The ATM inside our mind: Predicting future events and outcomes based solely on intuition

in #intuition8 years ago (edited)

What if I told you that the future is predictable? 

...and what if I told you that everyone can predict it?

The concept of precognition would probably be considered irrational by most, if it weren't for the widespread experiences of people with prophetic dreams and precognitions. Almost everyone has an experience, or a close relative, or friend with an experience, that could not be explained through our current scientific understanding of the mind.

My first intuitive experience

For me it happened a long time ago, in a time when I least expected it. I had a settled bet on a formula 1 race, which I had won, yet the bookmaker said that the bet was placed for "pole position" and not "race victory". Knowing the difference, I was sure that I had placed the bet correctly and that the bookmaker ripped me off.

At that moment I was very upset. I said to myself with conviction that the universe is NOT unfair with a sublime associated expectation of fairness. Indeed, a few seconds later I get the names of 3 soccer teams in my mind. They were playing in the UEFA cup and Champions League in a few days time. The three victories combined gave odds of 21x. I knew what to do with those names: I placed a bet on them and the three teams won. Obviously I made up for the F1 loss.

That was my first experience with intutive gambling. It was also my first experience with clear-cut intuition which could be harvested directly for monetary gain. In the next 3 years I had multiple such experiences, to the point where the idea of 'work=money' crumbled entirely in my mind: Why would anyone ever work if they had an ATM machine inside of them? The only apparent answer was that nobody knew about that ATM, or, even if they did know of its existence they weren't necessarily aware of how it worked. 

I was finding all sorts of results, from soccer, to F1, to tennis - with a good success rate, but it left me kind of empty because it was always happening spontaneously. I wasn't controlling it and I hadn't found a way to use this ability on demand. I couldn't just ask myself: "What is this game going to do?" and get an answer. It would either come up spontaneously, or it wouldn't.

Researching Intuition

I started researching all the parameters that made intuition possible in my case. What were the common denominators that allowed its appearance on certain cases and not others.

After exhaustive research that took years, I ended up with the following findings:

1) Intuition is like accessing relevant-data packages that lurk into one's subconscious or superconscious. They are relevant to one's thought process and possible information "gaps" that this thought process has. Intuition fills these gaps.

2) There are two modes under which our mind operates. One involves an ego-facade, the other does not. The ego-facade is a personality construct that we use in order to interact with the world by projecting certain traits. No matter how good it may be, it's a fake construct and it is not related to our true self. Our true self (which isn't related to our "social" self) is expressed when the ego-facade is nullified. 

3) Nullification of the ego-facade takes place, automatically, just before we sleep. It's the last deep breath that we exhale (it's usually more audible than other exhalations) and then we rearrange our facial muscles into relaxation and neutrality. This can be replicated at any time: Taking a deep breath, then exhaling and relaxing all facial muscles by becoming aware of how they relax, one by one. When all facial muscles are relaxed, the ego-facade is nullified. This happens due to two-way relationships between the mind and the face. For example, if you are happy you smile. Yet if you force a smile on your face you will force-shift your attitude and hormones accordingly. Likewise, if you are neutral you have a rather blank face of neutrality. And if you aren't, you can force that blank face of neutrality and you will become neutral (in your mind).

Finding the proper "recipe" of success

Based on the above 3 factors, the closest I managed to get to on-demand intuition was a replication of on-demand ...spontaneity. In other words making my mind reach that state in which spontaneous intuition would almost certainly appear in a given situation to answer my question.

- Since intuition consists of data packages which are relevant to one's thought-stream, I found it highly useful for the thought-stream to be highly focused. Thus I had to obsess about an idea or an event in order for my mind to only think about that. Obsession was a key ingredient in bringing forth the missing data package.

- Obsession must be maintained while under a state of suspended-ego. With the ego-facade engaged, it is near impossible to get access to the intuitive faculties. One of the best ways to do that was to sleep because, as I wrote a bit earlier, sleep will neutralize the ego-facade. So I would obsess about something and then go to sleep. By the time I woke up I might have seen what I was looking for. Alternatively, obsession must be coupled with a suspended ego while awake - which is more difficult to maintain for long periods of time.

As a note, sometimes when I obsess about things I get future intuitions regardless if I ask relevant questions or not. For example, these last few days my addiction to steem came to borderline-obsession levels (I tend to have a very strong single-minded focus on things) and when that happened I started seeing things that would come true a while later, like discussions, upvotes, articles, market movements etc.

Discerning intuitive data from junk data

The sleep state, even if used as I describe above, will not always produce prophetic output. Our dreamtime heavily engages the subconscious which will play out some "junk" scenarios that may be totally irrelevant to what we are seeking. So caution is needed because it is not 100% accurate, unlike the awaken state.

When one is awake, he/she too can have "junk" data that is not intuitive. Say you are properly obsessed, you have properly put aside your ego-facade and then you have something that looks like an intuition that answers your question. But is it?

I developed a protocol to differentiate when it is and when it isn't. The differentiating factor is the speed of intuitive data packages. Say you "get" a highly complex concept. If you get it intuitively, you will get it in under 0.1 seconds - all at once. Your mind will be essentially grasping for words to express it.

On the other hand, linear thinking speed (which might be confused with intuition) is slow. It builds from one concept to the other and it does so with "wording speed". As you think something through, it's like talking to yourself with words - and words are slow to "speak", even internally. So the primary difference of an intuitive data package to a thought that you consciously generated is always the difference in speed (which is very big and thus can be spotted easily). 

"Telepathy" packets are also of the same speed with intuition. For example, if two people are searching for a solution and one finds it first and then desires to quickly convey that concept to the other, the other may "get it" all at once - as the whole complex concept is transmitted in a fraction of a second, and the mind is still grasping for (slow) words to express it. It could take 10-20-30 seconds to explain it with words yet it takes just 0.1sec or less to convey it as a relevant data packet.

You now know. Will you use it?

So now that you know the basics of intuition and how to access it almost on demand ("on-demand spontaneity" replication), are you planning to experiment with it and use it? 

Feedback and comments appreciated!


Nice @alexgr
Shot you an Upvote :)

Keep up the great work @alexgr

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