💸💸HOLY GUACAMOLE! 100 SBD=$300 USD Up For Grabs!💸💸

in #contest6 years ago

I decided to give away 100 SBD! Um... that's a lot of money for me, living in that whole nomadic/gypsy lifestyle bit!



I just want to show an example of how much money this actually is for me, living my lifestyle.

SBD's live price right now is $3.09 USD according to busy.org.

So, let's take 100SBD x 3.09 = $309 USD!


OK so here is an honest look at my current living expenses:

1 meal at nice restaurant= 50-75K ($3.80-$5.76 USD)
Rent (1 month): $175.00 USD
Electricity (1 month): 150K/$11.50 USD
Visa (Immigration, 2 months): $35USD
Groceries (1 week) 150K/$11.50 USD
You get it right? 100SBD or $300 USD is a lot of money for me.

It's not about the bills though, it's about the change!

Not the pocket change, the lifestyle change.

I'm not saying this to gloat or brag or win some sort of reward for being a hero (because I am certainly not!)... I'm telling you what the stakes are to me... or rather the lack of steaks are to me. (Corny vegan jokes!)

I'm willing to give that much away for someone to truly try to change their health because I believe it changes lives!

I put this challenge out 1 month ago to all of Steemit. I gave one week for everyone on here to jump on board. The reward: 100 SBD!

The catch?


22 days under my rules. See them here!

What were my rules? Quite simply: eliminate animal products from your diet/life for 22 whole days.

5 women accepted.

1 woman went MIA within the first week which was really disappointing but having studied nutrition as I have and coached clients through transitions, things like this are expected. Change is never easy.

4 woman took on the challenge until the end and the challenge technically ended yesterday!

We're going to hear from them soon as I will share their stories and I will be reviewing their posts to see who really put their heart into this challenge, who really tried to give it an honest go and who followed the simple rules I set to be able to ensure fairness for all! ;)

What's this all for?


Guys, I have told you once, I have told you twice, this girl was not ever the girl you'd suspect would turn vegan.

In fact, I scoffed at other vegans and told myself I would never be one of them.

Life had another plan for me because like it or not, asshole, judgmental voice inside my head- this lifestyle has saved my life!

I never hide any of this! I don't claim to be perfect. I've not gone my whole life living this way. I used to eat more meat lover's pizza and double patty burgers than anyone I know... and that is disgusting coming from a tiny little gal like me (who could out eat full grown men!)

I believe that becoming vegan (not eating animal products) not only changed my life, but saved it. It changed me and my life to the core of my being and I am so grateful for that, that I wanted to share this experience with anyone who was willing to try, even if it took a big incentive to do it!

22 days is what is proven to be the time to break a habit. Well, 21 days but we're playing it safe ;)

I talk about the benefits I have received all of the time so I won't get into that more here. If you're interested, I post tons of super healthy, good for you, feel your best while enjoying the most delicious foods life has to offer, recipes. You can check them out on my blog!


Intro to the players here!


Will the 22 day habit trick stick and some of them stay vegan?

We will have to see (I hope so!) Stay tuned!

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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

It's the best thing I have ever done for myself!
Here's a look at why!

💁Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!💁
Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
show some love.jpeg

Rewarding content we love, rewards us back! Yay for curation rewards!

Have you heard about #veganwednesday?
Check out the contest update here!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
🧀Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
🎂Special Power Cake!
🧀Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
🧀Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!
🥑You Won't Believe it's Not Magic! Double Chocolate Mousse (Avocado) Cake!

🌍I can show you the world!🌍
Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali
🌞Insta Famous? No, not me! The Picture!
💰Come on an Adventure to an Old Mining Cave and Waterfall!
Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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Gurllllll, we who survived and thrived in this challenge are all winners. I for one am grateful for you putting up this competition. Win or lose, I’ve gained a new understanding of health and I’m sooo grateful for you. 💜

Hey @kubbyelizabeth, I have finally got wifi at my house and am just catching up! Before that I had been reading your updates on my phone! I'm so happy to hear that you've learned and appreciated this challenge! I know it must not have been a wild ride but lucky for you, you have a competitive spirit :)

Great initiative here... Well done

The rules are indeed worth it with the said prize. It is really tough to beat

This post is discrimination to all vegans because they can't participate!!! 😋

And of course...I'm offended! :D

Hahaha well my friend, you don't need my moolah to convince you <3

I'm already vegan, that is why I'm saying this 🙂

Haha I know, that's why I said you don't need convincing ;)

SO...I won already?! 🤑☘️

;) I think your body would say yes!


Hey ! WoW ... is officially over. It was tough for sure... and at times frustrating to others because of my diet..hmmm, not sure how that works lol. Thank you again for this awesome contest ! xx

Hi my dear, thank you for sticking through! I just finally got connected to wifi and your prize should be waiting for you in your wallet! Great job! <3

3 years ago my son challenged me to eat vegan for 3 weeks. I actually ate the "Raw-till-4" vegan lifestyle. He was living at home at the time, and helped a lot with evening meals. It was tough for a while but by the end of the 3 weeks, it had become a routine, and I've been eating vegan ever since. I say eating vegan, because I have not fully bought into avoiding animal products in all aspects of my life. I have stopped buying new leather products, but still use my old ones, and still use wool. I use honey, I know that is up for debate even among vegans. Still, it has been an incredible benefit to me overall, and I applaud your effort to evangelize for the vegan community. Good luck and good work. My blog is primarily about birding/birdwatching, but I branch off into vegan, political, travel, health, and baseball matters too. I enjoy following your steemit posts.

Hi @birdbanter! What a great son ;) I have not been so successful with my parents, maybe I should send them over to you since they currently think I'm crazy ;) <3 It does take some adjustment, that is for sure but when that period of time is over, so many benefits start showing up! I know the whole vegan debate over everything can be intense but it sure sounds to me that you have made a huge change and I am so happy to hear that you're enjoying it <3

Oh my gosh!!! That is sooooooooooooo cheep!!! I have to come over for sure, lol.

Haha well I do feel a little bit bad because I didn't mention that I subsidize my food with what I import in (nuts, beans, pasta etc) so it is a little bit more than that but overall, if you make your own food it can be incredibly cheap to live here!

Great idea, I took a little persuasion for me to try veganism, I can still remember thinking they were being fussy if I ever had to cook for one. Now I have done a full turn and I am loving the benifits it has brought me. I’m still not always 100% but happy with my 99% veganism and I encourage others to try.
Enjoy namaste 🙏

Hey @byoga :) I know what you mean, I used to feel the same way. I would think, why do they need to make things so complicated? but it really is a lifestyle change and through feeling the benefits first hand are we able to fully come to this realization <3 I'm happy to hear you're healthy and loving it, that is my favorite thing to hear! =D

Looking forward to read from the people that made this challenge! Very exiting and they are really making a lifechanging experience (hopefully);)

Now I just have to send them over to you for continued inspiration and delicious recipes, they will never want to go back ;)

Awww so so sweet!! Thank you my love!!

@heart-to-heart Yay! This is my final post :) Loved the journey.
@splendorhub Vegan Challenge Final post

I'm so thrilled that you followed through the whole way @splendorhub! <3

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