Introversion, height development and eyesight

in #psychology8 years ago

Have you ever wondered what makes people tall or short? 

If you’ve thought of “genetics”, you must have second-guessed yourself with cases where the child is much taller than the parents. 

If you’ve thought of “nutrition”, you may have questioned that rationale as well: The kids raised 20 years ago weren’t deprived compared to today (in western societies). In fact the cost of groceries have gone upwards and the food tends to be of lower quality. Still, the kids are taller. 

So? What is it?

One of the most important and under-rated factors is the child’s psychological makeup and -in particular- issues that the kid is ashamed of, or that he wants to hide in relation to its social environment. 

When the child feels that it has some kind of very serious issue that he wouldn’t desire others to know, something that he doesn’t really feel comfortable talking about it, then the child’s reaction will be one of hiding. 

This hiding isn’t in the traditional sense. It's about avoiding contact which would then trigger the feelings of inadequacy during social interaction. So avoiding contact is a social strategy that will prevent pain, or, at least, that’s the plan on a subconscious level.

The individual’s desire to “hide” may, in serious cases, translate to the subconscious co-operating to inhibit one’s height development. The rationale is “If I’m not tall, I will not stand out and thus I will be overlooked – which is precisely what I want”. Remember that this goes on sub-consciously and not consciously.

An alternative strategy is to develop nearsightedness. Introversion and nearsightedness go hand-in-hand. “If I don’t see others, I’m less likely to make contact and therefore avoid the consequent pain of my perceived inadequacies that will be triggered during the social interaction. Therefore it is in my best interest to not see others”. The “eye” complies and pretends it doesn’t see, with the person becoming “short-sighted”.

Some times this works in reverse: Some individuals who had no serious issues or serious inhibitions got some pretty good height development but then they may have issues in their life and their height makes them very noticeable. In their subconscious effort to “hide”, as they turn to introversion, they might self-sabotage their sight and become ...”near-sighted” to “compensate” for their very noticeable presence.

I’m using “” because the effect in the eyes is not real. In psychology it is a known phenomenon that people with multiple personalities can have different degrees of eyesight depending the personality that they “wear” at any given moment. If the personality is extroverted they may have no issues of self-sabotaging their vision and the vision will be OK and no glasses will be needed. If the switch to an introverted personality they may need glasses. And if they switch to an even more introverted personality they might need even stronger glasses. Yet the eye remains the same. It's not the biology's fault - it's the mind doing it. 

It is for this reason that eyesight can be improved with suggestion or hypnosis – because the body is highly programmable. 

Height can also be improved, during the age of development, if one has been subconsciously suppressing their growth and then the reason for such a suppression is eliminated or nullified to a certain extent. It can lead to pretty quick "bursts" of height. 

As for the general effect of ever-increasing height in younger kids: Aside from one's own psychology playing an inhibiting role, we also have differences in the way society operates and regards children. Both children and women were regarded as "less than" just 30-40 years ago. This be-littling attitude had a subconscious impact to both children and women who then subconsciously conformed to that be-littling by subconsciously adjusting their height to their perceived role.

Nowadays, sex equality and children being treated like "royalty" lead to big height gains as the be-littling factor is gradually evaporated. Still, on a case-by-case basis, things can differ in how each family treats their children and these differences can and do have an impact in body growth.

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