in #writing7 years ago

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #19


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Hey, Cloudheads! y, Cloudheads... dheads... Echo! Echo... Do you want me to throw a rope down that deep deep hole? I understand if you just want to curl up into a ball for a minute to process everything. Go on, take your time. We'll be waiting for you when you get up.

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Something about midnights that makes you want to question your whole existence, huh? This time around, I wanted to present Ledd with a conundrum that has plagued even the greatest thinkers of generations past. If all our actions are already predestined, then what is the use of making any choices?

Destiny is such an interesting topic. On one hand, it's reassuring to know that you have something to look forward to, on the other hand, it renders any choice moot. One post alone isn't enough to tackle this topic, so I was hoping that this would just open the floodgates so that we could discuss this further in the comments section. I would love to hear your thoughts regarding this.

Personally, I sway back and forth regarding this. Maybe it's that phrase "Destined for greatness" that divides me. Whenever there are setbacks, I just think to myself that all of these would pass and that success will come soon enough. But, I become complacent thinking that I don't have to exert much since I'm entitled to greatness. I know it's the wrong mentality, but it's the implication of the concept. However, if we were to believe in the independence of our decisions, then it would be nullifying the belief that there is a concept called destiny.

Is there really a gray area with this? One might argue that there are different paths to different destinies, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a destiny. There shouldn't be multiple destinies. Fate isn't malleable. I'm a huge fan of Schrödinger's cat, but the thought experiment can't be applied to the concept of destiny.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm open to any and all possibilities. If you have a valid argument regarding this, let's discuss it in the comments section below :D

I sandwiched the existential questions between Ledd's curiosities to throw you off the scent. Obviously it was a mobile phone he was fascinated with. It's actually something that I've seen him holding 80% of the time. I was so intrigued at how he was using it. It's exactly how I scripted it in the chapter. He opened a video, I think it was for Clash of Clans or something, and he kept replaying his favorite scene, even though the video hasn't finished yet. Zepp kept going back to a specific point on the video.

Nobody taught him how to do that, he learned it on his own. Isn't that amazing?? A differently abled boy who doesn't even know how to speak yet managed to learn how to operate a smartphone. And, he wasn't clumsy with it. He made precise movements like he knew what to do. I was impressed the whole time I was watching him.

Anyway, so yeah, I'm sorry I haven't been quick to reply these past days. I have been out a lot, and I take time to catch up on everything. In any case, I hope you liked the chapter enough to comment down below :D

Oh, and one other thing. Talking about destinies, stay tuned for a very personal post I'll be putting up very soon ;)

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



I used to play clash of clans, that is amazing to hear how precise he was and him learning new things, wonderful insight bro!

I was so surprised by that! He couldn't speak words, but he's able to operate a mobile phone without anyone teaching him. It's very strange, but it has a really hopeful undertone to it. I really hope that he can get over the hump soon and just start talking.

It's your destiny Jed!

You are gonna destinise us! We will be destinated! Aiyeeee!! I cannae wait. I like your personal posts! Sorry if I appear to be glossing over the whole silver linings bit but I can't help it when I got to the end I was like whoa, who goes there? ITS THE DESTINATOR!


Thanks, brother-man! It is my destiny to destinise the destined destinees!! I accept the responsibility, and I just hope I won't let you all down haha!

No, no, no. No thoughts about you glossing over. None whatsoever. I completely appreciate all the time you spend reading, appreciating and commenting on these, dude. You're the first one to ever point out that the SILVER LININGs were like an extended introduceyourself post, and ever since that, I have happily accepted that realization. I'm just glad that narcissism is paying off! hahaha!

That makes me happy in a destinatory way. You will have the finest destiny post. Incidentally there is a real shady nightclub in Glasgow called destiny. I hope you haven't been there lolz!!

Maybe I have been there even though I haven't even set foot in the continent of Europe. Maybe I had always been its founding owner. Maybe the reason why I named it "Destiny" is because of this conversation we're having right now! :o Who knows.. Do I even know? Am I even destined to know??

Are we back to time travel? Maybe it is yours? Maybe you came over and went back? Where are we. Am I chewing super string cheese? :0D

Is what you're eating even cheese? Are you even eating?! Is it even you, or are you me?? Who are you? Who am I!? Damn this philosophical sinkhole we find ourselves in!!

