in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

WARNING- Charters that will be mentioned in this fiction story of mine are look alike and are in no way related to the main charters in reality.
Readers are reading at their own heart-attack risk.

"As long as you have good certificate, you will get the job"
"This is a talent show, as long as you are the most talented, you will surely win it"

You see those kind of sentences are the most demonic lies been told to us in this century. In reality, we all know that nobody really cares about what you can do or how good you are. What really matters is,
Who do you know?
How can you help enlarge our pocket?
Can your personality and influence make us richer?

Nepotism is a very important aspect of politics that is so important that you really need connection to get a plate of rice at a wedding, get an award at the church, office and in COM too...

Join me in this Not so short story of mine.

Few days ago, i made comedyopenmic entry in a group that looks like @comedyopenmic but surely not comedyopenmic, they just look so alike.

The last time i made an entry in COM, i won 1sbd and i was so pissed off not because i got 1sbd but because i had to go back and read entries that won Higher prizes...
They were all wonderful entries, Memes with a three sentences or Gif with just two sentences that surpassed my weak jokes.

I left the server and contacted one of the judges to ask him why i won the least prize. He told me that my joke was good but i made loads of grammatical errors and lots of typos.
I never knew you have to be very fluent in English before people can laugh at your joke. Well all i wanted was just one reason for my defeat and i got it. So i went back to the server and never mad another entry till some days ago,

While I was making an entry in Neoxian writing contest, this stupid story bumped into my head and i thought i should made a joke out of it.

So i made my COM round 18 entry and got 100% upvote from Neoxian. My post was on the trending page of COM, i was very sure that i will finally get recognized, since there are millions of COM entries and the judges may not notice your if you have low upvotes.
Finally the recognition was coming. I got some comments which made me felt like success was on the way...
Well... guess what??? I wont be making this post if i won at all...

As always, i went back to check the people that won and how wonderful are their entries... So wonderful that i hardly laugh...
With no time to waste time, i will like to call on the people's (Judges) champion @lynncoyle1 that won with
Choosing the Right Pussy To step up on the stage and read my entry to the audience.
First Entry and Second entry

Lynncoyle1 i have nothing against you, you really did good job but be sincere with yourself. Can you compare the humor in my entry to yours?
Do i deserve to go empty handed?

I see, @davemmcoy also won 1sbd. Now it became clear to me.... Most of the names i saw there are either true members of the community or new members that will have influence on the multitude and great support to their witness project.

I remember how i followed @abh12345 without knowing who he is or reading a single post of his and i also voted steemcommunity for witness. Why? because Dave recommended them.
As long as its Dave, then you guys have my upvote. The dude is a kind man and always make the right decision.

I am sure that if Abh12345 posted a selfie as his entry, he would have been the people's champion. If i could talk Neoxian into upvoting COM as witness, i would have won a penny. But i am useless and even if i can, i wont... I am not even approving them, let alone recommending them to someone else.

Every valid entry on the list, got a comment from COM, except mine... why? Because i have already lost before the game started. When COM visited my First entry, all they did was to familiarize with Neoxian and find a way to tap into his upvote for witness.
My second entry was totally snubbed was recognized a little, some hours ago... After i made a complain to one of the leaders.

On the other hand, i could have ignored making this post and play the politics. Get to know the judges personally and make another entry to win... While another innocent minnow out there that doesn't understand the game will be wondering how come he lost to such a weak joke...

That's surely not the kind of contest i want to partake in...


Are rewards given to the winners based on merit or nepotism?

Without jumping to conclusion, i would love to call upon the impartial judges of COM
To step up on the stage and prove me wrong or explain to me why i lost...
If you guys have a problem with handling the truth, i also look forward to your downvotes.
Thank you


Let me start by saying this MY opinion and I don't speak for COM
It's true, COMers are pretty polite people. That was the first proper joke you've written under the COM tag, Congratulations! That line actually has a bigger chance of winning than both your entries combined.

Now, why you didn't win

Well, first of all, with each new round announcement and with each winner announcement COM makes it clear that there are rules to follow. In specific a rule about nominating two people. Breaking COM rules means you're not eligible for prizes. Now allow me to say that we at COM did commit one clear mistake, and that is upvoting your entries despite them breaking the rules. Go to any contest and see if you'd get an upvote when breaking their rules, I'm guessing the cousin in this scenario is you.

