usually blared out from there. It made the wooden floor vibrate, but it wasn't the case this time. His failure in recapturing me might be the cause of the somber mood. The honor and reward was rightfully taken by that equally dreadful Potalaga. If I ever get my hands on him, he'll wish he had never brought me back to this prison.

I snuck in and peeked at what Dadier was up to. It's not that I missed him, but it's been awhile since our paths have crossed. I'm not exactly sure, but I think I have yet to meet him ever since my return after all those years.

The giant sat hunched up in his black mobile throne, staring at his humongous picture screen. From there he had a clear view of everything going on in the prison, and maybe even the whole world. His fat fingers typed heavily on, I don't even know what to call that device. A kibo? I remember him saying it was a kibo. Yes, that's right. It was a kibo. His fat fingers typed heavily on the kibo. The nimbleness of his fingers was quite remarkable. He used the kibo to change the display of the picture screen.

Dadier let out a yawn as he stretched his arms. He grabbed hold of a crystalline flagon and took a swill of some liquid concoction. After a few moments, the giant belched an ungodly roar. It was loud enough to shake the very foundations of the fortress.

This was what I was afraid of. It seems that the giants only grew stronger in my absence. A readjusted strategy couldn't have come at a more opportune time.

As I was heading back to the corridor, I tripped on a stray trinket and fell on my knees. I had been careful not to make a noise, but the sound of my fall was loud enough to alert my towering adversary.

The giant turned his mobile throne around, and stared at me sardonically. Our eyes locked, as I held my position. I didn't want to make any sudden moves, so as not to initiate a physical encounter. He stood up, and cast a shadow that fully enveloped me. In turn, I stood as well, my eyes still locked in to his.

I rubbed my nose, and puffed out my chest. With a tone that masked any sort of intimidation, I greeted him. "We meet again."


<< Chapter 10

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



This is beautiful writing. I am going to follow you so I can continue this.

I gave you a vote courtesy of @htooms.


Thanks, man! :D I actually just caught up with that. I saw @htooms vote for it so I went on his profile. I can't believe I missed that before. Great job taking advantage of the opportunity, and I appreciate you spreading some whale love my way :D Just for commenting here, I followed you as well. I'm actually not on right now, but I will comment on your posts as soon as I log on. This was such a welcome sight to start my day. Thank you for the wonderful gift :D

Hey @theregularguy, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it. https://steemit.com/originalmusic/@verbal-d/m-m-m-29-sliver-s-edge-of-ledd-s-silver-lining-collaborative-art-journey-with-everlove-original-beat

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

Haha! I didn't get notified for this because this wasn't nested under me haha! No need to reply here, bro. I'm just doing a By the Numbers of the entire series.

Chapter two was really really well done and so descriptive. As I finished it, and read the comments below, I noticed you mentioned to @dreemit that this is your first attempt writing in first person and from the perspective of Ledd in particular so you wanted to stay true to the voice. I think you did a fantastic job. You also mentioned how you had to be careful of the wording choice, but I don't think you should limit yourself by any means, with words like "carapace", "revolting", "grotesque" and "loathsome" used in Chapter 2, I felt that that definitely was great detailed explanations, but obviously not from a child's vocabulary unless they were truly well versed in literature.

I mention this because I feel you can continue to widen your vocabulary range because no matter how extensive and intricate your word choice becomes, the way you write from the perspective stays true to Ledd's interpretative perspective. And it's amazing. I just picture it as if I can speak in Ledd's native tongue and not the "alien" tongue and that Ledd is very well-versed and knowledgeable that I can understand him and even learn new words.

I loved the pillow smothering scene because it is raw and truthful and to an irrational child, that it's a quick solution to another crying baby. Haha, glad nothing too serious happened and I simply loved the chase scene and attempts to escape. Great job bro. Let your words flow, no matter what!

Thank you, my bro! "Revolting", "grotesque" and "loathsome" are actually quite commonly used here. One might argue that they're more commonly used that common English words haha! "Carapace" was the one I was on the fence about, but it was something taught early on in Science subjects. I asked around if people knew what it meant, and when I calculated an acceptable percentage, I included that in.

