Protect Yourself- As Steemit Grows So Do the Scams

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Our beloved community is growing so fast! It's amazing to be part of something so good and powerful and unlimited in its potential!

Unfortunately, when you have something so good you attract the bad, and as we grow we are seeing more and more phishing and scams. When unsavories see there is money to potentially be taken, they will use sneaky and unscrupulous tactics to part you with your hard earned STEEM and SBD.

The first rule of Steemit is never give your private keys to anyone. Keep three copies in three different places for your personal safety, but you are the only person who should ever know your private master password.

If you can remember your password it is not safe enough.

You shouldn't use your master password to log in and post on Steemit. Your active posting, or owner key is enough. Keep your master password put away, you do not need to use it on Steemit for most things.

There is a phishing scam we are seeing more and more of lately. A comment will be made on your post with a link to go check out their post. Look carefully at any link before you click on it! This scam is taking you to a third party website and will steal your keys in order to have full access to your Steemit account.

There are also members in chat who are pretending to be our well known whales asking for STEEM or SBD, saying they will upvote and resteem your posts to their followers. Whales will never ask you for $. They have bigger fish to fry ;) The silly thing about this scam is that they are using a similar name but adding or changing a letter. @charles1 just wrote an article about this particular scam. He was approached by @kingscrrown pretending to be @kingscrown. Note the double R's.

And check out any service, wallet, or new crypto thoroughly before you register. With the massive growth the crypto industry is seeing it is easy for a scam to slip on by with a professional looking website. Do your research!

And remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If we all keep our eyes open and exercise common sense we will keep our community safe by standing against scammers! They will see we Steemians stand together and do not put up with this sort of nonsense and they will move on to easier targets with their broke tails between their legs.

Be safe my friends! And may the cryptos be ever in your favor :)

Images via Pixabay and Pexels

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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Great advice babe 😉
Many fell for @zeartful's banking scam which always seemed way too good true and of course was! The scammers will get more sophisticated and organised so people do need to be wary of get rich quick schemes and charity scams. Con artists always pray on greed and kindness so double check everything before you hand over your hard earned Steem.
Nice work Kitten.

What happened to him? I was following that for a bit but life got busy...

He was outed, named and shamed under his real name.
Some of the bigger accounts here stepped in to donate Steem to refund a significant amount back to those affected.
What a great community eh!

Good. What he did was pure evil.

Oh wow, I didn't know that. That is so kind and compassionate. I love our community, I truly do <3

Thanks for this post,the community needs to be educated by scams like this. Steem might need better policing and filtering.

I know the ones who are doing the policing work extremely hard, but with massive growth it's impossible to catch everyone. It's up to us to make sure those who slip through get stopped :)

Great advice. That last quote struck a chord and now I remember where the quote is from hehe. It does feel like that doesn't it. I wonder which crypto will survive.

Lol ;) Thanks!

I believe the cryptos to survive will be the ones who have the greatest foundation and the strongest most supportive community behind them...

More people need to be aware of scams like this. They happen every day and people lose so much by not paying attention and becoming complacent. Security privacy are invaluable. Thanks for sharing!

By becoming complacent. Exactly- well said.

What a Great Post @arbitrarykitten. I always tell new people to crypto think about Security, Security, Security.......

So many people operate under the umbrella "it'll never happen to me," but it happens to people who say that every single day.

Unfortunately there are scammers everywhere. It a hard to know what's what some days. Thanks for the heads up about some of the potential on the Steem chain.

Thank you for reading! And stay safe :)

@arbitrarykitten mam...
What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

You are going to do very well here :)

Keep on STEEMing!

Thanks for the vote dear. Be blessed

Of course!

I always say Be Blessed- you are the first person I have met who says it too! lol

Be Blessed hun!

very informative post..thanks for sharing this information..

Upvoted ^_^ this will help everyone on this community

I hope so, I can't stand hearing about good people being scammed.

Thank you <3

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