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in #writing7 years ago

Ledd not getting things is equal parts amusing and exasperating, because it's a story XD

I imagine it would be a lot more frustrating in real life. My youngest is basically having to learn how to respond to a lot of things by memory. At his age he realises that he's not always responding "correctly" to things and when he encounters a new situation he's usually looking at someone else to see how they react, then he copies them. I hope he never gets into a mob situation DX

Must be a billion times more frustrating when they don't get it along with a whole pile of other things :S


Oh yeah definitely. There's a lot of trial and error in that stage. Hebbian learning as the neuroscientists put it haha It's definitely fun looking at the growth, but it's frustrating when you see them encountering delays. Can't be helped though, it's the story of life. I'd take this any day though instead of the kids "know-it-all" phase sheesh haha! Thanks for stopping by, my friend! We're on the final arc now :D

Ack the know-it-all phase. I'm trying to nip that one in the bud with my eldest with limited success. Talking to parents at gymnastics with older kids and there's a lot of eyerolling and "oh she's 10 going on 40!" a lot XD

I'm sure you're going to learn in time. Your youngest won't even have that phase. As for me, I think I'm going to have a hard time with it haha

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