The blind date - Chapter 12 - Fiction

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


“My doll….” Olivia shouted in vain, and was just about to come closer when James signaled to her to stay where she is. He indicated to her to keep quiet. She obviously was not aware of the tiny camera on the floor but James pointed towards the door and she realized that something was wrong.  

“Did you cut yourself?” She whispered. He shook his head and pointed with his finger to the door. 

“Get out of here Olivia” he whispered back. He bent to pick up the camera and showed her the tiny camera. 

He turned to walk out of the room and dropped the small camera in her jewellery case displayed on the dresser. He grabbed Olivia’s jersey from the floor and walked out of the room. He found Olivia in the kitchen crying. He handed her the jersey.   

“Why would he do such a thing? That bastard! Invading my privacy like that. I can’t stay here tonight. Could we go to your place?”  

James nodded. “Yes, you can stay there as long as you want, but Olivia I honestly think it is time that we brought in the police. This guy is now pushing his luck."  

James took out his phone and dialed the number. Olivia went to her bedroom and packed some clothes in an overnight bag. She fetched her toiletries in the bathroom and then put on her sneakers. When she got back to the kitchen, she switched on the kettle and made them each a cup of coffee. 

There was a knock on the door and James left to open the door for the detective. He brought the detective to the kitchen and she offered him some coffee. It was cold outside so he happily accepted. He introduced himself as detective Harding and took a seat at the kitchen counter. He took out a small book and a pen.  

“So…Let us start at the beginning. Tell me the whole story.” 

Olivia started to tell him everything. She literally started from the day she met Jean Pierre, up to where they ended up today. 

“Wow that is quite a story.”  Detective Harding said. “Would you mind if I had a look at the painting?” 

James fetched the painting and handed it to the detective.  “Let’s see what we have here.” He took a pocket knife attached to his belt, and carefully cut the paper on the frame to loosen the backside of the painting.  

"Perfect. Here it is." 

He lifted the painting and held it against the light. There was a very tiny hole drilled into the painting, and you could see the light shining through clearly. Attached was a very tiny camera. Similar to the one found inside the doll.  James fetched the jewellery box and handed it to the detective. 

"Look in there. You will find the other one in there."  

“If you are willing to come down to the station tomorrow and make a statement, we might just have enough to catch this guy. I’ll go to the studio in the morning, to see if I can talk to our suspect. It is too late in the evening and it wouldn’t help now. He already knows that he's been caught out, but if I sum up his type correctly, I can assure you that he would stick around. After all his efforts, he is not just going to let you go, but I do suggest that you stay somewhere else in the meantime."  

Olivia pointed to her bag and told him that she planned to stay with James.  

"I do hope that you will be careful for the next few days until we have this guy behind bars." 

"Thank you for your time detective. We will be there in the morning" James said and walked with him to the front door.  

"Look after her, she is pretty vulnerable now.  She needs you now." 

"I will make sure that she stays safe detective. I appreciate your effort."

James walked back to the kitchen and picked up her bag.  "Come on sweetheart, let's get you out of here."           

To be continued

Chapter 1 - 

Chapter 2 - 

Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4 -

Chapter 5 -

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7 -

Chapter 8 -

Chapter 9 -

Chapter 10-

Chapter 11-



@giantbear, I went back to the first chapter to read the entire story. I finally got caught up and just absolutely love this story. It is so intriguing and keeps one wanting more. You really are a very talented writer! I am amazed how you can write and let your story flow out!!!

I promise to read each chapter even if I don't always go onto Steemit. I still am a little under the weather so that is why I am not writing as much now. Once I get rid of my congestion, I will probably have more energy to get back on a more daily basis.

Please keep up your wonderful writing. I actually look forward to your stories. They are very easy to get caught up in and to bond with your characters. I am so happy to for you!!!

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Another episode that takes you into the tale, thanks @giantbear

That was some really nice storytelling! I think I'll go back and read the rest of the story. Also, Detective Harding is such a fitting name for a detective! I'm not really sure what makes it detectivey but it just sounds right.

Upvoted and followed!

I am so fasinated by your story please just keep writing please.

i want to read the next one!

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Another great story.... Thanks @gaintbear. You are awesome.

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