How representative is the system of "representative" democracy? Apparently, not so much.

in #representative8 years ago

We've seen, over the past 2 years, in two referendums (Greece / 62% against the EU deal, UK 52% in favor of BRexit), a huge "paradox" in the system of the so called representative democracy.

In both Greece and the UK, the parliamentary and representation of pro-EU almost dominates the political space. Yet that has absolutely no relation to what the people feel about the EU.

The situation is currently "suppressed" in multiple countries that aren't even in a process to conduct a referendum in the near future, yet the political parties in charge pretend that they are "representing" the people with their pro-EU positions which are too removed from the ordinary person.

How can this system ever be called "representative" - when there is a measurable chaotic difference of opinions between the body of politicians and the people's will? 

And then we also have the media, called to terrorize the people in case they make the "wrong" choice, and acting in sync to promote the political agenda of globalization which the people should not resist.

I think it's about time that "representatives" gradually get replaced by new democratic mechanisms that involve the people in a more direct role, so they can have more of a say in the direction their society is going. The representative system is definitely out of sync with the actual will of the people. 

The implication is immediately apparent: The representative system, failing to represent the people, has also failed its role.


[that quote from George Washington in which he warns against political parties]

It sounds like European countries are similar to the US in this regard. Here we have democracy in name only. Elected officials are beholden to the wealthy and corporations, who put them in power by funding their campaigns. We have only two major parties, and both are corporatist. The "Democratic" party ostensibly represents the political left, but they sold out the underclasses long ago.

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