My first 100 days on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A while ago, I'm sitting there, thinking some things about an article that I'm writing, and at that point my superconscious kind of "hinted" to my conscious mind that this is my ... 100 days anniversary. 

My conscious mind said "huh?".  

I clicked on my "blog" and my first entry is "3 months ago". "Damn", I said. "We need timestamps!"  

Went to steemd to check my history out, hoping that it doesn't count days and months in a similar way. It didn't... So apparently my ID was created May 5th 2016 and my first post was on the 29th of May. It seems pretty close to 100 days, but is it?  

Google was next in order to find a date calculator. Entering the two dates confirmed my "hunch": 100 days exactly.

"Damn", I said again... My mind never ceases to amaze me.    

Joining Steemit  

I wasn't really aware of Steem (either as a cryptocurrency or as a reddit-type platform) until @smooth PM'ed me in and told me he had reserved usernames for some members of the Dash community, including "alexgr", if I ever wanted it. This was around mid-May.  

I wasn't even sure what Steem was - so I then looked it up to see what's it about. I don't remember why but when I first visited it, it didn't really impress me - but obviously I understood that it was early beta. I reserved judgement until I actually *used* the site. 

A week or two later, I told @smooth that I'll take the id for a "spin". 

I started using Steemit as a logged-in member and the surprises were hitting me one after the other. 5 different keys... I was like "WTF, who's gonna use this thing?". 

Clicking around I was seeing 3 currencies... Again I was like "WTF". I started taking notes in a paper, so that I could write a post about what I thought would prevent Steemit from mass adoption. Most of my notes were related to complexity.  

I also did a quick reading of the white paper to start understanding things more. Still, a lot of question marks.  

While trying to write my first post, I realized I must use ...github syntax / "Markup" if I wanted things like emphasis, italics, etc... I'm almost fuming. I'm like "WHO THE F*** IS GOING TO USE THIS THING?" My anger is greater because I realize that the concept is GOOD but the implementation can be much more attractive.

Anyway I try to spin this in a creative fashion and point out that what cryptogeeks think is "normal", in reality isn't that normal. Work needs to be done like ...adopting a proper editor. That was the equivalent of my "intro" post and it was nice that it was received well and even made a few hundred dollars (!) - despite my criticism. I think at that point I was "sold". I started blogging some more, commenting, etc, but since there was no payout until the 4th of July, I remained somewhat skeptical. The lack of a proper editor didn't help much either.

Once the payouts were given, I was like "wow, this is real". My expectation was that the price would crash from all the dumping, but instead the price went something like 7x upwards. Now that was pretty amazing to watch...

 ...100 days since my first post 

And here we are today.

As of Sep. 6 2016, I have ~1300 posts and comments, ~330 followers, and tens of thousands of words written in content, which is admittedly "all over the place" - as I've not focused exclusively on a specific type of content. 

Some of my posts during this period (newer at the top / old at the bottom) are included below:  


A proposal for the creation of "undervalued posts" tool (for steem app developers)

Thoughts about capping rewards in an incentivized way

Variable Rewards and the Casino-effect: Steemit's emotional roller coaster

Have you ever wondered what your post looks like while stored in the Steem blockchain?

Gaming Steemit without being a hacker...

Push vs Pull: The power of the Pull Model 

"Where does the money come from" - an explanation as simple as it gets

What I'd like to see from people posting youtube videos on Steemit

Images+Text in articles: The winning combo or a stimuli-dope that fuels ADD?

Investing long-term with Steem: Time as an overlooked parameter

Relative income as a key factor to maximizing emotional satisfaction during the Steemit experience

Unrecognized talent: Fact of life or ...whale conspiracy?

If you think about it, it's not quality that matters, but relevance...

The ideal of "fair distribution" in cryptocurrencies (and Steem): Can it exist in real life?

Contemplate this: If "Blogging = Mining" then "Early Blogger = Early miner"

Market value of Steem can become much higher than Reddit: Here is why

Remember: Evaluating the price of STEEM is different to other projects

Steemit remind us that there is more content out there...

Planning for long-term success of Steemit: Identifying areas of improvement


The fallacy of measuring success and failure based on price movements

Bitcoin Maximalists remember what Satoshi said...

Why blockchains are here to stay

Smart Contracts versus Simple Contracts

Coders and hackers are the new ...lawyers of Smart Contracts

Bitcoin spreads are exposing Legacy banking as obsolete


Why the EURO is a ...scamcoin

If the government is printing trillions why is there no hyperinflation?

Hyperinflation, Dollar Collapse & Precious Metals


Broader Philosophy   

Examining the incentives and purpose of living inside a Simulation

Dissecting Intelligence 

Political and economic ideologies are almost useless if not practiced 

Gold, cats, bitcoins and ...virtual reality

De-automating subconscious filtering and unlocking one's potential 

Truth, the evolutionary spiral and the greater scheme of things

Injustice as a species-wide catalyst for patching exploitable weaknesses

Finding The Truth

The Catalytic Effect of Artificial Intelligence

Gens X, Y, Z - why they don't really exist and why Genealogy needs to adapt

The ATM inside our mind: Predicting future events and outcomes based solely on intuition

Introversion, height development and eyesight

The Subconscious Observer and its effect on our life and human potential

How representative is the system of "representative" democracy? Apparently, not so much.


Prediction: Coding will be no more by 2040-2050

Prediction: The problematic scaling of Moore's Law will be compensated by AI advances

Prediction: The Basic Assumptions of Blind / Double-Blind studies will be proven incorrect

Prediction: The Technological Singularity will happen. And then it will be understood that it never actually happened

Prediction: If posting = mining, then by 2020-2025 AI posting and curation will become the ASIC-equivalent of mining

Looking at the future ahead    

My first 100 days have been pretty exciting. The platform is improving and as it continues to do so, the future will continue to be bright. Problems are to be expected, but that's normal due to the multiple game-theory parameters that have to be balanced, which is not an easy task. In all honesty if someone asked me 3 months ago on whether this could work half as decently as it does right now I'd say no, but it does. 

The combination of social media and cryptocurrencies have made me much more optimistic about taking cryptocurrency adoption into the mainstream. So far we were lacking the "killer app", and this could be it.

I will set my next personal anniversary at 1 year (or ~265 days from now) for my next long-term review... 

Until then: Thank you Steemit and thank you Steemit community.



Congrats to your 100days in steemit. Hope you could inspire more users to use the platform and achieve the success you have reached.

Congrats, let's hope their will be another 100:)

@alexgr congrats! Ironically I was the 100th upvote on this post, nice! Had to check my steemd after seeing this. Been 41 days, my super conscious isn't completely congruent because felt like it was a month and a half now...close. :-)

@alexgr congrats!


Ironically I was the 100th upvote on this post


Been 41 days, my super conscious isn't completely congruent because felt like it was a month and a half now...close. :-)

Rest assured, it wasn't your superconscious: It doesn't make mistakes. More like semi-/fully-conscious calculations... ;)

Hi Alex,

Congratulations on your 100 days of Steem!

If you hover your mouse over the clock you do get a timestamp. Just over half way to my first 100 days :).


Didn't know that... hmm... thanks!

Just over half way to my first 100 days :).

Happy 50's I guess :D

congratulations .. i only started yesterday and it seems a little complicated cause i have no idea how to be active and i usually join sites that includes photos cause photography is my thing but i hope for the best in the future ! You inspired me for trying to be more active for sure ... :)

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