The suggestion is appreciated, bro, and I definitely do that from time to time in my other works. I really love to stretch that range on third-person narratives, since I'm the narrator haha You'll find out later in the story how Ledd became well-versed with unusual words :D

I'm very glad you appreciated the pillow smothering scene. My thought process there was, "what's the simplest way to shut this thing up?" I derived that from observing Zepp's actions (and some of my own back when I was a child) You're on point when you mentioned how it was raw. He doesn't know the implication of his actions, so I wanted him to act very untethered to the consequences. Appreciate the compliments, brother! Definitely honored to have your continued support :D

You're most welcome bro. Glad to support. And I look forward to seeing how Ledd became well-versed with unusual words. I just read Silver Lining #2 and I learned that his father "Dadier" aka Erwin, is a US-based company transcriptionist/freelancer, so maybe he had a lot to do with introducing new terminology to his son, I will find out soon enough. Your breakdown of the characters was refreshing and what a wonderful family photo of them. I'm continuing onward to Chapter 3. Woossshhhh

WOAH! :o I didn't know you would catch up so soon! You're such a fast reader! Here I am waiting on Part 3 of Harmony's Song, then I'm surprised by the amount of comments you left haha! I really hope this doesn't delay part 3, bro. I'll reply to each and every one of your comments to acknowledge all your effort. Since my votes are now worth a couple of cents, I have some compensation to give you as well.

Good catch! That's one aspect of it. But, the other ones would be mentioned in much later chapters. Though, it's more of a subtle nod to it. I'm glad you appreciated the SILVER LINING for this. You'll see that I introduce different approaches to it.

I like this turn, the idea that he now needs to think strategy rather than just keep acting and reacting. It's a really neat way to bring development to the story. His failing to quite understand the reason for the toys is very interesting to me, as I imagine Thane viewing them in much the same way when he was young. He had a huge playroom but would far prefer to watch sand sift through his fingers and fall to the ground then touch an action figure which he seemed to have no use for. And I continue to love the way you portray the relationships that he has, his view of them as well as giving us an idea of their view in a really subtly brilliant way.

(I noticed there were a number of sentences that contained the stars for italics but were not quite in the right place to create the italics ;)

First of all, I would just like to express my sincerest gratitude for the continued support you have bestowed upon me, my friend! :D You always vouch for me in random places, and I always find it heartwarming whenever I see the shout out. I try to do the same for you whenever I can, sadly I don't have the same @dreemit charisma :D

That decision was really a pivot point that drives this third of the story. It's funny how he's come a long way (in his mind) and yet it had only been less than half a day in the real world. The toys thing will play a bigger(-ish) part later on :D

I'm sure Thane saw it the same way as well! I've put a lot of research regarding this aspect, and the scenario you mentioned is definitely the norm. I remember I gave two godsons (1 and 2 years old) a Christmas gift a while back, and they seemed to enjoy the box more than the content. Thane and Zepp operate in the same way since their cognitive function is delayed. In Zepp's case, it's exactly the same as the babies' so the reaction was justified.

Again, thank you for your undying support. I definitely would've stopped posting regularly if it weren't for your interaction. Truly a magnificent treasure :D

Thanks for pointing out the formatting errors, my friend! Good catch! I'll get right on it! Good looking out :D

There's some language glitches that started waking my internal editor up, fortunately I only just finished the first coffee for the day and was able to knock it on t he head. I don't know if they are actually things that need to be edited or if it's just showing the normally articulate (to us and his fellow inmates at least) Ledd is starting to feel the effects of the insidious brainwashing, after reading the whole chapter I'm choosing to go with the latter :P

You've made mistakes, I've had some faults, and you ... Well, what I'm trying to say is that even though it's mostly your fault, and some of mine, but mostly yours, I—

LoL yep real smooth Ledd, real smooth XD I cackled like a lunatic at that point. Fortunately the people in the house are used to me and already think I'm insane otherwise they would...think I'm insane.

HAHA! I just knew you would spot that! Good eye! That's actually an intentional meta-joke, see how I started it with "You've made mistakes"? You're right in assuming that it's Ledd feeling the after-effects, though its the fever rather than the brainwashing :) I wanted to showcase Ledd's attempt at trying to be friendly there, but not letting past faults go. He's a pretty resentful little guy haha!

I've found a few things that need to be edited here and there, so feel free to comment any questionable things you spot. It would really be a huge help. This was written during the whirlwind NaNoWriMo last year so I'm sure that there a lot of errors peppered around. I'll let you know if it's intentional or a major blip on my part. I'm honest when it comes to errors that I've made haha!

Thank you for your continued support, my friend! Looking forward to correcting the errors you spot :D

There were only a couple :)

I lied in my bunk, unmoving,

I think you need "lay" as I'm retty sure "lied" is only the past tense of opposite of truth.

