STEEM BUSINESS DIRECTORY : Edition #2 : 23 Businesses now listed [17 August 2021]

in #steem3 years ago

Since the publication of the first edition of the Steem Business Directory a couple of weeks ago there has been considerable growth in interest among small businesses to join Steem.

The Business Activity and the Steem Entrepreneurs communities, as well as Promo Steem, are doing a great job recruiting more businesses who are willing to accept payments in STEEM and SBD.

It is great to see so many businesses getting involved with the platform but it is important now to follow through.

These businesses need to be mentored and managed on how best to use Steem to promote and grow.

As part of that process it is extremely important that people living in the area of any of these businesses make the extra effort to visit and actually much some purchases with STEEM or SBD.

If that does not happen it is likely that the businesses will lose interest and leave Steem as quickly as they came.

So please check out the list of businesses below and do your best to visit any in your area.

Steem Business Directory

New businesses are appearing in rapid succession on Steem so I am not sure that I have found them all. Please post in the comments details of any I have missed.








Business Communities on Steem

If you are interested in how businesses can use Steem, or even better if you own or work for a business that would like to take STEEM payments please join one or both of the two main business focused communities...

PromoSteem (run by @arie.steem, @pojan & @ponpase) also works to encourage businesses to join Steem...

Both Business Activity and Steem Entrepreneurs are doing great work, each with their particular skillsets and ways of working. I wonder if it would be better to have one single, unified community to help really push Steem to businesses. A single community would be more powerful, be able to gather more resources, and be an attractive landing point for any businesses interested in working with Steem.

Having so many businesses already accepting STEEM payments really adds value and utility to the community and the blockchain.

It is important to encourage these businesses by using their services and paying with STEEM.

So if you are in one of the countries listed above please do check out the businesses to see if any of them are near you. If they are please try to use them.

If you know of any more businesses that accept STEEM payments please do comment below and I will add them to the next edition of the Steem Business Directory.

Thank you


[ graphics & images by @pennsif ]


Interestingly, I didn't know about this initiative and didn't know that there were already companies accepting STEEM. I have a bit of fear for the future of STEEM and this post of yours cheers me up a bit.

That is good.

Todo esto es muy interesante. Gracias por compartir y unificar toda la información en un solo lugar.

Estaré analizando como promover el uso de steem en el comercio de mi Municipio. Pero primero me encargaré de la casa de Manuel jeje.

Excelente Información Steem Crece, muchas gracias, amigo.

Hope the fundraising for the house for Manuel goes well.

Are any of the Venezuela Country Reps in your town or nearby?

Hola, gracias por los buenos deseos, espero que así sea, todo marcha bastante bien.

No, ninguno de los representantes se encuentra cerca.

Vivo en un pueblito alejado de las principales Ciudades.

Great information

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