Today, you will get up to $55 up-vote from me, (by flagging or warning comment-spammers).

in #spam7 years ago (edited)

We are seeing armies of less experienced Steemians who are trying to build their reputation by making lots of very short meaningless comments across many blogs. These comments are similar in style, (see examples below). These aspiring Steemians need your guidance on how to behave.

Today and tomorrow I will reward those who guide comment-spammers (reward up to $55)

A 100% upvote from me is worth around SBD $5.00. ( With steem dollars (SBD) currently worth $11.45, each after the rocket rise of the last few days, that’s going to be alot of money for you.

If, today or tomorrow, you help stop spam, by guiding those who comment-spam, then I will reward you up to 100%. To get your reward, let me know you did it in this blog and I will check your comments.


You must give a minimum 6 warnings to comment spammers.
You can flag them if you want - but explain to them why you flagged.
You must tell or explain to the spammer what he is doing, and why it is wrong.
Direct him to an etiquette guide, or direct him to this blog.
Let me know by commenting in this blog, when you have done it 6 times today.

I will check 6 of your warnings, or flags and then reward you for your effort in helping keep Steemit free of spam comments.

Examples of pointless comments I have seen in the last few days.

“Amazing post!”
“Thanks for sharing about how many people own bitcoin @swissclive
“Interesting, upvoted, followed and resteemed”
“Very useful information, thanks @swissclive
“Am new here. Please look at my blog”
“Lovely picture”
“Recipe for fried-egg looks delicious”
“The baby is fantastic, thanks”
“I liked your post”
“Nice post about CME futures”
“Amazing bro. Every post you make is as hot as this one @swissclive
“Bitcoin is going to the moon!”
“Thanks for sharing, @swissclive

Short comments like these look like spam. They waste my reading time.

These kinds of spammy comments don’t really add anything to the discussion of the topic. The users seem to be repeating the same kinds of short comment on many blogs, without a meaningful discussion of the subject matter.

Fishing for votes

Lots of new users to Steemit try to make large numbers of short comments in the hope of being noticed. The motive is they are fishing for votes, hoping to draw attention to themselves, get up-votes or followers.

It does not work.

Only a newbie blogger with no power is likely to fall for it and upvote such a comment. That's no use to the spammer. Whilst a newbie might think the interest was genuine, and upvote the spam-comment or even follow him, their vote is generally worth nothing. It won't enhance the spammer’s reputation.

Influential bloggers have seen this kind of spam-comment behaviour thousands of times. Seasoned Steemit users will see the comment for what it is, and at best simply ignore or mute. At worst it’s a flag. They are more likely to flag than vote for a spammy comment.

Some users will deliberately hunt down and flag or warn users who behave like this. (That’s what I am asking you to do today).

Downvotes or flags can significantly lower a blogger’s reputation, can result in the removal of rewards, and may result in his posts or comments not being seen by others. A single downvote from a whale can set him back a long way in his quest for followers, reputation and rewards.

Suggested guidance to comment-spammers

Steemit is a place for original writing and thought provoking discussions. People who write well, and comment intelligently with interesting and thought provoking comments, will gradually build a following, and eventually the rewards will flow. Trying to game the system in the hope of milking the reward pool, before they deserve it, is likely to be spotted by the whales. A single downvote could set them back a long way.

Bloggers who want to advance their reputation, need votes from higher reputation users. Bloggers need seasoned Steemians with a lot of influence to vote for their comment or blog. An intelligent, thought-provoking comment might prompt a powerful Steemian to have a look at the users other posts and follow him.

Some new users make the mistake of asking other people to upvote or follow them. This is also counter-productive and irritating. Asking for upvotes and follows is against Steemit etiquette. Some users may downvote, mute, or flag users who do this.

Should you flag spammy comments?

It’s your right to do so.

However, I recommend before doing so that you look at the user’s other comments to see whether in your opinion he is trying to draw attention to himself, fishing for votes, and follows. If unsure, you can give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was genuinely trying to encourage the post. Then, just tell him that an upvote would have been sufficient and direct him to read one of the many blogs about intelligent commenting (or to read this one).

You can try to encourage a change in behaviour by making a comment like “I hope I can reward you for intelligent and thought provoking posts or comments in the future. Good luck in your future posts!”

There are many guides to new users on how to comment intelligently. Here is one that I particularly like from user @miti

Don’t forget, after you have given 6 warnings or flags today, let me know in this blog and I will read your comments and reward you up to 100% for your efforts. If flagging, tell the user why he deserved a flag.


Just leave me a comment like “I warned 6 spammers”. I will check back tonight.


Great initiative. The key being: to help guide and train newcomers, in a constructive way, so they still have a positive experience while learning the ropes. It helps everyone.

Let's avoid being rude, down-voting for no reason, or appearing to bully. We WANT new contributors! ...we also want them to understand the value of good posts and comments. If they feel part of a valued community, then the good ones will contribute in better ways.

I agree but... i wrote two guide for newcomers and minnows trying to explain them how to have a good attitude and write good comments:

Unfortunately, without flagging spam comments I weren't taken very seriously. So I decided to flag spam comment at 5% which means not hurt their reputation but draw attention to the problem.

And as far as possible, it's working!

I clicked on this post hoping to nominate you. Glad to see you are already here. You are the one who deserve this reward the most. Keep up the good fight!

Happy to see your SP and reputation go up.

Thanks @vimukthi! I've the luck to meet @swissclive about a month ago and like you she has been a successful friend in this battle against spammers!