Also this is very important, even by following the rules, your entries still wouldn't have won, you know why ? Your entries have extreme shortage in punchlines, You know, those things you end jokes with, poorly structured, and disjointed I was one of the judges who were rating your entry, and I was actually in charge of rating the two of them. One scored 1.5 for me and the other 2.5 and that was being generous because some effort was put on it. The nicest thing said about your entries is "Nothing too funny about this one"

The only actually funny line that we laughed at has been the "Tigidik!!!". COM has evolved ALOT since it started, I mean have you looked at who you're competing with for prizes? People writing and recording songs, Long, well written fan-fiction that are easily best-selling authors level of greatness, I'd suggest everyone especially you, go to check @comedyopenmic's Winners' Post to have a good hard look at the level of posts you're claiming to be better than, people are writing stuff as creative as futuristic space commercials and you're attempting to with "USAMAbinBombHead" and horrible jokes that are 75% copy/paste at least. But you don't know all of those posts, you haven't read them. You know how I know that? Because you haven't read the rules that you didn't follow, or have the slightest understanding of the prize you're complaining about is, "People's Champ" Is for the post with the highest payout, it's not picked by judges.

Also regarding what my fellow COMers said, no you didn't lose because comedy is subjective, you lost because 5 different people rated your entries and no one gave it more than 2.5, and trust me a good percentage of that is for the effort. Now I could have easily told you the very valid reason that you lost because you didn't follow the rules but it is important for me to point out how far you were from winning even if you have.

But you don't know that or anything, because you choose NOT TO know these things, instead you choose to live inside your own bubble and believing you're the best and you're underrated and underappreciated. Well, allow me to be the first one to say, considering how they've done, your post are over-appreciated and you sir are appreciated and valued at the exact same you level you should be at.

I'd suggest you work on yourself and come back with something actually funny. That's the only way to win with us.

I have never seen anyone digitally eviscerated until now. Bravo.

Atleast a few raw honesty with the breaking of TAG rules... I forgot it because its been long i made entries or read COM rules... Taking about my sentences and weak punchlines... What about the part where single meme or gif with one sentence win a prize? Is that a prove of hard work? or strong punchlines?

You wanted to know why you haven't won, I told you why.

Now, the link for the winners post is up there. Point out ONE, just ONE single meme or gif with one sentence that won a prize. Point out one time where a prize decided by a judge went to a single meme or gif with single comment entry and I'll send you 5 SBD right at this second.

Actually make it 10 SBD. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

Atleast a few raw honesty

I guess that is why you didnt respond to my comment?

Your jokes are bad. It's all drama and no punchline. They were simply not good enough. That is why you didnt win.

What about the part where single meme or gif with one sentence win a prize? Is that a prove of hard work? or strong punchlines?

It is a proof that the single memes and gifs were funnier than your joke.

@holybranches we are in the same timezone right? as you can see, i just woke up and trying to reply tons of comments and yours is the longest because i have to read another entry before replying you, So i will first reply the comments on my post before going to another post...

It is a proof that the single memes and gifs were funnier than your joke.

Yes, your meme once won 1sbd along side with my joke... I wasn't surprise to see that line

It is worrying when you dont even have your facts straight.


It was not a meme. It was the best one liner i have ever written in my entire life.

Here is the link:



Why dont you get a couple of folks from newbieresteem to judge that? Tag me on discord or something.


If you want to take it up a bit further, did you win neoxian's contest?

Mention one writing contest you've won since you joined Steemit. I will wait.

@holybranches Now you are sounding childish, we all know that the entry was more of COM entry not Neoxian contest.
Talking about any writing contest i have ever won. Yes all through out my stay on steemit, i hardly enter contest because of the lengthy rules. Other than COM contest, i have entered only one contest and yes i won... You need a proof?

"Writing" contest.

Lol... Yea.... WRITING CONTEST... not ART... like you think... you still need a prove?

Upvotes again cos... That entry was great.
Barrack Osama would have been proud.

it is not about nepotism bro. Its all about the nepitestical. you gotta rub it. You gotta get all slobbering up on the COM nepitesticals....then you will find your pennies!

Also he didn't nominate two people, we eliminated people with 60+ rep and big names from winning for not following the rules. Hell, check out my entry even I wasn't eligible for an upvote without nominating, and I'm the guy who served the most as a judge after the leaders of course, hell I missed on wins because I was a judge and still even I wasn't able to get away with it.


Wow, That's incredibly rude of you. Reading your responses below and your post above, handing out free publicity for #comedyopenmic and making demands on the volunteers who do the hard work so that we can hand out prizes every week.

Previous Jester's

We're not perfect, we don't pretend to be. We make mistakes often, and fix them when we can. This one time, this guy called Amir, came by and gave us an amazing post and we gave him Jester for it, didn't even know anything about him. Now... He's like the weird uncle who stands in the corner staring at people and we can't get rid of him.

Explaining why you lost:

The other guys below have tried to address why you weren't selected for a prize, which seems to be your big thing. You don't feel that we appreciated your comedy enough. I can't really speak to that. I unfortunately haven't had much time lately to do anything. I work full time which is currently 9 hours per day, then I spend another 8 hours a day working on comedyopenmic. I barely get any time to spend with family or actually post, So I'm rather jealous of how much you post and win prizes.

