Weekly Comment Catch-Up 3/02/2018

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Weekly Comment Catch-Up 3/02/18

In today’s video I dive deep into your comments from this past week. Special thanks to everyone who shared feedback, video suggestions, and other comments throughout the week. This is what allows me to keep producing helpful content that everyone enjoys.

Awesome People Mentioned in Today’s Video:

@shonyishere, @djdaniel2020, @ychaudrys, @vagrantone, @abhicrypto, @kenmelendez, @mslifesteem, @kaminoteki, @cryptotippy, @agamr4m4dh4m, @rmorel, @jongolson, @janicemars, @martinjurca, @robertandrew, @melissakellie, @samaritanfriend, @joebrochin, @fooddadiph, @newageinv, @born2crypto, @gungadin, @movievigilante, @scotters, @scottshots, @tabz, @cryptowize, @gentlehuman, @vibrantyogini, @monajam

If you're interested in more videos, tutorials, and how-tos, I encourage you to follow my channel and leave me replies of things you would like to learn about. If I don't know the answer, we'll learn together! :)

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- Daily Comment Reward -

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Leave a unique comment (not just a "great video!" or "follow me")
  3. And you could win $20 USD worth of SBD!

That's it! It's also a great idea to go ahead and follow my channel so that you don't miss any upcoming posts. You can do that here: https://steemit.com/@brandonfrye



Unfortunately @dtube wasn't working for me today so I was forced to use YouTube. I attempted to upload on dtube via Firefox, Chrome, and Safari but nothing worked. 😞

I have trouble watching Dtube videos.

Me Too. I think it has something to do w/ steem power. They dont give you resources/speed to watch and probably upload in timely manner?

ye hopefully they will get it sorted soon! nice video though @brandonfrye i upvoted for you mate! just watched some of your upvoting videos on youtube too keep up the good work =] thanks

I've always assumed it was Dtube not having enough bandwidth. I'm confident it will improve eventually. It's already pretty awesome for being so new with a very small development team. My internet connection can be spotty at times as well which also messes up Dtube.

Hi Bro, i love your every Video, pls share your good advice video on steemit/Dtube to us every day, i will comment and upvote you every day too, thanks bro

Hello from @BrianDenver on Steemit, can’t wait to try the video games powered by Steem

Hey @briandenver, yes you should try it when you get a chance. It's pretty fun and who doesn't like the chance to win a little Steem!? :)

I want to thank you so much Sir for that REWARD. My 3rd day here on Steemit & I win something. I just can't explain how happy I am right now.

As @Haejin would say:

Awesome, you're off to a GREAT start here! Thank you for being a part of this channel and sharing in the conversation. And welcome to Steemit! It's great to have you here :)

You did a really good job on this. It was a bit long but you covered a lot of info. I'm glad you put it on Youtube. You might want to put it on Dtube as well for more earnings and that audience.

Thanks @mysearchisover, this is one of the longer videos that I do each week. And I actually attempted to upload to @dtube but after 45 minutes of waiting I just decided to upload to YouTube. Dtube is definitely my preferred video platform though.

this is the first time I hear about games on stemmit, if someone would be kind to point me to where I can find them, that would be awesome! I'll also to a research to find them. Thanks so much for the info.

Hey @nonogivers, here's a review I did for steemgar: https://steemit.com/steemit/@brandonfrye/693d71b9

I'm sure more games will be popping up here on Steemit now that @steemplayroom has got the ball rolling!

thank you so much! I'll check it out. This crypto world moves way to fast for me :)

What problem dd you face while uploading to dtube ?

@abhicrypto, it simply wouldn't upload. After 45 minutes it failed to create the sprite and add to the ipfs server. I attempted to upload via different browsers too. Nothing seemed to work. Probably just congestion on the blockchain.

ok thanks

Regarding short term vs long term view of Steem, I think by investing into STEEM and SP you are investing in yourself if you truly believe in the platform. Steemit is at a sweet spot between cryptocurrencies/blockchain and social media where there is so much demand and value available to add.

That's true. We are investing in ourselves here!

Dtube needs to step up the game. These delays are a big tome turn off. Keep the vlogs coming man, appreciate the comment catch ups.

Thanks @shonyishere, I couldn't agree more. It does really good for a few days and then gets backed up. I'm sure they're working on things in the background but it is frustrating.

You Should Do A Design Contest For A Logo!

I might have to consider that! 🤔

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