30 Day Creative Post Challenge - Day 16 “What is your favorite music" tough one.......



I ran into this challenge started by @bkdbkd , it is a challenge where you are 'challenged' to post every day for a period of 30 days with a pre-defined subject in a rule-sheet. I first saw the challenge in a post from @s3rg3 . I thought it was nice idea, first for writing about different stuff everydat, but second to be part a chainreaction on steemit :)
The Original post you can find at 30 Day creative post challenge

So let’s start with day 16

Do you like music? What’s your favorite band? What’s your favorite concert ever?

Wow, nice question, hard to answer

First of all, YES I LIKE MUSIC, A LOT…….
The people that already follow me for some time have maybe seen my posts about music along the way. I’m an real “Music animal” and love a lot of different artists, I don’t have a really favorite band because there are so many good artist and good songs. I do listen more often to some artists in certain periods. When I went to a concert for instance, after the concert I will play that particular band or artist for a while, whole day…

So if I have to choose a favorite band at this time it will be the band I listen a lot to at this moment and that would be” John Mayer Trio”, John Mayer is a great musician but when he plays with the Trio (Steve Jordan and Pino Palladino) he takes his music to a complete other level. The three musicians are all virtuoso, when you put them together…..boy……un-be-lie-vable…

It is the great guitar play of John, the rhythm of Steve with the excellent basslines of pino and I am sold….

just take a look at this clip, and you know what I mean

What is your favorite concert ever?

I have been to a lot of concerts in my life, and they where all great in there own way. It was the people I was with, the band we watched or the show around it. They were all great.

I have been, among others, to:

  • Michael Jackson
  • Dreamtheater
  • Volbeat
  • Scorpions
  • Joe Satriani
  • Steve Vai
  • Victor Wooten
  • Marcus Miller
  • Joe Bonamassa
  • Camel
  • Tina Turner
  • Gloria Estefan & the Miami Sound Machine
  • Black Sabbath
  • And on…and on…and on….

The greatest concert though was the concert last September from Volbeat and it wasn’t even about Volbeat in particular. It was because I visited this concert with my youngest son Sam (11 years). Sam was already waiting for so long to see his heroes of Volbeat, and finally it was the moment.
We were standing right in front of the stage and enjoyed ourselves very much. For me it was really great to see him enjoying this great show. It was all about fireworks, loud guitars and all the songs that he already listened for years at home. And he even got on stage and took a picture with Volbeat’s frontman. This was for the both of us a night to remember, for him the Volbeat gig…For me seeing him so happy…..


If you like to join the 30-days contest, please follow these rules

  1. Use the hashtag , so @bkdbkd can find your blog!
  2. Share the link & the rules of this post and challenge in the end of your post so other users can find it too.
  3. Have fun!

For my other posts in this serie:

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 14 | Day 15



Family, that’s what it’s all about….


great post. thank you for sharing us

My pleasure, thank you !!

I'm currently on a haiku a day creative challenge. This one sounds great though.

It is indeed really fun !! Have a great day !!

I wish you the same.

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