I finally could see what concrete shape may be taken by the interesting ideas that are crystallising at present.. a lot of friends have joined to me!

That's really great. You deserve all the help you can get. I'll keep on tagging all the spammers I find and report them to steemcleaners.

Good work, i do the same... it's important to report them to @steemcleaners friends!

@miti, your blogs are getting loads of traction today. Take a look at this:

Maybe it is time to write an updated version, so you can earn from all the visits.

Wow.. i'm happy that so many people use my links! I'll consider your advice, thanks @swissclive ;-)

Hola @miti tu enlace me ayudado mucho para compartirlo con algunos usuarios, para advertirlos de no realizar posible SPAM. es un buen aporte para la comunidad. Gracias.

@miti how about a translation of your blog in Spanish?

You're welcome @karlin ;-)

@miti how about a translation of your blog in Spanish?

I don't know spanish language...

@miti, would you give permission for one of the members of the Spanish community to translate your guide on reputation and to re-post it in Spanish under their name? I think @karlin or @marsella-2017 would do it - if you agree?

Today I flagged 35 comments.. only in half day.. Usually i use only 5% power but in some case i used more power because was serial spammers or people looking for shortcuts to make money. I left to all them my two link.. hoping could help them.

Well done @miti. You gave all the spammers appropriate guidance on how to behave. I would check back in a few hours to see how many of them changed their behaviour.

I can tell you that some of them read the guide and become my followers.. changing their behaviour. That is an enormous satisfaction... when it happens. :-)

And today in my usual fight against spammers, I came across this scam operation..

Incredible, people haven't any interest for consequences.

I am gonna start now.
I guess I will only give warnings to such users as some of them might not be known to comment spam and vote fishing.
I would prefer warnings and guidance.
I started the task and in the process I warned about a dozen spammers and I only had to see two posts for that.
Task completed for today @swissclive

Well done @syedumair. You told them the right way!

I have already warned more than 6 users today, I hope I can continue to help many, since most are comments made in my photo post and I do not think they deserve to be flagged, so I have recommended and shared the link of @miti.

Well done @karlin. You made an excellent recommendation to many spammers to read the blog by @miti about saving reputation. Let’s hope many of them learn and improve. Upvoted 100%.

Thanks friend.I had not given too much importance to these comments, although I did not like them at all, I did not know how to handle them, just a few days ago, I realized that there are many users who do not make good use of the community, only what they are Looking for profit, thanks @
[-]swissclive has also helped me to improve and take into account these important details, which help to clean Steemit from many spammers.

I think it's a good strategy to alert users not to make this type of comments, many of them are new members and before giving it a flag you have to help them understand what they should do, I warned a user yesterday, today I have not fixed if I have had spam-like comments, I will be waiting to advise you first. thank you, friend, it is very good work that you are implementing. regards!

here in Venezuela I would say this comment, you just broke a nest of wasps. Now everyone to run. It is not strange that you make such an important publication, you make people learn something important. I completely agree and today I will work together with you on this project to improve the community, without spam.

Thank you @marsella-2017. I see you have already given a very helpful message to many comment spammers. Let us hope that they learn the lesson. I will give you a 100% vote. At the moment each Steem Dollar (SBD) is worth about $11, so hopefully it will still be high in one week.

Thanks @swissclive, it is a good contribution to the steemit community, you are very generous. @miti also did an excellent job in its publication.

Okay, I got 6 or 7 (and one detailed comment when I somehow replied to the wrong one- glad I noticed that!). I'll start replying to them for now, but I still don't know what to say.

@rodent You can use the specimen comment from @miti or from @marsella-2017. I am looking forward to reading your comments and any reactions from spammers.

Just read your comments now. Excellent choice of words! Well done. You get my 100% upvote.

Thanks! At some point I will try to write out a couple for different use cases and save them. I think with my last one want to go on the whole "There is a better way!" vibe.

So I looked into the people I commented on and... yeah, I think @miti 's earlier comment might be right, you might need to do some small flagging to get the point across.

Hi - I completed the task and comments on 6 posts/comments to address their spam. You can find these consecutively in my Comments section from today within 24 hours of your post linked below. Thanks for your initiative and pending reward.

Well done @steemmatt. I read your messages. Well crafted and polite. I appreciate the work you do here. Upvoted 100%. My steem power is a little weak at 70% but with SBD now at $11.50 the reward should be good when you cash-in in 7 days.

Zero complaints! Thanks a lot!

I warned 6 spammers

Ill admit it that was pretty fun but there are a lot of crap comments at the bottom of posts.

Dont forget me @swissclive :) Also thanks for the opportunity to help out.

Well done @swerdan. I am very pleased with your comments to the probable spammers. You picked them well. I liked your words. Please continue to support the steemit community in this good way. Upvoted 100%!

Thank you, It was actually pretty fun to try and find them and as you may have seen I even got another one today.

Hei @swissclive, I have thought about this and 5 dollars are 5 dollars, I envy you for your Steem Power! I just found 4 more classic spam comments and the authors. Here they are: @andrewramdas - post 1, @zarfot - on my post, @chullbull - post 3 and @dahri - post 4. I hope you will see my comment, and have a wonderful Sunday night!

I read your posts to these users - except @zarfot - which I couldn’t find. You used excellent words which will hopefully bring about improved behaviour from the spammers. Please keep up the good work in warning spammers @mejustandrew! Sorry my steem power is a little depleted now, but with each steem dollar (SBD) trading for $11.36, your reward should still be good when you cash it in in 7 days time.

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