A blind judging system:

I've been wanting to create a blind judging system that will allow judges to view entries without seeing the author or the currently payout, but that requires building an entire new front end to mimic steemit.com but remove payouts, and then there's hosting fees which means less money for prizes, etc. etc. But I don't have the expertise to build it and can't find anyone willing to do it for free, so if you know someone who can, please send them our way and we'll happily engage them to build a website for us. Alternatively if you'd like to donate money to comedyopenmic so that we could afford to pay someone to build the website it would be greatly appreciated.

But that's neither here nor there

I would like your help please.

We at comedyopenmic we're a small team, and we've only been around a short time and we're learning as we go but the reality is that we don't know everything, but we always welcome new perspectives to help us with running comedyopenmic to make it a better place. I'd like to invite you to come be a judge in Round 20. I would like you to help us ensure we don't miss any entries worthy of getting prizes. Now, as you know we're quite selective on the people we invite to judge comedyopenmic, so I'd like to invite you to come and read and comment on every entry in round 19, and if you do that, we'll get you on as a judge in round 20. Once you help us by judging. I will work with you so that we can improve the judging system to make sure it's fair for all.


Sorry if i sounded a bit rude... That wasn't the aim of the post... I love what you said about the blind judgement system, its a very nice idea. I wish i had some few pennies to contribute at the moment but i dont... So i will try to help COM in any way i can... Maybe reading some few entries and trying to put myself in a judge's shoe will do...

just an example, i scored this entry higher than yours:


take a look and tell me what you think.

an example of the many punchlines in this entry:

I can be you Jackie Chan but I don't have muscle like Arnold swazzengar but I'm cool as 007

I just checked it out... I will try to honest here and open minded.
In my honest opinion... I mean deep down my heart...
I love it, it was an awesome entry... way better than mine...
So if you scored it higher than mine, i will say its the first time you made a right decision in your life.

i will say its the first time you made a right decision in your life.

Says a lot about your mentality.

It is a tough gig determining the winner of this contest, as I discovered when guest judging a while ago. But seriously, you need to take a hard look at the winners across the history of this competition. The only time I’ve won Jester, I also got @curie’d - we’ve actually had quite a few good entries get that upvote. That’s the level of quality that you need to aim for to have a shot at winning the crown.

I think I’m a pretty decent writer. I’ve written for news sites, wrote an 80,000 word PhD thesis, and been published in a peer reviewed journal that rejects over 80% of submissions. I think that creating really good comedy is, in its own way, as hard as any of those things, possibly harder.

From one writer to another, here’s some free advice: Keep practising, and you’ll improve, but only if you have the courage to look at the weaknesses of your own work.

I dont really see curie upvote as proof of great job. Writing is not really what i do. I mainly draw but i dont feel less good because they haven't curied me. I just feel like there are thousands of authors with quality posts to be helped on steemit and they just can't help everybody. So if you need to have a quality post and you also need to be LUCKY for them to come your way... Or maybe you know somebody in curie...

Lol, I have no idea who nominated me for any of my curies. But I would concede that there is a large element of luck, and that there are a lot of good writers and creators who deserve more regonition than they are getting.

Look, I can only speak for my experience of winning jester (and failing to win it numerous times), and of being a guest judge myself in round 11. Winning is hard, or it was for me at least. And when I was judging, and all the time I’ve been associated with @comedyopenmic, I’ve never seen any evidence of any dishonesty or favouritism. I have a deplorably overdeveloped sense of right and wrong, and would not be part of that community if I thought it was just people awarding prizes to their friends.

Also, for what it’s worth I completely admit that my first comment here probably wasn’t the best response. I do hope you take up the offer of guest judging. It’s challenging but it’s fun, and there are plenty of people in the community who will help you out if you need it (me included).

I won and i was an absolute nobody that litterally noone knew of or heard of. Explain why i won. I don't know. I love the COM community even though I have not had time to write in a while. My first week in I put a ton of effort into it and got a 1 sbd reward. I thought it was funnier than that but the others did not. So I did what I do. I attacked it with all the fury I could muster. Why? because that is what I do. I never roll over and show my belly. The more you hit me the more solid my resolve becomes, soon you have just put enough pressure on me to become a diamond instead of a shitty lump of coal that I was. I would love to say I am sorry for your feelings but I am not Canadian. So pick your self up and go kick some ass.

Fuck you. You wish Canada would let you even come for a visit.

I was hoping you would see that .

I did see it and you forget that I heard of you when you started. I knew that big, foulmouthed fucker from the US would have some good stories. I didn't know HOW good though.

I guess I didn't remember anyone had taken notice of me. Thanks for having faith in me. :)
my next one is going to be a complete shit fest.

That's the way I like it. Complete and utter shit fest.

I nominated you on my very first post I think. I think it was you and crypt. I met you both through @newbieresteemday I think.

