New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 32

in #writing7 years ago

This story is evolving with a pace all its own. I'm listening to the feedback and if something resonates, I've decided that I'll go with it (thanks @kiwideb). Feel free to give feedback on characters, storylines etc - even if you think it's harsh.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30 Part 31

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

72 pages, 28,478 words so far.

Liz went home to get ready for the festivities of opening night as soon as her assistant manager, Anthony arrived.

Zack and Taylor had never met the guy and Liz only had chance to give a cursory introduction before she dashed off to get ready.

The assistant manager ignored the brothers as he rushed around finishing off everything that Liz had left. He then went to every bar and made certain they were all well-stocked with Champagne and ice. Then he met with the DJs and made sure they knew their sets.

Finally, Anthony went outside to take a good look at the front of the venue. He stood across the road looking up. Zack went outside to him and stood at his side, taking in the magnificent structure. The builders had indeed completed their work and more than Zack could have envisaged.

The building glittered and gleamed. From halfway up, the front of the building was encased in black glass with an array of lights behind the toughened sheets. Like the spotlights once seen at Hollywood premiers, the beams of light moved and swayed in a mesmerising show.

“Oh that’s awesome,” Zack said. “I didn’t think the builders would have finished what they were doing, let alone fitted all this.”

Anthony looked sideways at Zack, pressed a controller in his hand and the lights stopped moving and went out. Without a word to Zack, he went back to the club and disappeared inside.

Zack followed because the show had ended and there was nothing more to see. Anthony had vanished. He must have sprinted up the stairs. Zack made sure the door was locked and followed.

Taylor emerged from the office as Zack got there and he took Zack’s arm to guide him away.

“He’s a weird guy,” Taylor said.

“Stand-offish?” Zack said, matching Taylor’s lowered tone.

“Yeah and then some!” Taylor said. “I asked if he wanted a coffee because I was making one and he said he doesn’t drink instant coffee and we didn’t have time to be standing around drinking coffee either.”

“He’s right!” Zack said in a panicked, maniacal tone. “Man the doors, we have work to do.”

Taylor looked at his brother as though he’d sprouted another head.

Zack looked around, behind himself and spun around as though looking for something. Then Zack sighed and went back to his calm self. “He’s highly-strung and he’s on a knife-edge right now. There’s a hell of a lot of pressure on those two. This has to be a smash-success or there’ll be hell to pay. You know what Viktor’s like.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I should cut him some slack.”

“I doubt he’d notice or appreciate it. He doesn’t know us, we’re just the bouncers. I guess he’s experienced bouncers before and was obviously not impressed. We have to show everyone that we’re the new standard that the rest have to match,” Zack said. “Now, did you mention you’d made a coffee?”

Ten minutes later, the coffee gone and cups washed and put to drain on the side of the tiny sink just off the office, Taylor and Zack changed into their smart black suits. The brothers wouldn’t look out of place at a film premier red carpet event or at a high-end casino.

Liz arrived in a smart suit with a dress on a hanger covered in clear plastic to keep it clean. She hung up the dress on the back of the office door.

The strain was starting to tell, her eyes darted around the venue, stopping at the bar, the DJ station, the VIP area that still lay hidden behind the covers.

“Anthony, you’ve done everything,” she said. “I’ll just check the lights…”

Anthony looked at her and gave a warm smile. “I checked them an hour ago. They are spectacular,” he said. “Some would say ‘awesome’.” Anthony glanced at Zack and gave a slightly-less warm smile and Zack realised the assistant manager was starting to come around to the new security team.

Liz didn’t miss the smile Anthony gave Zack. “Now I can introduce you a little better,” she said. “Zack, Taylor, this is Anthony. He’s been with me for a few years now and I really don’t know how I’d cope without him. He’s the one that rushes around in the background, making certain everything goes to plan. He’s been working out of Viktor’s office for the last few months but has now transferred here, so you’ll be seeing a lot more of him.”

Zack extended his hand and Anthony shook it.

“Pleased to work with you, Anthony” Zack said. “I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback on the work our team does this evening.”

“Oh, don’t worry,’ Liz said. “Anthony will tell you what he thinks.”

Taylor shook Anthony’s hand and looked to Liz. “Well, you know us by now, always open to suggestions,” he said with a grin.


Good work,good post.

Very nice post..Thanks for sharing @michelle.

its a very great and valuable story.Some information are unknown.its a amazing creative post also. I really impress i this post. thanks for share

What impressed you most about it?

your creativity

upvote and resteemit dear

Really good story, thanks. Upvote this post.

Building is described magnificently. All the conversations are really good to read. Zack and Taylor are friendly as ever but it seems Anthony is not looking open hearted to the brothers. Story is developing in good pace.

Hi gent.. So nicely written with goid grip on everything like plot..
You are a keen observer as you keenly describe every small detail of each scene..
Happy to found a good writer

this is a very good writing. your writing skills so good.

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