Is it still cheese in the multiverse!?!! Did I come back? :0D

Excellent post dear friend @jedau, very interesting, destiny is something mysterious, often acts capricious, is something that throughout my life has surprised me and not cease to amaze me, thank you very much for this material magnification dear friend.
Have a beautiful weekend

Those are deep thoughts, my friend! I'm glad that destiny has been kind to you. Thanks for your wonderful words and for taking the time to stop by :D

sorry for my quick bump and go, I'm unable to find the time and read now, but I can see I've missed lots of chapters :) I hope to get my things in order and steem on as freely as I used to :)

some "trade advice" from me :)

Can Somebody Teach Me How To Trade?

Hey, man. I missed you on here. I'll check your post out in a bit. Good to have you back!

Do you know, for the first time I'm actually glad that I missed this, because I would have been waiting for the personal post and it would have taken some of the fireworks out of it...maybe I was destined to miss this post hahaha!
Actually, the past several days have been tough to be on as much, first going to the hospital to be with dad (or mostly to keep mom company) then he came home so I've been there a lot. I did just finally figure out that there's a phone app I can use though! lol! Of course I share a phone with Howie so that might not always help.
Anyway, sorry, talking about myself here, jeeze. Glad I didn't do that on the Big News post!
I also go back and forth on the whole predestined thing. I think maybe some of the bigger things in life are predestined, but not all the small stuff? Maybe certain events are meant to happen, but the road to get there can differ?
I tend to believe in the power of will and intent, which might clash with the idea of predestiny. But I have noticed, particularly lately, that when I set my intent on something it seems to materialize. For instance, after the first week of being on steemit I set my intent on making dolphin status by spring, getting a book published by spring (I did tell you about that right? I'll discuss that more in chat if I haven't already) and having my own car by spring. (I'm always stuck driving the work trucks which are terrible on gas and I just prefer a smaller vehicle.) Well it could be argued that all of these things would come to pass because I worked for them to, however the car thing...seemed like it was going to be a bust. I hadn't managed to save the money I needed to buy it and summer for us is generally a less profitable time (and I'm not touching my steemit money because I want that to pay off my house if possible)
Then shortly before my birthday my brother shows up. He has this big grin on his face and says, "Come outside with me" I follow him, and there is his toyota corolla with a bright red bow on it! He just so happened to decide this was the time for a brand new car for himself, and instead of selling his he gave it to me. He knew I loved that car, it's compact and excellent on gas, plus it's a toyota which are notorious for being well made and not breaking down easily. It's also white which makes it inconspicious and not a cop magnet which I prefer. So, point being, while the first two things I set my intent on did come about because I worked at them, the odds were against the car and yet my intent came to pass anyway.

Woah! Then it's great that I didn't message you ahead about it! What are the odds!? hahaha! Funny you mentioned "fireworks", too. Let's just say the proposal ended with that haha!

Oh no, no, any manner of comments are welcome here, you know that. It's great to hear that your dad is doing much better, sister. Pretty soon he'll be back to 100% :D

Yeah, that's the thing though, if there is such things as intent, power of will and choice, and we're able to shape the future based on our choices, then there must be no destiny, right? Personally, I'm torn on this as well. I'm a huge believer of the Many Worlds Interpretation and the butterfly effect, but there's a certain level of comfort in believing that something is destined to happen, which is a paradox, because it's 1 or 0 regarding those topics. One cannot exist with the other.

I do remember that, you told me that a while back. The car is a new story for me though. Wow! That's awesome! These are the kinds of stories that I want littering the comments section of the SILVER LININGs that's why I tried to spread out the topics as much as I can :)

Going back to choice vs destiny though. Let's say someone's destined to have something, but then that something gets completely destroyed, what happened to destiny there? If let's say you're destined to get to point Z, but you take several routes to get there, would you be able to say that you're the one making the choices that led you to point Z? What if all those choices are just there to lead you to point Z and you were "free" to take any route to get there, were all those still your choices? Definitely an unending discussion hahaha!

Thanks for your continued support, my friend. I really appreciate the happiness you felt about my happiness. It really doubled it, which is all kinds of awesome! :D

Hey bro! Great episode of "Silver Lining"!

Your write-up about the concept of destiny is very interesting. I could tell myself, I'm going to hold out my left hand but instead hold out my right at the last second. Have I altered the path of that particular event or was it all already preordained? It's a complex subject, but an extremely intriguing one as the same time.

