'Hidden in Plain Sight'

in #fantasy6 years ago

Chapter 10.2 of the English fiction novel: The War of Legendary Secrets!

Find all currently posted chapter exerts at the bottom of the page!

Hidden in Plain Sight


I felt a tear fall down my cheek,

as I mourned for Emery.

“I was detained by multiple demons, while I watched Dumitro’s son, Jarcul, rip apart my love... piece by piece. A part of me died that day, and I went into destruction mode I guess. I threw the demons off of me, and chased down Jarcul. Needless to say, he got what was coming to him.”

He bowed his head at that, in remembrance.

“I am so unbelievably sorry for you.”

He looked up.

“Well, hey now, don't...don't cry. It could of been worse. I have been here in this beautiful place ever since. I made people believe I had vanished, or died. I didn’t want to live without her, and I did not know what else to do, but be where she once was, here. Of course Itna threw a fit when I asked to stay behind, so I had to do it without anyone knowing. He sent search parties everywhere, so I heard. I don’t justify me hiding from him, but if he were me, he would understand.”

By this point, I was bawling.

It was so horribly lonely of a life to have lived.

“Do you still want to be here, alone?” I asked in between sobs.

“Do you mean, will I rejoin with Itna when he gets here?"

“Yes. Wait, what? How did...”


He remained quiet for some time before he spoke again. I was almost asleep, when I heard him whisper.

“I will return with Itna, if only to be of help to you.”

“Emery?” I mumbled quietly.


He came and squatted down next to my bed.

“I should have told you about Itna coming, though I am not supposed to, and I will most likely get in trouble for it, but I like you and I understand you.”

He leaned in to listen.

“Itna, and Kries, and Alexis, will be coming here tomorrow to get me. I wasn’t supposed to say anything to you, Itna forbid it. But you should know that he intends no harm, and cares about you.”

I reached over and held on to his arm.

"Is that so?" he smiled and patted my arm, "get some rest.”

As he started to stand up, I grabbed his arm again holding it in place.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Please don’t leave me. I...I find I do not do well falling asleep alone, will you at least sit by me until I fall asleep?” I begged.

He smiled.

“Yes. Kries has found a wonderful woman," he reached over and tucked me in, "I hope he deserves you.”*

“He does.”

I yawned and snuggled up to his arm, pretending it was Kries’s.

“Good.” he whispered as he pulled over his chair, sat down, and started up on his flute again.

I lied there and thought about Kries’s warm eyes, and how much they loved me. You could see it every time he looked at me. I missed his laugh, and the cute way he bunched his nose. It was funny what a person missed most. I started crying as I lied there, soaking Emery’s arm. He turned and looked at me, noticing the wetness.

“Hey… are you alright?”

He leaned down to my face, and wiped a tear away. Suddenly, I had a vision. I was standing in my white wedding gown, rubbing my stomach. I was laughing this time, not crying. I sat up and rubbed my stomach. Then, in excitement, I turned and hugged Emery’s arm.


He smiled.

“I just had a vision. I was standing in my wedding gown, rubbing my stomach and laughing. I think I’m pregnant.”

I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“That is wonderful, but why are you crying?”

He wiped another tear away.

“I miss him a lot, and I felt lost for a minute.”

I smiled and laid my head back on his arm.

“You’re not lost. You were found. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he smiled, “now... time to sleep.”

I lied there thinking about all the names we could use for this baby. By the time I had reached the J’s I had started to fall asleep. Emery waited until Clara’s breathing had steadied at an even pace for at least thirty minutes before he got up and went to his bed. The night was peaceful, and she had cleared up a lot of feelings for him. He was very grateful for her, and would do his best to leave this place as calmly as possible, for her sake.

'Oops the tea,'

he thought to himself. He climbed out of bed, and tip toed passed Clara to the fire, and moved the kettle. As he turned to leave to his room, he saw a set of green eyes staring in through the window near Clara’s bed. Realizing that it was a demon, he decided it was best if he sat next to her through the night, as a Demon could not harm her if he was there.

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Rose Schreiber. Copyright 2017. Not for reproduction or republication.

All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter 1.2-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter I.3-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter 2-A Gala to Remember


Chapter 2.2-A Gala to Remember


Chapter 3-A Hatfield Distraction


Chapter 3.2-A Hatfield Distraction


Chapter 4-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 4.2-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 4.3-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 5-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 5.2-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 5.3-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 6-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 6.2-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 6.3-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 7-It's Not What It Seems


Chapter 7.2-It's Not What It Seems


Chapter 7.3-It's Not What It Seems


Chapter 8-For Here Evil Things Reside


Chapter 8.2-For Here Evil Things Reside


Chapter 8.3: The End of Part 1: For Here Evil Things Reside


Chapter 9-The Beginning of Part 2: The Lost Lighthouse


Chapter 9.2-The Lost Lighthouse and the Sexy Greek


Chapter 9.3-The Lost Lighthouse and the Sexy Greek


Chapter 10-Hidden in Plain Sight


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