in #writing7 years ago

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #18


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Do you need a moment to process the whole chapter? Go on, take your time. I'll wait. Done? Good. Alright, let's get on with it.

Hello, Cloudheads! How did you like the chapter? Did you hate it? Was it "meh?" I don't mind. Be honest. Let me hear your thoughts about it. It's another attempt to tug on your heartstrings. I hope I stretched it even a little bit. Were they tugged? Let me know if it wasn't so that I could readjust the whole chapter.

"Love" is such a universal concept. Even words are rendered unnecessary when trying to convey it. A hug, a kiss, a kind gesture — all of these are used to convey love. But, for people who have trouble recognizing emotions, it's hard to determine that.

Back in college, I belonged to a laboratory to help autistic children recognize emotions. We used facial, vocal and gesture cues to determine the emotion being conveyed by an individual. While the Center for Empathic and Human-Computer Interaction is still ongoing, I have since left it to enter the professional world. I had such a stimulating experience being part of that laboratory, and it has fundamentally shaped the way I approached problems. But, it's a story for a different post.

What I was trying to get at was that I know how hard it is for some people to not recognize emotion. That's one of the foundations of this story even. The "giants", as Ledd perceives them, have done nothing but love him from the very beginning. All of their actions were given different definitions based on Ledd's perception. Even "I love you" is a foreign phrase for him.

I wanted to put him in a conflicting spot. While he was just trying to emulate Dadier's and Mamie's action of kissing him, he thinks of it differently than what they intend it to be. He still gets that endorphin boost generated by the action, but he attributes it to his own efforts. Its a victory for him, but he unintentionally gives a feeling of victory to both giants as well. I hoped that translated well.

It's such a bittersweet moment that provides hope that Ledd might actually be processing emotions the way others do. I wanted to give them a touching moment as a reprieve to a long stressful day. While Ledd continues to scheme against them, I'm trying to convey that the giants really don't want any harm to come of him.

OR, am I just making all of this up to tug on your hearstrings further and the conspiracy deepens even more in the following chapters?!

Oh, and that scene with the rectangular freeze box?

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Yup, you're already getting pretty good at this! Until next time ;)

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



The only time I meh'd is when I was doing an impression of a goat later that day but as you say, that's a different story.

I am loving it as always, I get the concept entirely however in my head I like to believe you are making it up entirely for the next twist!! :0D


(Five minutes of laugh/crying later...)

Shhhh dude, don't spoil to the other folks that I'm making things up as I'm going along! You promised you would keep it a secret!

Thank you for the laugh, brother! It really relieved some of the stress I'm feeling today :D

Take your stress out on steemit!! Have a rage quit then come back ten minutes late apologising. There is so much that can be done with this awesome platform!!

You know I tried that once! Haha! People were like "Who's the fuck's this guy?" or "K bye" or just scrolled to a different post. A few people left comments though, but the rewards... let's just say it's enough to make people not come back haha! I wish there was an app for this. It would really be helpful. Oh, wait.. I'm a developer! Maybe I could think of an app haha!

Ah the famous incident!! I never did look it up. But then, given that I barely have time to wipe my chuff these days means that probably fortunately I shan't see it ;0)

You are right dev-man get developing!!

Hahaha! Just trust the TLDR I replied to you and you've already gotten the gist of everything. Minus all the negativity, of course haha!

Oh you betcha I'll get to developing! I'll show this app who's boss, I tell you what. Beta Phase will be launching very soon. And by that I mean, in a couple of years when Steemit looks considerably more VR-like haha!

3D 4K!!! I just can't wait!! We will all be steemillionaires by then ;0)

I already have the ability to give 2 cents whenever I upvote comments. 2 cents!!! Hot damn! I could already feel myself being drunk with power. I'd like to think that I would be a benevolent god, but I can't lie.

Ledd not getting things is equal parts amusing and exasperating, because it's a story XD

I imagine it would be a lot more frustrating in real life. My youngest is basically having to learn how to respond to a lot of things by memory. At his age he realises that he's not always responding "correctly" to things and when he encounters a new situation he's usually looking at someone else to see how they react, then he copies them. I hope he never gets into a mob situation DX

Must be a billion times more frustrating when they don't get it along with a whole pile of other things :S

Oh yeah definitely. There's a lot of trial and error in that stage. Hebbian learning as the neuroscientists put it haha It's definitely fun looking at the growth, but it's frustrating when you see them encountering delays. Can't be helped though, it's the story of life. I'd take this any day though instead of the kids "know-it-all" phase sheesh haha! Thanks for stopping by, my friend! We're on the final arc now :D

Ack the know-it-all phase. I'm trying to nip that one in the bud with my eldest with limited success. Talking to parents at gymnastics with older kids and there's a lot of eyerolling and "oh she's 10 going on 40!" a lot XD

I'm sure you're going to learn in time. Your youngest won't even have that phase. As for me, I think I'm going to have a hard time with it haha

As a fictional story I would mostly find his antics, interpretations, etc. fun, funny, and full of adventure. But knowing it's based in reality definitely tugs on the heartstrings, the notion that in no way does he understand that the 'giants' love him and therefore cannot feel that emotion in return is fairly heartbreaking.
I haven't found any of the chapters to be 'meh', and I doubt I will.

