Competition Update - Bring Ahe'ey To Life

in #bringaheeytolife8 years ago (edited)

Have a look at the submissions and let me know which ones are your favourites.

Bring Ahe'ey To Life - Update

I'm delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with some of our wonderful visual artists here on Steemit, and to share the spotlight with them. I kicked off #bringaheeytolife competition just a few days ago, and we already have some exceptional submissions. You can read the original post here.

I want to ensure we reward the hard work and talent of our creatives, and will donate the SBD Author rewards earned from this update to the #bringaheeytolife bounty. So please vote and share this post to support this initiative.

I have received five complete submissions, and three drafts from a total of four artists ( @gavicrane, @elias15g, @michelleh82, and @skapaneas). The work is diverse and covers a variety of Ahe'ey characters. Gabriel, Morgan, Sky and Bastian have all made an appearance. Two submissions focus on the Phoenix, symbol of the Yi'ingo Warrior.

I'm reblogging all designs so that my readers have an opportunity to vote and comment on their favourite entries. This post provides a summary of all the entries to date and some extra insights on each character. If you are planning to enter the competition do have a look at other entries and read the comments from the community.

I will announce the winners of #bringaheeytolife on the 30th of September. Good luck and thank you to all participants.

Have a look at the submissions and let me know which ones are your favourites.

A special thank you to @natsbats, @vegascomic, and @kiwideb that have been adding value to this initiative by providing input to the artists and to me.

p.s. Ahe'ey will return later today.


You can find Sky's vision board here. The board includes some commissioned illustrations featuring the character. Sky is the leader of the Yi'ingo tribe. Here you will also find the colours and symbols of the Yi'ingo.


Click on the images to view the full details of each submission.

Passages from Ahe'ey that describe Sky

"The two men did not notice the Amazon warrior princess that approached them from behind the Limo. Well, that was what she looked like to Morgan—a tall red-haired beauty with intense chestnut-coloured eyes. Dark braids adorned her long hair, and she wore part of her wild mane high. The woman looked proud, defiant, and angry. She wore leather pants and a leather tunic that hugged her athletic body and full chest. Her cape flowed as she walked, uncovering the sword she carried at her back. She was almost as tall as the men."

"The goddess-like beauty was like a free, spirited, untameable stallion. Intimidating, unapologetic, and stunning, all strength and power. The security men were staring with large eyes. She was sexy, sexual, and they wanted her despite her evident despise and disdain."

"The woman transpired self-worth; she was the portrait of complete self-possession."

Yi'ingo's Phoenix

Click on the images to view the full details of each submission.


You can find Gabriel's vision board here. The board includes some commissioned illustrations featuring the character. Gabriel is an Ange'el. Here you will also find the colours and symbols of the Ange'el.


Click on the images to view the full details of each submission.

Passages from Ahe'ey that describe Gabriel

"He had a lean, strong body, his back was straight, and he held his head high, with an elegance from a different time."

"His dark hair touched his shoulders; the top part of his hair was gathered in a loose ponytail that left some wide curls waving in front of his eyes. A light goatee perfectly framed his face."

"His eyes, set on her, were like the sea, shifting between blue and green, reflecting the environment around them."

"He wore a light blue shirt without a collar and perfectly tailored grey pants. The unbuttoned cuffs of his shirt allowed his sleeves to cover his knuckles. There was no sign of vanity. Everything about him was practical and simple and yet of great quality and taste."

"He had the habit of gently squeezing the tips of his thumbs as he spoke, alternating one to the other."

"the back of his hands, both inked with identical moon tattoos."


You can find Morgan's vision board here.


These entries are work in progress. The artist is looking to evolve the design based on feedback.

Click on the images to view the full details of each submission.

Passages from Ahe'ey that describe Morgan

"she was wearing her most comfortable travelling outfit, a white linen Indian-inspired tunic and matching pants. Her comfortable flat sandals made her feel quite small in comparison to the tall American men that followed the mayor and surrounded her in a circle. Thick, curly hair was half tucked in between her neck and the turquoise scarf that circled her shoulders. She quickly gathered her long dark hair and hopelessly attempted to smooth her curls, running her fingers through the unruly locks that reached her waist. I might as well try to control a tropical storm; she thought, amused by her rebellious locks."

"Morgan was little; she had an oval face and huge brown eyes."

"She looked at her very pale, tired, and jet-lagged face in the mirror and performed the atypical act of adding some blush to her cheekbones. The bathroom suite had all the beauty items anyone could ever need. She observed her features— defined cheekbones, strong dark eyebrows that framed her large brown eyes, and freckles. She was surprised by her sudden preoccupation with appearance; it was not something she normally cared about."

"She wore a simple brown dress, a chartreuse scarf, and plain white sneakers."

"She came out wearing a figure-hugging royal blue dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes. It was the best dress she had ever worn. It perfectly suited the curves of her body, and it worked very well with her pale skin. She wore her hair down and held a small silver purse."


You can find Bastian's vision board here. Bastian is the leader of the Ma'asai tribe. Here you will also find the colours and symbols of the Ma'asai.


This entry is work in progress. The artist is looking to evolve the design based on feedback.