Also the "cat experiment" is something I never ever of and proved to be such a fascinating read.

"A Day in the Clouds" is being glued to the blockchain and saved for all newcomers to enjoy. It's original, heart-warming, sad at times and humorous. An rainbow of emotions all packaged up in your own words. I'm not the only one who finds bucket loads of entertainment in it. Your following grows everyday and that is a great thing!

Look forward to this personal post from you in the near future. Peace, my brother!

It's such a deep concept, isn't it? We could go on for years discussing about destiny without reaching any definitive conclusion, maybe just consensus but even that's a long shot.

Really?? Hmm.. No, maybe I shouldn't be too surprised. For years, I was the only one who knew about it. Now, just about everyone I come across knows it. Maybe I just became used to it. You know, I actually crafted an entire series of story based on that thought experiment haha! No doubt you would be able to read that some day, brother. But, with regard to if I'll ever post it here on Steemit, we'll see.

I appreciate your kind words, brother! When I set out to create a rollercoaster of emotions, I'm glad that it achieved its intended effect. Bless you to dimensions man's mind cannot comprehend :D

Still reckon Ledd is too young for an existential crisis but then again he thinks he's an adult so perhaps he's old enough XD

Zepp (and my kids and all the other kids) are called "digital natives" for a reason. They can't conceive of life without electronics and any new technology they'll pick up like they've had it for ages XD Up til the point they're about 30 I think and then they'll be just as wowed by kids after them picking up all the newer technology as we are now.

I think. I read things and forget where I read them from but I definitely read that from somewhere and possibly made some inferences.

And on the destiny front I don't know. If stuff isn't written in stone then it has to be malleable. But stone is malleable after a fashion (see results of enough weather and geological forces XD). Maybe it's varying degrees of wet clay. Malleable enough but still pretty solid. If stuff is predetermined it would suck if you desperately wanted to be rich and famous and you were SURE that was your destiny but your destiny was actually to be a peon XD Man that's kinda depressing.

I should probably shut up now, too much coffee not enough sleep.

You should totally publish Silver Lining to be released alongside or shortly after Day in the Clouds. I kinda feel sorry for all those people who would miss out on these otherwise XP

I might've sneaked more of me in that existential crisis. Might have. Haha! I've been itching to sneak these philosophical questions for quite some time now, and while I've gotten away with a few in the earlier chapters, I knew this was something that was way too deep. This dictates the ending though, so I couldn't go around it. Oops! I'm saying too much again, aren't I?

Yeah, those "digital natives"... I really wish my future children won't be, but I guess it's unavoidable.. There must really be a zeitgeist that's guiding society to evolve this way.

Right?? Talking about destiny. It's such a blurred line, that you can't avoid paradoxes no matter what school of thought you choose. If you believe that you're destined to be something (emphasis on "believe"), then you can't just choose to believe that your choices aren't predetermined. It's either they aren't or they are. If you're free to do anything, but are still headed for this predetermined destination, then what's the point of choosing anything. Oy vey...

You know, as the end is nearing, I've really been thinking about this a lot. Right now, I'm in the camp that I want to keep it Steemit-exclusive to draw readers into the platform. It feels so incomplete when you read the story without the added context. Even if it was just some flavoring, it became quite essential to the experience :(

Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Your insights are always very much highly anticipated and appreciated! :D

Nah you're saying just enough. Mercilessly teasing without giving too much away :)

I don't really see anything wrong with being a digital native, they're slightly more than tools but currently slightly less than partners/collaborators as far as I'm concerned (I use them and I talk to them and I swear they develop personalities after having been exposed to me for long enough, but I don't let them talk back purely because I don't trust Google or Microsoft and I trust Apple only slightly, however having said that my kids talk to Siri and I was quite pleased to hear them being quite polite to her, I have taught them manners well XD).

I understand your logic in wanting to keep it Steemit-exclusive, and if you feel that's the right way to go about things then it's the right way :) I don't think the Silver Lining is essential to the experience, Day in the Clouds would be quite enjoyable even without it and the lack wouldn't detract in any way. What it does is add a massive wealth of information which gives readers a much deeper understanding and insight and thus give a deeper appreciation for what's going on in the story.

Did that make any sense whatsoever? XD

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