It's the advantage of the SILVER LINING though. I wonder how readers who don't have the luxury of reading the complementary series take everything. People tend to forget this is based on real life, so it takes away some depth from the experience.

I'm really happy to hear that, my friend! I just hope the "meh" chapter doesn't find itself on the very last one >.<

Great episode of "Silver Lining", bro.

I totally see how it's so sad that the love the "giants" give towards young Ledd are lost in his realm of fantasy. But I guess that makes your work all the more intriguing and multi-faceted in the way a reader views the book's messages.

It's got layers, which is something very unique and shows how much thought you put into it. The "Isle La View" line is pure genius, I loved his innocent interpretation of it, lol.

Excellent stuff. Look forward to more very soon, my bro. :)

Oh, it definitely did. If he realized it from the start, then I don't know if I had a compelling story to tell. For someone who doesn't know the meaning of words, the only way to interpret it is by using physical cues and/or how it sounds like. Since his condition prevents him from interpreting cues effectively, I really tried to play around with how the words sounded like.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far, brother. It means a lot coming from a writer I highly admire. I was so nervous that the story would be finished before you made your return. I'm so glad I made it a weekly update thing haha! :D

Oh man. You've done such a commendable job. Trust me when I say you have provided me with so many useful techniques when it comes to writing.

Your literary style is so original and unique. I've read so many books by bestselling author but never with such innovative narrations like yours. It's real talent you got there, man. Push it to it's extremes and beyond. :)

I guess the thing with being a no-name writer is that I get to tell a story that always seems fresh. Without any reputation attached to me, I'm able to experiment with stories without feeling pressure to please a fan base haha! I'm just so happy to hear that I'm able to contribute to you the way you contribute to me, brother. It's always nice to have that kind of mutual learning and support :D

I really like your work dear friend @jedau, you are an excellent writer, it is admirable what you do congratulations I really like what you have written "" Love "is such a universal concept.Even words become unnecessary when it comes to transmitting it "Is that the true love can be expressed with a smile or a look. Many thanks for this matter.
Have a beautiful weekend

Thank you for the huge compliment, my friend! Those are great sentiments, and I totally agree. Love indeed is something that goes beyond language or culture. Thanks for stopping by to leave your thoughts :D

Come here to greet and wish you have a beautiful day dear friend @jedau surrounded by family and friends

Thank you, my friend! Always nice to see you stop by :) I wish you a beautiful day as well!

I think you did a great job in all chapters bro and each one has its own purpose. If you ever do plan on printing it out into a physical book, I would suggest giving a short concise backstory insight as to why you wrote the book and from which perspective and your ai. I feel it adds that really deep and profound touch for beginning readers who enter into your fantastical ream of Ledd's perception.

Btw, I finally caught up to Reborn in full. Now I'm tracking down @ezzy

You're right in noting that each has its own purpose. Since I had a definite timeframe, I didn't want to waste even a single sentence. Everything ties together, and I hope more people realize that.

I actually did a one-page intro for the you-know-what. I didn't get the chance to show it to you because it was all last minute. I'll message it to you on chat some time to see what you think about it. It was limited because it had to be only one page, double-spaced and 12pt font size. I can increase the content if needed, I actually had two-pages worth initially.

Oh nice, that must have been hard to cut it down to one page, but I look forward to reading it and giving you my feedback for sure.

Oh for sure! It was torture trying to fit it all in 5-6 sentences haha I hope it was effective though...

I bet, I am sure you did your best to cover all areas effectively with the limitations in place

I just hope it's enough to make the story more appealing. Really though, I just want the message of acceptance and understanding for the differently abled individuals to be more widespread. If I could help with spreading the word, then I have accomplished my mission.

You are indeed doing so bro, but definitely include your reasons why you wrote your novel when you publish and print it, its so important that goes at the forefront and on the back cover of your amazing novel

Oh for sure. You know I always do. I wouldn't have done the whole SILVER LINING series if I wasn't a fan of meta commentary haha!

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