'For Here Evil Things Reside'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago

Chapter 8 from the English Fiction Novel: The War of Legendary Secrets!

Find all currently posted chapter exerts at the bottom of the page!

For Here Evil Things Reside


Hearing the sound of the key in my cabin door,

I rolled over just in time to see Dumitro entering. He spoke to a couple of men, who in response cleared off my entire table. Then, two separate men came in and redid it, spreading the table with more amazingly good smelling food. I rolled back over and lied there. Dumitro came around the side of the bed and squatted down, making him eye level.

“How did you sleep, my love?”

'My love? Really laying it on thick there don’t you think?' I thought to myself, making sure to block him from my thoughts.

“Been better.”

“Breakfast is here, get dressed and eat. I also placed some books in here so that you might have something to do, as well as your bag from your previous trip.”

I glowed for a second realizing that my bag was now with me.

“Good you are happy. I will see you at the next meal.”

As soon as he had locked the door

behind him, I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and sat down at the table. I hid my letter safely into my bag. I had clenched on to it all night, not letting it out of my sight, as I had tucked it into my dress when I had gone to the tide pool, and had made sure not to pull it out in front of Dumitro thus far. I ate as I looked through my pictures. This food is so good, I have never tasted anything like it, and I can’t focus or think about anything really when I’m eating it, why is that? I kept repeating this question in my head over and over again. When it came to me; what if the food had an enchantment upon it that made me feel like I was in a dreamlike state? It would explain why I wasn’t as panicky as I probably should have been. As much as I wanted to stop however, I couldn’t get myself to not eat any less. At least I am aware, I told myself. When I was done eating, I spread out my colors on the bed and sketched what I wanted to see for a change. Before I knew it, I had sketched two little kids in the sand. I started to cry as I threw the crumpled up picture across the room. I curled up in a ball on the bed and cried.

'Itna?' I thought.

'Yes? What ails you my dear? I feel there is something wrong,' he responded.

'Will you do me a favor?' I asked.


'Will you tell Kries that I love him and that I wish he were here with me, more than anything in the world, I just wish he were here?'

'I am afraid that might be hard to do, you see he was pulled into battle. The demons are openly attacking and we have no choice but to fight back, and protect those in the way. I have no contact with him right now, nor does Alexis.'

I started to cry harder.

'What do you mean pulled into battle? You are the leader. You could have kept him from harm's way. Why didn’t you keep him?'

I was so angry and scared, my hands started shaking violently. I decided to get up off the bed and pace.

'Ah, well I couldn’t. If I had of, he would have found out you were marrying Dumitro and he would have ruined the plan. You must understand this Clara, if you do not marry Dumitro, you and Kries can never be together. Kries fighting is the best distraction for him right now.'

It didn’t make any sense to me, but seeing I wasn’t going to get anywhere fighting, I dropped it. I laid there in silence until I heard the key in the door again.

'That’s funny?' I thought, 'Dumitro isn’t coming back until the next meal.' I glanced at the clock. It seemed a little early for that.

When Kries was asked to fight in the war,

he was more than ready to agree. He could barely stand being away from Clara, and not knowing what was going on, was too much to bare. He knew fighting would be the kind of distraction he could throw himself into. The demons were currently attacking an all Greek occupied town called Cimpulung in the Transylvanian Alps. Kries and a team of Greeks headed out that night to aid the townspeople. When they arrived, they set up a camp outside the town, under camouflage of the trees. Not knowing when his next chance would be, Kries sat down in his tent to write another letter to Clara.

My dearest Clara,

I know you might not get to read this letter until we see each other again, as I am not sure that I have a way to get it to you until then, but I feel better writing to you, even knowing that, than not. I feel almost as if I am having a conversation with you, as if at any given moment you will answer back, or better yet, I will feel your touch, or the smell of your hair against me. It’s dark and rainy here. We (some of the other Greeks and me) have set up a camp in the trees outside of a small town called Cimpulung; it is full of Greeks in desperate need of our help. This will be good for me, I will be able to release some of my anger and anxiety by fighting, and be able to distract myself from the obvious pains of not knowing what is going on with you. I miss you so much Clara, I want you to know that no matter how hard things are right now; things will get better for us. If you can just hold out a little longer darling, I promise I’ll figure something out. I’ll figure out a way for us to be together all the time, even if we have to vanish on to an island where the demons can’t find us. Have faith in me, I am with you all the time, just close your eyes and listen and feel your heart and I am there. I have to go for now, but I will try to write again soon.

I love you, my flower. Your man of your dreams,

Battlefield: Day 1

When the key was removed

and the door finally opened, the person who entered my cabin was not Dumitre, to my shock.

“Ana? What are you doing in here?” I asked confused, climbing off of the bed.

I quickly thought to Dumitro, 'Why is Ana in my room?'

Ana didn’t say anything she just stared at me. It started to scare me.

“Ana? Are you alright?”

I backed up slightly. She moved forward.

'Dumitro!' I thought angrily.

Suddenly she leaped forward, landing on top of me, knocking me to the ground. At first I fought her hard, hitting her face, and pulling her hair, but just as it seemed I had no energy to do so anymore, she bit my shoulder. I saw Dumitro. grab Ana by the waist and throw her out the door, with an incredible force. He tried to pick me up but I fought him off, feeling fairly woozy.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed.

“I am only trying to help," he explained.

“I don’t care.”

Using the bed, I pulled myself up. I sat down on the bed, and then fell back, too dizzy and tired to hold myself up.

“You should know, because of what she did, you will become a demon.”

Follow me @frolickinraptors!

Join the #onehumanbasket poetry movement @robyneggs!

Rose Schreiber. Copyright 2017. Not for reproduction or republication.

All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter 1.2-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter I.3-1882: The Start of Something New


Chapter 2-A Gala to Remember


Chapter 2.2-A Gala to Remember


Chapter 3-A Hatfield Distraction


Chapter 3.2-A Hatfield Distraction


Chapter 4-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 4.2-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 4.3-The Stuff of Nightmares


Chapter 5-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 5.2-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 5.3-Traveling Dangerously


Chapter 6-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 6.2-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 6.3-Itna, the Ancient Greek


Chapter 7-It's Not What It Seems


Chapter 7.2-It's Not What It Seems


Chapter 7.3-It's Not What It Seems



great post♥♥ thank you for sharing ♥ keep going

Thank you! Followed you!
-Frolicking Raptors

that is great post ^-^ Thanks for sharing . following you

Thank you! Followed you back!
-Frolicking Raptors

such a nice story of yours @frolickinraptors .. Happy to see your back in blogging :)

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