A Favorite Freewrite You Read - And a Chance to Win

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 13 brought to you by Marianne

A Favorite Freewrite

We are almost at the end of the first two weeks of the Freewrite House and almost at the end to the Steem Basic Income giveaway. Two more chances - Today and Tomorrow!!

Use them, my friends. A constant vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

Today, we want to make it super easy on you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

So, to be entered into the drawing, tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why. Choose from the last couple of days so others can go, visit inspired by your description, and leave a vote.

Here are the contest rules again - I am sure you all know them by now...

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Is at least 50 words
    We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

9:02 PM Pacific time. 3/28/2018

Watch this space. There will be another chance to win tomorrow.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


I loved @deaconlee's Cinderella story which can be found here: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@deaconlee/day-157-5-minute-freewrite-sunday-prompt-before-midnight It was unique, funny and it was the best Cinderella story I have ever heard. It even ended with a happily ever after surprise which was so refreshing.
I also liked @mr-neil's story "Which day was I born?"which can be found here: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mr-neil/what-day-was-i-born-freewrite-story It was a fun read and the question he asked at the end was funny and perfect to go along with his story. These are both must read stories if you want a laugh.
I forgot to mention @omra-sky's story "Cinnamon The Monkey Medium." It is in 2 parts. The second part was unique and funny. Another great story that you don't want to miss for a good laugh. https://steemit.com/freewrite/@omra-sky/cinnamon-the-monkey-medium

Thank you. Please see my reply from @felt.buzz 😎

6 whatisnew

You are in!! Those all are very good recommendations. We know that it is hard to choose just a few and we will make it a regular feature at the Freewrite House. So many good writers!!! (mw)

Thank you @whatisnew! I always appreciate the support from you and the rest of the freewrite community.

I really liked @marcoriccardi's story yesterday for the prompt "scout".
I saw a lotta my Steemit journey in it. Always waiting for my VP to replenish before I show my
upvote love. I hadn't seen Marco lately so I wanted to see his latest story. I wish I could visit everyone's stories, everyday, but we are growing so much, it's hard to find the time.


2 Wonderwop

You are in!! We hear you!! It is almost impossible to visit all the wonderful freewriters on any given day. That is why we came up with the freewrite encouragers to make sure that every single freewriter is going to get eyes on their post!! Maybe you want to join the effort? (mw)

Well, I'd like to nominate @marie-jay. I always feel like she's a very underappreciated freewriter...I always love reading her stories, as they're full of surprising twists and vivid characters. They're endearing (well, some of them) and terrifying (the others), but most important, they make you feel. They make you see.
Nothing left to say and The leech were two stories that made the past week a bit more interesting for me and I really think she deserves to be checked out.

Why I liked these stories? Well, because they're real. Maybe they're not shiny and happy, but they're true to life and I think that's what stories should be about :)

1 honeydue

You are in the Drawing!! What a wonderful nomination. We also love her work and often wished that we are way more (voting) powerful to give much more appreciation!! (mw)

Perhaps it is because I'm impressed a simple prompt can lead you to a new chapter in an ongoing story, I love reading @svashta and his Wild West novel/serial. It takes a lot of effort to come up with something from the prompt "ooze" and fit it into your ongoing novel.

I also enjoy poety and loved a poem by @byn last week. I'm No Longer Your Nothing made me think of my own relationships. Sad, but so good.

I really enjoy pretty much everything produced by the #FreeWriters.

4 wordymouth

You are in!! Agreed!! It is amazing that @svashta has been able to keep it up for such a long time!! And @byn always amazes!!

What a great idea! Love it! I don't have much time today and tomorrow, but I'm so looking forward to reading all the stories I don't know yet! This comment is intentionally shorter than 50 words ;)

I would like to nominate @bleedinheart With the last weekend entry 3 part she turned a difficult freewrite into a story of girl power and taking control of one's life and learning to stand up for yourself. It's often not just a partner, but an immediate family member or even just someone you know who can be intimidating and inappropriate. She presented a funny but almost classic scenario of this and I especially love at the end when the main character tells her father where he'll find his stuff!! But I shouldn't give it all away. I liked it a lot and look forward to reading more of her work.


3 mysecondself01

You are in!! Thank you so much for your recommendation. She is a fine writer - that is for sure!! Going to give her some Freewrite House voting love right now 👍

I enjoyed @wordymouth post "The Perils of the Whiteboard." I enjoyed this freewrite as an example of how pacing makes a big difference in dialogue. This was not rushed dialogue, it flowed nicely to a punchline. I think just about anyone who has worked in an office or classroom has had the Sharpie on a whiteboard angst. Plus, the post made me laugh.


5 ghostsinahatbox

You are in!! Going to check it out now! Thank you for the recommendation. (mw)

I have read many, many freewrite stories that I truly enjoy/admire/appreciate. In fact, it would take me quite some time to scroll back through my comments and find all the freewrites that have impressed me. So I will settle for some recent ones. The Lola series by @freedomtowrite is very gripping. Also, @mysecondself01's "speaker" freewrite was thought-provoking. And then there was @deaconlee's story about potatoes. And there have been many others!

Thank you so much @scribblingramma! This shout-out made my morning!

8 scribblingramma

You are in!! We so agree with you!! There are so many good freewriters and freewrites! We think this will be a regular event at the Freewrite House! Tell us about your favorites....

This is such a tough question because I've regularly been impressed by some talented freewriters! I feel like I have not given enough support here lately though, and I want to change that. So, I'm excited to see so many people here recognized, and I'm going to be looking into them as soon as I can!!

I would like to take a sec and mention one writer who I, just recently, took a sec to start his story at the beginning, and now I feel like I'm reading a book I borrowed from the library! It's @bennettitalia series The Strangeling. I definitely recommend it, but start at the beginning!

That's a ridiculously huge complement about the library book, has me smiling ear to ear... especially because I feel the same way about your series!

I'm glad! And thank you!!

9 freedomtowrite

You are in!! Thank you for your recommendation and we agree with every word you wrote!!

Wow. I don't even know where to begin with this one... I've been so impressed and enjoyed everything I've read really. This is such a fun community, and the writers so talented, sometimes I wish I could spend the whole day reading! Over the next couple of weeks I want to work my way around to sampling one or two pieces from each writer, at the very least :)

At this moment I'm enthralled by @freedomtowrite's Lola series. The writing is just incredible, vivid and real, the pacing perfect. And I so admire @freedomtowrite's ability to find and describe meaningful little details that both signal the emotional states of the protagonist, and anchor the story in reality, drawing the reader into the scene. This is something I feel I could do better with in my own writing, and it's inspiring me to look for more of those kinds of details when I write.

10 bennettitalia

You are in the drawing. And we couldn't agree with you more!!! Also agree that we all wished we could spend all day just reading everyone's freewrites!! (mw)

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for all your kind words!!

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