Passages from Ahe'ey that describe Bastian

He looked at Bastian’s conspicuous kimono-like green-gold tunic, embroidered with the symbol of the sun. The same sun-shaped design adorned some of his large rings and bracelets that rattled as he moved. Bastian wore his hair in a similar style to Gabriel. He had half his hair pulled back in a ponytail, but he showcased a couple of braids on the sides of his head and adorned them with rich golden beads. The Ange’el was tense and stressed, and yet the blond man could not help but smile."

"Bastian and his men returning from the fields. The men wore their earth-coloured work tunics, now covered in dirt after a hard day of work. Their voices and laughter resonated throughout the forest. The good humour of the Ma’asai was contagious and welcomed throughout Ahe’ey."

"Scout held her breath as she looked at the leader of the Ma'asai, he exuded the confidence of those who win the top prize in the gene lottery. Bastian towered over the others who naturally paid him deference, hanging on his every word. His cockiness was tempered with a kind and generous heart, and a smile that rarely left his face."

"The panic caused by the closeness of his massive muscled body made her want to escape."

Have you missed previous chapters of Ahe'ey?

You can catch up here on Steemit or any of the channels bellow. New episodes are released here on Steemit first. Once a full chapter is released here on Steemit it is published in Amazon, IBooks and Smashwords for your reading convenience. You can also listen to Ahe’ey on Alexandria, iTunes podcast, Stitcher podcast and Soundcloud.

Read Ahe'ey

Listen to Ahe'ey

Connect with Jamie

Chapter 1 - Beginnings

1 - Sky Falling: Read or listen.
2 - A Surprising Reception: Read or listen.
3 - I Will Find You: Read or listen.
4 - The Interview: Read or listen.
5 - Royal Orphans: Read or listen.
6 - Breakfast with a View: Read or listen.
7 - Water Angels: Read or listen.
8 - Perfection: Read.
9 - Alone: Read.

Chapter 2 - Gravitational Pull

10 - Womanhood: Read.
11 - Young Warriors: Read.
12 - Manhood: Read.
13 - Illicit Lust: Read.
14 - Children of the Moon: Read.
15 - Used: Read.
16 - Submission: Read.
17 - The Attack: Read.

Chapter 3 - Disillusion

18 - Allegiance: Read.
19 - The Revelation: Read.
20 - Playing by Her Rules: Read.
21 - The Request: Read.
22 - Diversion: Read.
23 - Greek Gods and Amazon WarriorsRead.

©Jamie Le Fay, 2016. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.


I love it! Ah, now see, your design skills are making me look bad, though! LOL All I got is my writing and a bit of photoshop skill. Nice collaboration, keep it up, your paving the way for a whole generation of creators to be able to earn from platforms like this!

Thank you Mark. I love to co-create with artists. I'm a very visual person and I've always dreamed of bring Ahe'ey to life.

Can I ask, do you write your posts in markup, or if you are using an editor, which one? I've found a couple of basic editors, but I'm a Wordpress guy that never really learned to write markup and would love to have more control over the finished product.

I go straight to HTML. It's easy to learn and gives you more features and flexibility.

Hi @jamielefay! Just checking, are you still accepting submissions? I remember you mentioning end of September in the original post, but wasn't sure if I missed the deadline. I'm just starting to ink my entry.

Hi @kommienezuspadt. You can enter anytime before the the 30th of September. I am soooooo looking forward to your entry. You are so talented. Thank you, J

Awesome! I was worried I'd sink a couple days in to this and it wouldn't be eligible @jamielefay. I'm excited for it. I'm doing the Sky battle scene from part 9.

This makes me so happy. That scene defines her, and it defines the relationship between Sky and Gabriel. Excuse me; I'm off to jump on a table and do a happy dance. J

Here are my favourite picks :
1.Sky by @ELIAS15G
2.Phoenix by @MICHELLEH82

Great work done by artists.
Love your work @jamielefay

Thank you @mindfreak. I really appreciate your input. J.

I missed you out,
I am at coloring Ba'astian at the moment I got some rough sketches for facial characteristic. I am at character designing process. I will be done with that and jump to his clothing and stuff..

Thanks for adding the passages of the characters. As I would love to read your novel I must complete some projects I have left behind. I will try to give them a read on my trip to Amsterdam!

check you back soon. maybe tomorrow.

Please don't worry @skapaneas, there will be other updates. Bastian is looking REALLY GREAT!!! Thank you so much. J.

Hint... hint... Bastian is a very happy fellow. He smiles a lot. ;)

ok I will try to put a smile on his face during the coloring. thanks for the feedback

So far i like sky #1

The others im still thinking about (they are good, its just im not sure if they fit the descritpions)

@sereandmyself Looks like someone is paying close attention :) Thank you, J

So many great submissions. Morgan 2 by @skapaneas has a lot of potential, the artist just needs to tone down the lip and breast action and she will be fab. I love the ink work of @gavicrane. That phoenix is spectacular.

Yep! Thank you for your insightful comments on some of the submissions. I really appreciate it. You rock! J.

The designs are great, but no one has totally nailed it yet. The Bastian sketch is quite close to the one in the vision board, it looks promising.

Bastian is spot on. I can't wait to see the final sketch. J.

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