30 Day Creative Post Challenge - Day 1

in #story7 years ago



I ran into this challenge started by @bkdbkd , it is a challenge where you are 'challenged' to post every day for a period of 30 days with a pre-defined subject in a rule-sheet. I first saw the challenge in a post from @s3rg3 . I thought it was nice idea, first for writing about different stuff everydat, but second to be part a chainreaction on steemit :)

The Original post you can find at 30 Day creative post challenge

So lets start with day 1

Tell us where you live and three favorite things about this place with pictures

I live with my family (my lovely wife Esther and our two sons Senna (14) and Sam (12)) in the city of Zutphen, the Netherlands. Zutphen lies in the nort-east of the province "Gelderland". The population of Zutphen is round-about 47.000 people. It's a nice city to live in. It is not to big but certainly not to small... For us it is just right.

Zutphen is a "Hanzestad" which means that in back in the days Merchants used Zutphen as a 'safe harbour' with other city's to sell their goods. Other city's are for example Arheim, Deventer and Kampen. But there are many more.

The center of the city is old, a lot of shops are located in old buildings which makes shopping cozy. On the Marketplace you have a lot of terrases which are nice in the summer to have a cold drink or a nice bite.

The three things I like about this city

  • It isn't a to big city, which I like a lot. It's quiet, but not to quiet. Neighbourhoods are nice and decently.
  • For our kids there are enough choices in schools, good schools, so they won't have to travel far.
  • Most of our friends also live in Zutphen, so our local social live is mostly happing around Zutphen

If you like to join, please follow these rules

  1. Use the hashtag #creativepostchallenge, so @bkdbkd can find your blog!
  2. Share the link & the rules of this post and challenge in the end of your post so other users can find it too.
  3. Have fun!

The 30 days questions


Have a great day, and please participate. I'm curious about your answers

I'm nominating @hanen , good luck and have fun !!


Oh glad you joined it! And I need to visit Gelderland, I remember only being in Velp so far. Gonna put your city in my list, must be super chill during summer to sit outdoors in bars/cafes like that! Also charming architecture! Thanks for sharing it, cheers!

Yes I've joined and looking at the other questions of the next day's it is going to be fun.. Shared with pleasure !!, cheers !!

I have never visited Gelderland, in fact I barely explored the northern provinces. But I definitely need to go to Gelderland, it seems so beautiful.

Hi there :), Thank you Gelderland is indeed really beautiful. But there are some many nice places on this planet. Even in Holland itself which I never seen... So much to explore.. Take care !!

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