SportFit Shop company presentation in Steemit - We accept STEEM and SBD as payment method


SportFit Shop is a sporting goods company, the activity it develops is dedicated to the distribution and sale of equipment or accessories related to sport, in all areas, but its main focus is based on training items, so that users maintain a toned body and in good condition.

We are located in Anzoátegui Venezuela, covering a large part of the national territory, even though we are a virtual store that started on July 19, 2020; we are expanding, to have a physical place where our customers can approach and maintain a relationship with the distributor, being more appropriate or with more feedback, increasing relationships with potential customers and businesses that require our products.

This business idea arises, with the improvised arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. With people's need to exercise at home, where their best time now would be in their homes, cut off from the outside world they used to know and in this way is like SportFit Shop, it is here to stay.

In Anzoátegui there are a large number of gyms, training centers, sports academies, among others, that have a significant number of personal trainers and these are the ones that most require our products, due to their quality and efficiency. This attracts many more clients and makes us grow in numbers and in gains.

Although we are currently residing in a single city, the distribution of the merchandise is considerable and this is due to the fact that the users (clients), look for quality and when making comparisons they choose our pro, by reputation and recommendation of those who have already acquired the article of training.

The expansion is not only focused on a physical location, we also want to reach other countries that require our merchandise.


How does SportFit Shop manage to position itself as a company?

In order to position ourselves as a business, company or undertaking, and one that is growing wanting to expand, we must know the market, know what the client is looking for, how they think, what their needs are and in this way cover them as a company.

The variety we offer is for both men and women, although tastes are different when it comes to training, it requires articles that help to work both on the same parts or areas of the body, some with greater resistance and intensity than others, making in the client the satisfaction in their training.


The selection of sports and training items to distribute must be for all tastes, always thinking like the customer, because the customer "is always right" and we as a company must give it to them. Always guiding what best meets your needs and also the demands made.


How does SportFit Shop attract customers?

When a company starts, everything is uncertain, but trust is the key to prosper and position itself; What SportFit does, is what every company has to do, satisfy the customer with the full explanation of the benefits that training items provide to the body, in search of its well-being.

It is the way to promote the business, attract and satisfy the customer, both in quality of training products, and in the appropriate care.

SportFit Shop location on the web


When we decided to start, we did it thinking of everything, and this includes a website so that our clients inside and outside of Venezuela, can purchase our training articles and others, that we provide as a sporting goods company.

SportFit Shop on social networks Instagram and Facebook

Our social network, Instagram, is our start-up as a new company in the distribution and sale of training items.


Instagram - SportFit.Shopve

Currently SportFit Shop has made 42 publications on its Instagram page and has 3,286 followers of which, all our clients have been satisfied with the merchandise received and let us know how good the articles are for their workouts.

Image source on Instagram
Image source on Instagram

SportFit Shop on Facebook


One of the first social media and with users from all over the world, who remain firm in this social network, where the power is amazing, helping our company to also be visualized, appreciated and valued, by many clients who require our articles to train and improve part of their routines.

We have 113 followers, who are interested in training articles in general; We try to acquire products that are at the forefront, because each new client is different and requires a specific item. As a company, we satisfy the client's need and offer them all the options for their training.


The numbers of followers are more and more and these increase as customer expectations are met, as a company capable of making something big out of small, such as the effort and force exerted by the human body.

Facebook - SportfitShopve

Our youtube channel


Companies or ventures, no matter how small they are, should always think big, if their desire is to grow too, for this reason, SportFit Shop is always one step ahead, so that its customers have what they need and thus, be able to be that company, that speaks for itself, on merits recognized by customers.

As a company, we try to encompass and meet the demands and needs of our customers. We know that when training, we need good music, to help everything flow in training, for this and more, the creation of our YouTube channel, which currently has two quite complete videos, where in addition to the Electronic music that activates the will and power of training, is allusive in real moving images, the different types of training that can be done, with the articles that we provide.

Why accept payments in Steem Cryptocurrency?

We believe and we are sure that the new must also be part of the old and vice versa, the Steem currency, for many companies is new and if we are focused on growing and increasing both in customers and in gains figures, we must accept that the Cryptocurrencies are here, they are here to stay and revolutionize everything in their path.

Here we accept Steem and Sbd!


We announce the acceptance of Steem on our main social media, Instagram and Facebook. We will soon incorporate it into our payment gateway on the website.

The SportFit Shop company focused on the distribution and sale of sporting goods for training and everything related to sport in general, belongs to the user: @Cindycam, a user who has been on the Steemit Blockchain since 2017.

Image 2021-06-16_2.jpg

This is a small sample of our growth as a company and of how much we have to offer and we will demonstrate in the blockchain, with our contribution in profits and in the demonstration of the work done.

 3 years ago 

Welcome to the Steemit community!

Thank you, we hope to contribute as a company, all good things for Blockchain steemit.

 3 years ago 

Wow....its good !

Thank you, if the future is being planned, let's be part of it.

 3 years ago 

I will continue to see the development of your business. Please update the information if there are several products sold. I hope that the Business that you manage will not conflict with the laws and regulations of the government in your country. May luck be with us.

Sure yes, we are working to show our progress.

I like the concept and way.

Thank you very much, the training requires that the articles to be trained are the necessary ones and the ones that best help in the training. In our company we want to help you receive excellent merchandise that facilitates your training and with excellent results.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66094.73
ETH 3446.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66