De-automating subconscious filtering and unlocking one's potential

in #subconscious8 years ago (edited)


The conscious mind can only do so much in terms of processing and that's why it is highly dependent on the subconscious mind which automates various processing tasks. One of the "background processes" of our subconscious is the constant monitoring of our modus operandi in terms of how we think. This then allows the automation of our own thought process.

A weight algorithm

Automating the way we think can be either "good" or "bad" - depending heavily on what we automate. There is a weight-type algorithm that rewards or punishes certain thinking patterns, based on our conscious assessment of their value. This assessment is expressed by whether we are utilizing the output of our thoughts.

Say, for example, you have a creative idea about something. If you are quick to dismiss it (for whatever reason), then the weight algorithm kicks in and "notes" that such creative interventions to the thought stream are not very appreciated.

The superconscious mind is always able to offer top quality information on issues involving creativity, perspective, morality, intelligence acceleration (that is the improvement of one's thought process to become even smarter) - even intuition about things that should not be linearly known through the stimuli-processing avenue of the conscious mind. 

However, this is contingent on the contributions of the superconscious mind being acknowledged as positive - or, at the bare minimum, not be discarded as useless.

If one is facing a situation where they don't know what to do, and ask their own self on what is it that they should do, the superconscious mind will tend to inject its own top-level wisdom. At that point the decision of the individual is of crucial importance: If the individual acknowledges this information and acts on it, then the subconscious will note it and increase the flow of top-level information from the superconscious to the conscious mind. 

If, on the other hand, the individual chooses to not act on the information that they get, but instead opts for some inferior solution, the subconscious mind will "penalize" the superconscious injections with its weight algorithm.

The more times the individual decides to ignore the superconscious, the less information they will be getting from it - because the subconscious will be automating the rejection process and silencing that voice as "garbage".

You may have noted that in a fun twist even ...blockchain projects actually imitate the mind: The mechanism is much like the flagging system that's been running for the past few weeks on Steemit... If we flag a spammer too many times then he is "grayed out" and his posts and comments become automatically invisible. Why would we do the same for our superconscious?

Reconnecting with the silenced voice

Most people have silenced their internal creative genius by ignoring the messages that come from within and by consequence the subconscious has disallowed the signals to reach the conscious mind.

At that point, to return to the steem flagging analogy, it is like trying to restore the negative "reputation" of the algorithmically penalized "spammer" in order for the superconscious to regain its voice relative to the conscious mind. This is much more difficult to happen in the context of the mind, compared to receiving a few whale uvpotes that restore the reputation and visibility.

De-automating the subconscious filtering needs time. The process, as one would expect, naturally involves the inverse reward-penalty sequence (rewarding the inner voice, instead of ignoring it) of what was initially automated as a silencing of the superconscious. 

The difficulty lies in the fact that once the silencing automation has been "cemented", then the internal voice has effectively been muted and thus there is nothing to "reward" and gradually increase its influence. So, how can one solve this problem?

Using the "Big Guns"

This is just one method, but it seems to work well in kickstarting the reverse automation:

Among the "design specifications" of the human being is that it will always be able to feel the difference between right from wrong. This kind of "access" cannot be muted with the same ease and the truth is always accessible once one makes a genuine question to themselves.

This kind of genuine question can instantly re-activate the superconscious perspective which is then injected into the conscious mind. By acting on what is right, the process of reverse-automation begins. But the individual will have to expand its use from the area of ethics to other areas as well and reward the higher perspectives by acting on them in order to complete the unblocking and then create a new automation that allows for the frequent injection of superconscious thoughts.

Subconscious filtering in the larger scheme of things

Each one of us is in a different stage of our own personal journey. Some will be at a point where they will have ample access to the internal communications - although they will be erroneously mixing the higher perspectives with their conscious reasoning with results that will predictably fail them: This mixing will typically trigger the automation of filtering out superconscious information as junk. 

Some will be at a point where they have cemented the automation of filtering out the higher information and are entirely based on their conscious thought stream. 

Others will be at a stage where they can now use the higher perspectives with a full understanding of how the system works and without being swayed by pseudo-logic fallacies. 

In the end, one understands that the conscious mind simply represents one layer of reasoning and the superconscious mind represents another layer of reasoning, which is more encompassing in what it factors-in, and more thorough in the way it processes information. Once this understanding is reached it is only natural to seek the superconscious perspectives and ideas in order to maximize one's potential.

Related material: The Subconscious Observer and its effect on our life and human potential


Randomness seems to work wonders when it comes to unlocking the unconsious. Letting go is on of the best things one can do

@alexgr very good post. Subconscious is the foundation of it all. I'm following you now as well.

Thanks for writing this. Very informative and interesting 😀

Thanks :D

The more times the individual decides to ignore the superconscious, the less information they will be getting from it - because the subconscious will be automating the rejection process and silencing that voice as "garbage".

The above is related to "blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, which is sort of allowing for the possibility that instantaneous intuition might sometimes be better than well thought out plans of action. And so the habit of letting this process arise and gain strength might be beneficial. I don't know how "scientific" it is, but its certainly helped me over time.

Among the "design specifications" of the human being is that it will always be able to feel the difference between right from wrong. This kind of "access" cannot be muted with the same ease and the truth is always accessible once one makes a genuine question to themselves.

This method of questioning is very well expressed by Jiddu Krishnamurti (and formalized by Bohm) which I and a few others (edgeland) have been writing about. Very related to your sentiments in this article.

This kind of genuine question can instantly re-activate the superconscious perspective which is then injected into the conscious mind. By acting on what is right, the process of reverse-automation begins.

Finally in regard to "right action" this is also very related to JK AND Buddhism also.


I don't know how "scientific" it is, but its certainly helped me over time.

Well scientists have quite a long way to understand the mind. They are still struggling with the brain... And even when they do understand, I'm not expecting recommendations on maximizing our potential (for a long list of reasons).

I've read Blink, btw around the time it was published... JK not so much although I've heard of him.

Boss, you did great job with many information.
I will follow you.
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