This sitting, rather lying, still really does wonders to strategic planning.

Maybe better to use dashes like so:

This sitting -- rather lying -- still really does wonders to strategic planning

but then again I'm not actually sure how to use those types of dashes correctly!

And either you fixed the rest while fixing the formatting or I was just having comprehension issues with my lack of coffee XD

Haha! Already corrected :D It's funny, I left a couple on my comment to your work as well. I really enjoyed this tit-for-tat editing haha The benefits of interacting with a fellow writer. I can't believe I missed that! And it was right at the very beginning, too! The dash thing can be used interchangeably with the comma, but its main purpose is for readability. (Source) I changed it all the same. Thanks for those notes! Highly appreciated :D

Hey @ryivhnn, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it. https://steemit.com/originalmusic/@verbal-d/m-m-m-29-sliver-s-edge-of-ledd-s-silver-lining-collaborative-art-journey-with-everlove-original-beat

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

Chapter 4 was indeed a treat for the mind. I literally have a handful of quotes that made me want to copy and paste them here, so I shall. "The giants' fascination with eating in unison at a designated location was much too baffling to comprehend. How could they bear to sit still in one location for hours? At least it answers their penchant for prisons."

"Mamie emerged from the door and walked slowly towards me. She wore a red armor made from the same silken material the other giants adorned themselves with. Calling out my name, she let out a smile that seemed to signal her victory.

I smiled back, acknowledging my foiled attempt. Quivering a little, all that was left to do was to give in to capture. I knew when to admit defeat. I held up my arms as she hoisted me up and then carried me back inside the grim fortress."

" Eddie was force fed the same way I was but Teten had already attained the right to feed herself. In fact, Teten had grown enough that she didn't need her food to be chopped into small pieces. Could those giants be lacing the food with a serum that would transform us into one of them?"

"Unlike Teten and I, this wretched little creature seemed to grow horizontally rather than vertically. His plump figure robbed him of the ability to walk or stand on his own."

And my top favorite for this chapter

"What have those wretched giants fed me? Tranquilizers? Was I subjected to hypnosis?"

This genuinely made me laugh, you capture everything so fantastically, that I feel these speak for themselves. Onward to Silver Lining # 4 I trek

Siesta is a big thing here, so that was a huge influence for the after-meal grogginess. Wow! I didn't realize there were so many quotable quotes here. I see you and @ausbitbank share a favorite quote haha! I never knew it would have that kind of reception. To be honest, I had a hard time writing this because this was coming from one of my favorite chapters. I really felt that this was one of the weaker chapters, but I'm so happy about your reception to this. Coming from someone whose talents I deeply admire, your compliments mean a lot, brother!

Oh! Chapter 4 was around the time we got to interact more regularly. That's so cool! This is when we competed in the same round of @papa-pepper's Wild and Strange contest. Talk about coincidence!

Nice name breakdown in Silver Lining 4, I too also didn't make the cut for steem guild or curie although I received a few votes here and there but not consistently. It's been many months since I last saw them up vote me. Hope more whales back this initiative. "I'm just a simple storyteller hoping to use my craft to help other people"
A simple storyteller is such an undermining description to your abilities, talents and skills. Love the humbleness though.

I try not to think about them anymore. I mean, I have no hard feelings towards them. I'm thankful for the curie support back then. But, they really got my hopes up when they continually mentioned that steem guild would catch me. Sadly, that didn't come to pass.

I hope you didn't take it as humble bragging, bro, because that's surely not the case. In my mind, I'm just trying to tell stories, hoping readers/listeners would be entertained. I'm just so happy at the reception I've been getting for this. Warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye :'D

Chapter 3 was simply fantastic and such a thrilling experience to relive Ledd's childhood days as he pictures himself in battle, constant struggle for his escape of his imprisonment. I loved every aspect and pick up on the torture scene very easily so nice transition between both the real world and the interpretive narrative. My favorite parts, which were many, but I'll name a couple, were the reoccurring thoughts of him losing his wind manipulating armas, the shampoo/conditioner attack, and the overall "tactics" of affection Dadier shows with light hearted laughter towards Ledd. I don't want to overwrite this one, I'm ready to dive in, I feel the momentum building already. Onto Silver Lining 3 to ease my fast lane journey to Chapter 11.