Seems like ages ago. I am getting to old to remember all of this. lol

Lol... I thought music is the only thing you force on people... I just wanted to be so sure that things are done the way it should be... If the system should be corrupt then no matter how hard i hit, i will never break through.
I know their are 100s of people out there who feels the same way i feel or worse but are afraid to speak up... We can finally get to work things out in a way it will be clear to everybody.

I can see your point in writing this. It really does seem to be a family racket. Judges sometimes overlook incomplete sentences and random nausea inducing faulty premises colliding in illogical syllogisms just in the name of nepotism.

I know for a fact that all the judges are related and the contest is rigged. Because although the judges are scattered across the globe I have managed to sleep with each and every one of them successfully and I can tell you that they are not nepotist. In fact they are second cousins removed. Well @prophanereviews is nepophilic but what he does with his nephew is none of my business.

I'm glad there is an opportunity for you to participate as a guest judge and appreciate your insight into the inner workings of COM. Congratulations and good luck.

This is a very good post in that it brings up a common point that I hear a lot in life. I have a response, but instead of writing it all out in this comment, I will do a separate post on the issue.

Do you mind if I reference this post and you in my response?

Thank you for stopping by...
You are free man... I just want some response from somebody.... Anybody... I dont care how i get it

i like honesty and simplicity . May be i am nobody to justify anyone but i am king on my own mind, there i can rule and i can make justice. In this situation i like to say it might be a misunderstanding or it might be happened that COM missed your entry in hurry. i am new here, and most junior, so i do not realize the actual situation. Hope for the best. i like peace everywhere for every moment :)

We haven't missed any entry, We don't miss any entry and each entry is judged by at least 3 different people, never less. I got a 2 for my entry from a friend judge, who I was in charge off. There's nothing shady and no mistakes in our process. Each judge has to sources for his assignment one is a spreadsheet and the other is @steemcomedyclub where posts are attached to the name of the one judging them. I was the senior Judge this round and I made sure each judge do their job. And there 3 people over me ensuring I do mine.

Here's the winners' post if you'd like to see who won and compare to what he posted. He also didn't follow the rules, which I think should be enough of a reason. So there it is, not a good entry accompanied by not following the first rule. Here's my entry (As a judge) and you'd see how even I wasn't eligible for a COM upvote without nominating 2 people. He got better than what he bargained for. Check the first comment and you'll see for yourself. Blaming the system for a person's own failure seems to be a trend these days.

@amirtheawesome1 , as i am new in your contest, i know less and i have no misunderstanding with your system, Nice to hear about your process of selection. Hope to be with COM. Thanks for your info :)

Yeah dude I liked your entry. Welcome to the contest. Have you joined us at discord yet ?

Yes! i am on your discord server. my username is also aaarif there.

They missed an entry that was in the trending page of COM? Yes, i also believe their is a misunderstanding. Maybe there is a hidden rule that i didn't abide to. Because it was hidden... Maybe there is some thing else that i need to do and i am not aware of it.
So i am still looking forward for their feedback.
The last time i won 1sbd. Somebody that made an entry with a GIF won a higher prize. Another person that made an entry with meme, won the same prize with me... Also a misunderstanding

Hello @sparrowbernard thanx for your observation. I'm just going to say that it certainly isn't how you're portraying it to seem. Comedy is a very subjective issue and at times, the message isn't quite grasped by the judge. You've raised a concern and while I must stress that it's got nothing to do with politics, we will ensure things are done better.

Hello @belemo i expected you to give me that reason... Coz you won some pennies... Can you give me a better reason than Comedy is subjective???
Its very obvious that comedy is very subjective to the judges of COM alone.
How about we invite strangers to judge us, Then we submit our entries to them, without our names on it.
Lets see who gets to win.
How about you? Do you think my entry is weak too?
If its not Politics, then can you help me give it a better name?

I'll like to clarify that we're not arguing, who finds what funny isn't for me to decide, it really has nothing to do with the "pennies" I won.
If you read the introductory post for every week, you will see how you can also be a judge, it really isn't that complicated. I've been a judge for a couple of weeks and as far as I know, it's a transparent nepotism/politics free process.
About your question, I wasn't a judge in week 18 and I think it's unfair that you accuse these guys that dedicate their time to going through all these entries.
I'll just add that you can also be a judge and partake in the process, then we'll come back to this post again. Here's a link to week 19 entry, https://steemit.com/comedyopenmic/@comedyopenmic/comedy-open-mic-comedy-contest-round-19

I know you weren't a judge in round 18. I asked you the question. Can you pls try to be a judge for some seconds and take a look at the entry then tell me what you think...

Its very lame of you for trying make me feel pity while i am the victim of injustice here...

Now can you take a look at my entry and see if you can be bold enough to tell me that i lost on merit?

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