I'm No Longer Your Nothing: 5 Minute Freewrite Poetry

in #freewrite6 years ago


You say I am nothing and make me feel
Like I'm just a broken axle and you're the wheel
of this life that we're living, but now I know it's not true
Because I am me, with or without YOU.

You kick me down with your words and your shame
but after all this time I know I'm not to blame
For your twisted views and your ugly words
I see you for what you are and what you are is absurd.

You have flung hate at me mixed and tempered with "love"
You will slap with with words and then think you can rise above
With a small gift or token or fake comforting, even
But it doesn't matter, Soon you will be grieving

The loss of my trust, my faith and my affection
I am turning away, going in my own direction.
I have finally found what is more important than trying to please you
and it is finding my own passion, making my own dreams come true.

All I can see now, when I look at you
Is someone to be pitied, who will never be true
You will never be happy, flinging your kinves
of hatred and venom and taking the lives
of all of us kids that were entrusted to you
and making us wish only that we could get love from you.

But that is no longer, I'm taking my stand
You do not define me, with your words or your hands
I am the only me that I have, no longer looking to you to accept me
I will take my steps forward no matter that you reject me.

I am strong, and I am making my way
I will get stronger a little each day
And then when I am done, I will no longer come home
And you and your anger can live happily alone.

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This is so wonderful and well written. I absolutely loved your poem and how you were able to transmit all that strength and put it into words.

"Finding my own passion"

I felt really identified <3

Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. <3

Echoing what many have said, with no less meaning: powerful

One of the most relatable lines for me:

I am the only me that I have,
no longer looking to you to accept me

I appreciate you sharing your slam poetry :)

Thank you. I think some part of me has had to make this realization several times and in several relationships throughout my life.

I appreciate your comments.

Empowering and poignant! I loved it! Each stanza reveals a new type of torment that was left behind. It reveals the depths of the pain and the strength given by self-love.
"The loss of my trust, my faith and my affection
I am turning away, going in my own direction" - really powerful!

Thank you! It very much flowed without thought. It's like just pure feelings in word form. :) I appreciate your support.

This is soooooooooo good @byn. Seriously. So oomphh!.

because I am me, with or without you.

So powerful. I love it.

Thank you!

I will get stronger a little each day
And then when I am done, I will no longer come home
And you and your anger can live happily alone.

BOOM! Yes, own your power. Love it!

Thank you! :) I was pleased with how the end came out!

This is so beautiful and powerful. I hope it was healing for you. I feel incredibly grateful to have had the parents I had. While they were far from perfect, I knew how much they loved me. Sending peace and healing to you.

Thank you. My mom was pretty amazing growing up, so I'm glad I had her!

A good mama makes all the difference.

Fantastic poem Byn! There are so many lines that I'd love to quote but I won't (since I'd be copying and pasting your poem back to you LOL)! Those types of angry, hateful lovers are nothing more than absurd. I hope that those who are in a relationship like this find that strength that you wrote of, and remember they deserve better and get the hell out and on with being happy in their lives!

Today's prompt is brought to you by one of our resident Trolls, Bridgewaterer. He's traveling the town of Freewrite, doing community service as reparations for skimming profits at the Troll Scouts Bake Sale.

Freewrite Day 155 - whiteboard

That is a very empowering poem @byn, I hope that these words give others the strength to do what they should have done a long time ago. Good for you! 👏

Thank you. If I ever inspire people to be themselves, stand up for themselves or follow their dreams, I will be thrilled and feel like I did something right!

Great words in this free write @byn. Nothing is a good as accepting who we are and not letting others define us.


Great words in this poetry.i likes ot is it your own content.

It is my own content. Thank you!

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