100 Years Ago We'd All Be Locked in the Asylum

in #funny7 years ago

Read Novels? Nervous about work? Masturbate in a deranged manner? These were reasons to admit you to West Virginia’s Hospital for the Insane in Weston, aka the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum.

If you fought fires, had an overactive mind, or your spine was irritated, you could be wearing a hug me jacket and doing the Thorazine shuffle ;)

Dropsy, anyone?

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With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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Masturbation for 30 years!!!

Was that continuously? If so he should be locked up 😂😂

Feebleness of intellect!

Geez you'd need to lock most of the world up!

Women trouble?

My favourite as you could lock anyone up for that depending on your perspective.

"Seduction and Disappointment"

These are all starting to sound like band names and book titles the more I look at them!

Yeah I’d be locked away on multiple charge. yikes! Haha thanks for sharing

Hehehe, we'd all be locked away! I can't think of anyone who hasn't suffered at least a couple of these!

Oh boy, they are going to need to build a much bigger asylum.

I didn't even make it half way down the first column before I had run out of ticks in my red pen...

If you don't act like the norm and society finds you intolerable, you get locked up. Most of the conditions mentioned here are indeed psychological or a cause for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Currently, some of these are accepted. It's sad though when these normal free people cause incidents on a daily basis (i.e. domestic violence). I'd say there's a good and bad side to our current psychiatric health system. Overall, I believe a more accepting attitude towards these people is more helpful. (With exceptions of course)

I agree that many are psychological or precursor to PTSD, however, locking sufferers of most of these conditions is absurd. It feels like they were using the asylum as a time out for those who can pay to be rid of a spouse or family member for a while..

we are living in great times this was insane time and some of the reasons given here are ludicrous to say the least

These were scary times i always wondered what were their reasons to lock up people in Asylums. Thank you for your post

So glad you enjoyed it!

It seems like anything was grounds for insanity!

Awesome post. Thanks for sharing! The War...

Even better- falling from horse during war. So if you fell from your horse in your backyard you were fine? Lol

HAHA exactly! This is one of the most hilarious things I have seen in a long time LOL

Have you fallen off a horse before @arbitrarykitten? LOl

I grew up on a Quarter and Arabian horse ranch. I was riding before I was walking ;) Of course I fell of my fair share lol.

But not during the war! Don't lock me up!!! lol

Awesome I went to a stud farm in KZN once. Hey are you on FB, can I add you? I think we have mutual interests.

This is a very interesting post considering there are many in the Steemit community who complain about present day regulations, rules, laws, government etc. Maybe they will see that we don’t have it so bad. :)

So true! I can't imagine how much in fear people were on a daily basis then!

Nice article good morning happy new year

Thanks! Happy New Year!

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