Bitcoin Maximalists remember what Satoshi said...

in #bitcoin8 years ago

"Piling every proof-of-work quorum system in the world into one dataset doesn't scale." -Satoshi Nakamoto / Dec 10 2010**

There is no reason why a blockchain for financial transactions should also be burdened with data for forum-like applications, data for social networks, data for DNS-like databases etc. It raises bloat, tx fees, reduces decentralization etc.

In other words, there is absolutely no reason to be "butthurt" if another application uses its own blockchain. It's the right way to do it. The wrong way would be to try and carry all kind of unrelated txs on the bitcoin blockchain when there is no such need. 

People repeating that "hey bitcoin can do what steemit does - there's no need for a STEEM blockchain" are ignoring that bitcoin wasn't really designed to carry all other datasets into its own blockchain. 



That's true, however I'd say that the Lightning Network is an excellent concept that Satoshi didn't foresee, and would enable massive transactions without having to rely on explicit master nodes / witnesses.

Also in an ideal architecture, text and media content would indeed not be stored on the blockchain, but in dedicated distributed storage sources like IPFS.

I've been reading and enjoying your previous post, thanks.

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