Injustice as a species-wide catalyst for patching exploitable weaknesses

in #injustice8 years ago


Many people believe in injustice - that the world is not fair. That people are getting away with “bad things”. That “evil prevails”. Coupled with a Bible and the biblical presence of an intervening God that promise rewards and punishments in the afterlife, many expect some kind of intervention to make things right. For others it is all about re-incarnation and karma where the “corrections” will be made and “balance will be restored”. 

Perfection is a matter of perception

There are various stories on what we'll deal with in our afterlife. These stories are there in order to tell us that in the afterlife things will be OK if we behave according to some set of rules. Do this, don't do that, etc. 

Yet, from a greater perspective, what happens here, now, is simply a result of evolution. An evolutionary world is not a perfected world - it evolves into perfection, it's not yet perfect in the classical sense. But this evolution into perfection is, in itself, perfection - because everything is working perfectly. The 2yr-old kid that grows up and stumbles is not imperfect for falling. It is understood that this is a normal part of its growing. It is the way it is intended to be and as such it is perfect. Likewise the "evil" expressions of humanity are not real expressions of evil (if such a thing even exists). They are just expressions of a species that is growing up.

Justice in light of behavioral game theory

If we expand our concept of fairness and justice we will understand that when humans are faced with any situation they will only do what they think is best for them. Given the multiple dilemmas of life, everybody is trying to make the optimum choices, with the mindset they have, the feelings that are influencing them in a given moment, the environmental parameters that are shaping them as individuals etc. If these optimum choices are considered “bad” by some, well... they are still the best one could come up with in real-time

Every decision we make is always optimal at the time it is produced. In retrospect it may not be, but at that time it is. How could this be “punished” by all-knowing beings like God, or with divine mechanisms like “karma”? Punishing someone for doing the best they can? It doesn't make any sense.

Why the "Nemesis" will never come

On a global scale, many see the Hubris of the Elite rulers of the planet and expect a Nemesis to arrive in order to sweep the "evil people" off as a cosmic counterbalance. But what if the rulers are simply filling the vacuum of humanity's exploitable vulnerabilities so that humanity is taught to fill this vacuum and eliminate its vulnerabilities? 

Contemplate this: What is better for humanity? To temporarily stop an exploitation scheme (that will certainly repeat in the future due to the vacuum) by some kind of external Nemesis-type "savior", or to have humanity realize, on its own, how to stop being exploitable? What is fairer? What is better and more just in the grander scheme of things? To be externally dependent by a Savior-Judge/Instrument of Nemesis or to become immune from (perceived) injustice and thus not even require a Savior-Judge / Nemesis mechanism?

The self-inflicted penalties of "evil" behavior

Some may wonder, at this point, what happens with those who cheat, exploit or even kill. Even if humanity is evolving towards a more “adult” state of maturity, and even if for some cases the exploiters are actually “teachers” of the exploited, does this give them the right to do whatever they want? Where is the fairness in that? And what about those who commit murder or various atrocities?

There is an embedded mechanism in humans that is absolutely perfect and just for dealing with micro-expressions of "evil": Our own subconscious. Our subconscious is, in a way, an evolutionary tool that can make us learn how to “walk right”. It possesses an embedded reward & “punishment” mechanism that serves as our teacher. The subconscious is also something like our "manager" of inherent potential. 

Human Potential & The Subconscious Observer

Humans possess enormous capabilities that we are only beginning to realize but it is the subconscious which regulates whether these capabilities will be dormant as “potential”, or actual capabilities that we can use in our lives. 

While the subconscious regulates whether our potential will manifest, it is actually our conscious mind that decides this. The decision is not as simple as “I decide this”. In fact it is in a form that we aren't trained to understand: Implied thoughts.

For example, if one cheats in order to advance, this is something that the conscious may think is OK given its environmental influences, but the subconscious will observe the action in a totally different way. This observation will become a subconscious self-suggestion which says “since I'm cheating to advance, this means that I'm not really trusting my potential to advance on my own capabilities / I don't really have the potential to do it”. Thus the subconscious reinforces, at that moment, the belief that one is limited and by extension cements the limitation of one's potential. 

In this case, the conscious mind totally misses the point of how its very actions are cutting off the inherent potential. The conscious mind wants the optimum for itself but its ways of pursuing that optimum level carry a self-inflicted penalty through the all-seeing eye of the subconscious. This “eye” in turn activates or deactivates the connection between the conscious mind and the enormous powers that are at the disposal of every human.

No escape from the "all-seeing eye" of the Subconscious

This mechanism works immediately with total effectiveness. It is the ultimate evolutionary tool which can both provide “justice” - close to the distorted way we think of it - but more importantly allow us to understand, through keen observation, why certain life choices produce a more expanding or more limiting result.

There can be no action of harming others that does not, at that exact instant, produce a self-handicapping penalty for the individual who initiates the harm. This penalty comes in the form of subconscious self-suggestions as a result of one's negative actions towards others. These self-suggestions 

- declare that one is useless / weak

- do not acknowledge the connection that exists between humans and the Divine, and, as a consequence, humans lose the abilities that originate from their Unity at a deeper level.

(For those having problems with the concept of the Divine, you can use the concept of Earth reality being a simulated reality - where the "higher" reality of our programmer(s) - beyond our own programmed simulation - is analogous to the "Divine" reality.)

The same self-limitations are also caused by thoughts. If someone is planning to do something to others, even if he eventually doesn't for some reason (say, his plan was foiled), then the mere act of plotting in one's mind how to harm others has similar self-handicapping effects. Why would anyone contemplate to harm another, to improve his own situation, if he really believed that its in his power to do so without harming anyone? Therefore it's an indirect admission of uselessness. In effect the all-seeing eye of the subconscious ensures that nobody escapes the consequences of their thoughts and actions.


What appears as injustice is merely an outgrowth of our evolving nature as a species. If we were able to see our timeline in a non-linear fashion, spanning thousands of years in the past and thousands of years in the future, this would be readily visible. Injustice, manipulation, exploitation are catalytic triggers for the evolution of our species into a non-exploitable one that is free of these issues. The concepts of God, Hell, Karma, Nemesis etc are thus unnecessary as "balancing" tools. On a personal level there is always an associated reward & penalty mechanism in the form of our own Subconscious Observer: All our thoughts and actions will program us (at a deeper level) to either become more limited, or more expanded in our potential.


That's a very important insight.

I am almost giddy with delight that your little article is completely missed by everyone, when some deeply pointless psychobabble Quantum Jesus post is up in trending for a second week in a row. I hope that never, ever, changes.

The Truth is not for the herd, and it sure as heck is not to be found in Trending. The less people see your post and think about it, the more powerful those few who do are going to be by comparison.

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