Does the Steemit Platform Need to Mature?

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Correlations Between Price & User Activity

I've been noticing some strange correlations lately between Steem price and User Activity. It would seem that the blockchain still has some maturing to do. As the price of Steem drops, so does the amount of posts, comments, and upvotes. And it makes absolutely no sense to me. Let's discuss it in today's @dlive video!

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Very interesting video for somebody new like me. I found your Steemit videos on Youtube and they help me a lot. It´s good to have people that help others. Keep up your work. By the way. I´m living in Chiang Mai - Thailand. I hope you have a lot of fun at your trip in South East Asia. Resteemed.

Hey @billy-thai, thanks for your comment. And I appeciate it! We're actually walking out the door now to head to the airport. :)

Btw, you won today's random comment upvote from the @brandonfrye upvote bot and it will upvote your comment above shortly. Congraulations!!

Thank you. I can need help to start here. Have a great trip.

Ya I am almost into my 3rd week here. I worry about how this will go forward. I plan to stay but it seem that people expect to get so much money so fast here that after a few post not earning they leave. I need to look into the team cause I want to know what steemit is going to add. I really fell we need another tab other than followers for friends. It would be nice to have a second feed that I could filter down to the real people I want to follow. So I could also have one to follow the good causes and whales. I enjoy your post have been helping me a lot as I learn how this site works.

Sounds like you have the right mindset. Unfortunately people will come and go, if they come for the wrong reasons. I have a long-term vision here and sounds like you do as well. That's exactly what has paid off for the folks who came here back in 2016. :)

And I'm glad to hear my videos have been helpful. Please feel free to let me know if there's anything you need support with. Always glad to help!

Great stuff Brandon. I love your thinking, I see it too. Luke Steemwalker @investing

Actually it makes more sense to post when the price is low because of the fact that there are less articles to split the reward pool among so you stand a better chance to make higher steem and sbd rewards - therefore those who post when the price is low actually earn MORE (in steem and SP terms) ...

I've always said...Humanity has the attention span of a goldfish lol

But you hit the nail on the head....Not many are looking at the long term potential of not only STEEM but also the entire crypto space.

Now is not the time to sell. If anything, it's the time to USE this stuff more and BUY it more as well.

It goes against EVERYTHING human beings are programmed to do lol And it's a tough sell....Run into the fire!

Long term goals here folks....You have to have the right mentality and stay the course.

BTW - Have a good trip man. Enjoy it! Looking forward to following along on your guys' adventure.

Thanks John, we're finishing up our packing now. Then it's off to LAX tomorrow, and finally Shanghai by tomorrow night/morning/whatever it'll be LOL. Look forward to sharing the journey with everyone!

Yes that is disappointing. I know one guy who disappears for months and then steem comes up and he magically has free time. I just roll my eyes. If one doesn't build and maintain a community, he will be left out in the cold when the price goes up. But I understand for some ... it can be a little disheartening when you put your heart into creating a post and no one sees it. And we still don't have our view counts back and so you don't have an indication of off platform traffic.

I look at these lulls as a chance to get to know more consistence steemers ... the platform clears out a little and it is easier to get seen and build stronger connections. My SP keeps growing, although admittedly slower but you gotta keep going:) The more SP you have saved up for the good times, the better the good times will be.

That really is sad. Some people just don't get what we have here. And you bring up a very good point; this is a great opportunity to find out who really is here for the community. I already know you're one of them :)

Come check out my blog if you have time today ... I touch on this lightly; it might cheer you up ... if you need cheering up on your way to the tropical beach ... lol:)

I think the challenge is for those who are new have so little SP that they cannot have much influence when they use their votes, particularly when upvoting their own posts. I remember seeing $0.01 pop up when I voted but that was when STEEM was above $4. Now I see upvotes at $0.00 so that could be unmotivating for some users. I think we need to support new users much more. Some of us with SP focus too much on curation rewards when it may be a better thought to use our upvotes on newer users with little SP to help them build their influence which will also motivate them.

I think you're right; we have to continue to find ways to incentivize new users here. Did you see the recent post by @steemitblog? It isn't exactly a complete solutions to bandwidth, but it HF20 will bring a more transparent approach to posting/bandwidth issues for users. I'm interested to see what it looks like when it rolls out.

Wow, I had not read this as its been a busy week. Very interesting to see how they works through the details here but it makes me think if given the change, STEEM will be more or less valuable? I guess I have to read through it because it feels as short term it may be worth getting more at the prices but it may not matter much longer term given the concept of RCs... Unsure but will need to review closely.

I still can’t completely wrap my head around it but it blows me away what they come out with. Some genius minds working on this blockchain no doubt.

You know something @brandonfrye I totally agree with you, and I see it in the Spanish speaking community all the time. unfortunately this community is not big, so we try to join in certain groups that require too much to upvote your post and make it a little more visible, all traffic is generated through them, and if they do not like your content, for more good than it is, just get lost.
but even they in their daily curation reports went from voting 70 post daily to only 35 or less, so what you say is true. I am not very good in English, I hope you understand haha, greetings.

Great video. I think the whole crypto market needs to mature. I believe we are very early to the game. Steem will raise again. These are just growing pains.

Good point, it's definitely not just us. Hard to believe (for those of us that've been in a while) but this market really is still brand new. Thanks for the comments, @bowentroyer!

I believe it's mostly shorts on futures that is killing the market no need for me to worry I haven't lost not even one penny. Good luck to all.

Interesting part to me it is like the Stock Market... :) Bitcoin is like the S&P for crypto. People get in high because it looks good to them. When it drops they are not as excited... So they slow down activity based on excitement level. You are right they are speculating and less buy in to platform! If you are using the tools as they were developed you will still earn more in the long term. I hope all of that makes sense! :)

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