Prediction: The Technological Singularity will happen. And then it will be understood that it never actually happened

in #ai8 years ago

I like using the blockchain for time-stamped predictions, so I will write one that will come true in around 40 to 60 years into the future (in terms of mainstream understanding). 

Pre-requisite Definition of the Technological Singularity:

As of August 12 of the year 2016, the main global knowledge database (Wikipedia) defines "Technological Singularity" as follows:

"The technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity) is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent agent (such as a computer running software-based artificial general intelligence) would enter a 'runaway reaction' of self-improvement cycles, with each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an intelligence explosion and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that would, qualitatively, far surpass all human intelligence. Science fiction author Vernor Vinge said in his essay The Coming Technological Singularity that this would signal the end of the human era, as the new superintelligence would continue to upgrade itself and would advance technologically at an incomprehensible rate."

The "Flawed Singularity" Prediction (in 5 parts):

Part 1) The Technological Singularity, which signals the point where Artificial Intelligence surpasses human intelligence, will "happen". Artificial Intelligence will seem, for all intents and purposes, to have surpassed Human Intelligence.

Part 2) Human Intelligence (without any technological implants or external aids) will be later understood to be far more advanced than originally understood. The definition of Human Intelligence will have to be redefined and the limits of what was thought possible will have to be expanded.

Part 3) When Human Intelligence is redefined, suddenly any level of Artificial Intelligence will be found lacking in comparison.

Part 4) The Singularity hypothesis will be considered "correct" compared to the earlier erroneous definition of Human Intelligence but wrong in terms of the newer and more expanded definition of Human Intelligence that will be discovered and propagated after the Singularity.

Part 5) The realization about the error of the old definition of Human Intelligence will come in steps. Some individuals will be able to realize the truth of this prediction earlier than the designated time-window and before mainstream science redefines the expanded nature and limits of Human Intelligence. 


Great topic, and nice post, but I'm wondering what you're basing some of your thinking on? My own stand point is that the singularity is highly likely, but I'm wondering what it is that leads you to predict that human intelligence will be understood to be more advanced than currently thought?

The singularity is basically inevitable and it will come probably sooner than the most optimistic predictions (~2030).

The role of the human heart is misunderstood. It is thought to be a "pump" when it is a gateway to the quantum world and the "higher self" of the individual.

The "lower self" is the part which is immersed in this reality hologram/virtual simulation. (I'm using the "Big Theory of Everything / Big TOE" as the most plausible unification theory since it has the least amount of "holes" in its rationale compared to other unification theories)

The "higher self" is the "player" / controller of this avatar/human body-mind.

The connection is established through the heart and brain, and the heart in particular has a very significant role in this connection. It possesses an intelligence that dwarfs the mind, because it has access to timelessness/non-linear-time, while it also allows connections to every other being throughout time and space, and non-time and non-space, and by extension it also allows connections to the All-that-Is-One and the One-that-is-All.

These connections will be elusive for at least 40+ years because science will lack the tools to map them.

That's a fascinating theory. Read your other post, and is this all based on the idea that we're avatars in a simulation? Seems like you're suggesting that some of us will be 'hacked' by our 'players' to give us super powers? Intriguing, I'll remember where I heard it first if things do unfold like that!

did you just watch the zero theorem? :O

No, don't know what that is. I was actually reading this:

...and as I was reading at some point I got chills down my spine and the realization that was expressed above. And then I opened a notepad and wrote it down. And then I posted it...

its a movie kinda about what you are talking about. its basically a math equasion that proves everything equals nothing. its is made by the guy that made 12 monkeys. good flick

I'll put it on the to-watch-list :)

Nice post, I was reading about The Singularity recently and it's a fascinating subject.

Indeed it is, we have pretty exciting times ahead of us...

I've never heard that criticism of the Singularity idea before, and I like it. Here's another one.

Just finished it. Nice...

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