Haha! Definitely one of my favorite chapters to write. I'm glad you enjoyed the shampoo attack. I really wanted to portray the struggle parents feel when they're trying to give their young kid a bath.. but from the child's perspective. I tried to find a reason why he can't use his powers all that much, or else I would've written a fight scene in every chapter of the book. Then I thought, "Oh bubbles!"

Aargh, how could i almost miss this!! I blame your erratic posting schedule ;0) See how magnanimous i am? I must have some similarities with Ledd. Another great installment dude!! We meet again!

Aha! It was a test, and you passed, brother! Really though, I'm just trying to experiment with the posting times. It used to be that I was able to reach $20, but now I'm just averaging $5. Can't complain though, the interaction I've been receiving is off the chain, and arguably better than my higher earning posts.

I must have some similarities with Ledd.

Is is that? Or did I invent time travel, traveled to the past, ate the very first corndog, then traveled to your childhood home and observed you when you were playing? Not for me to say, but in another life you called me "Uncle Fergus" :/

Lol, now my head is spinning. Wait? We're you my childhood dog, was that you're disguise!

Lol yeah, i remember those posts. Languishing at a couple of dollars then boom twenty odd. Happy days indeed!

Sssh don't tell anyone else. Lycanthrope has always been my favorite party trick ;)

Now I'm wishing my time machine was real so that we could roll back those times haha! Times like this I really miss @dantheman :( If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have tasted that sweet sweet three-digit earnings!

Three digits! I remember a few posts earning that. It was wild. I forever thought it couldnt last and i am amazed sometimes that it has to an extent. Not the triple figure payouts but the payouts themselves. I wonder where we will be in a years time?

A few?! Now, that's wild! Man, when I said I experienced it, I only meant one :/

My optimistic guess: instead of just getting paid for our posts, people will pay us to post. Panic in the streets whenever we miss a scheduled post. Riots all over downtown whenever we're late even for a minute.

My pessimistic guess: the whole world has been taken over by the Robot Apocalypse, and the revolution started entirely... in the blockchain dun dun dun!!!

Oh shoot! I completely spaced! I meant to include this photo in my previous reply. When I saw this, I immediately thought of you for some reason haha!


Nesting limit nonsense

Good lord, what is that? Glasses in bread!!! Someone baked a loaf with glasses in it!?!

Lol, at the hundreds of dollars. Yeah. I was lucky enough to be on back in the day, so some of my posts made a few hundred bucks here and there. I remember one made 700!

Hey @meesterboom, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it. https://steemit.com/originalmusic/@verbal-d/m-m-m-29-sliver-s-edge-of-ledd-s-silver-lining-collaborative-art-journey-with-everlove-original-beat

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

After covering Silver Lining 3 in its entirety, I can completely resonate and relate to your Rant and am so glad that you have continued to post your amazing original work to us who support you through the times of adversity and lack of appreciation or feedback both socially and monetarily. I can definitely share those same sentiments, yet low and behold, I find a way to keep inspiration and motivation to be a positive force in this platform and hope I can extend my help your way as best as I can. Chapter 2 wasn't so lengthy for a reader like me, so I look forward to the more drawn out Chapters. That shall not hinder my enjoyment at all. All the success to you brother for Zepp and his wonderfully loving and caring family, which includes you of course.

To be honest, I had completely forgotten that I have ranted there. Sorry about that. Much has changed since SILVER LINING #3. It's funny that your catch-up has lead me to reminisce on my past writing. You, @dreemit, @meesterboom, @ryivhnn and the others have been a huge help in keeping up my encouragement. My only wish is that I'm able to provide the same kind of support for you guys. I'm a slow reader, that's why Chapter 2 is already a hurdle for me. That's why I'm always surprised whenever I get through a lengthy story in one sitting. Notable exceptions are the times when I caught up on your novel, @dreemit's The Playground Series, and @ezzy's Symbiotic Protocol :D

After Part 2 of Chapter 5, I'm completely invested and stand by my "favorite novel" on steemit thus far, and you know I'm currently reading many. I relived every childhood moment with Ledd and his suspicions of Tetans loyalty and being a spy were hilariously spot on. Ayesha would make a great ally and I was rooting for him when he landed the arrow shot, his attempt to fly and finally his enthralling feat of mastering the art of the spheroid with the fused power of his armas returning with a renewed viento.

I really want to hearken back to those days when childhood problems seem like it's the end of the world, when adults were just laughing at us. The real Ayesa had hit me with that arrow, and let me tell you bro, it really hurts! That plastic toy really packs a punch. Fused with viento, now that's a deadly combination!

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