Current Fiction Index, 9/19/2017

in #fiction7 years ago

I've only written one fiction story (I think) since my index last month.

My Amazon Page

An index to my current fictional work on Steemit.

Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman

The story of a Texas man that runs off to be a Rebel, and never really comes home again. Violence and sex are the main themes here, and the character is a mean sonofabitch that doesn't consider himself as mean so much as he just wants to be “let be”
Warning - the character uses racist language - this becomes a plot point!

Written on Steemit, and packaged on Amazon ;>

Part One, in which Wallace Stevens returns home from the Civil War, then joins the Texas Rangers.
Part Two, wherein our desperado steals a Comanche princess and deserts the Rangers.
Part Three, in which Wallace attempts to return home again yet to put himself into more trouble.
Part Four describes the shootist's adventures as a hired gun in Mexico.
Part Five, wherein Wallace reminisces over his favorite weapons.
Part Six returns the gunman to New Orleans, where he joins a buffalo hunting crew.
Part Seven in which Wallace reflects on killing and the War.
Part Eight relates the tale of buffalo hunting and the last of the buffalo Indians.
Part Nine, wherein Wallace reflects upon his life with the fairer sex
Part Ten brings misfortune to our unreconstructed rebel.
Part Eleven, in which Wallace is quartered in Austin far longer than he'd like.
Part Twelve brings Wallace face to face with Austin's Jack the Ripper, a fiendish killer of women.
Part Thirteen, in which the pardoned outlaw suffers his greatest losses
Part Fourteen brings the saga of the Texas gunman to a close. Does he deserve a happy ending?

An Afterward to "Home To Texas"
Character Analysis of Wallace and Family

Amazon Link - .99 cents for the Kindle version

Go Back Where You Come From

A science fiction story in which ET isn't so nice and cuddly, and which his victims aren't holding up “Welcome” signs to their own destruction.
Go Back Where You Come From – Prologue, the setting of those lights in the sky

A Creation Myth - Stars and Spears

A short story and my own little creation myth
A Creation Myth - Stars and Spears

Halloween/Ghost comedy

La Llorona tried to steal me from my girlfriend, a Halloween comedy

The Exit Interview

The Exit Interview - Prologue (fiction, political, thriller)
Honestly speaking, this needs a rewrite.

The Shadow Vipers

A dark fantasy exploring a master magician and his student in power; which moral path will she take?

The Shadow Vipers - Prologue and Part 1
A cloaked rider inflicts vicious justice on a den of thieves

The Shadow Vipers, Part 2
The Master takes his new student into his bed, and delves into her head

Tale of the Lancer

A cavalry troop escapes from supernatural doom; their officers know more than they are saying
Tale of the Lancer, Part 1 (Fantasy Military Fiction)

Revenge and Retribution

A crime thriller - short story
Revenge and Retribution

A Hell of a Night's Sleep (sci-fi short story)

The narrator wakes up centuries later than when he went to bed, and all he wants is a cup of coffee that Utopia can not provide
A Hell of a Night's Sleep (sci-fi short story)

Dealing with The Hat Man

The Hat Man, Shadow People, and Black-Eyed Kids? Kick their ass!
Dealing with the Hat Man (horror short story)

The Emperor's New Golf Course

A Dystopian short story (mildly sci-fi) which brings some hope for the future; this story was almost completely concieved in a dream, which I wrote down upon waking
The Emperor's New Golf Course

The Guf

Two Hebrew soldiers find the same treasure...or do they?
The Guf (mystical short story)

Riding the last train out (scifi short story)

Riding the last train out (scifi short story)
Sometimes the scientists aren't as smart as they think they are

The King and the Hangman

A “swords not sorcery” fantasy focusing on a grim warlord and a sexy little elf chick

The King and The Hangman (part 1)
The last King of the Fay must decide whether to allow a Human warlord to pass through his lands

The King and The Hangman (part 2)
Negotiations tense even further as the King's daughter sets her lustful eyes on this Human at Court

The King and The Hangman (Part 3)
The King confronts his daughter, and a duel threatens the negotiations.

I hoe em, you grow em

This is a series of story beginnings. I like writing that “opening scene”, but I'm not always invested in finishing the story. So these are open to having someone else run off with them. Yes, I would like some credit if you do so!

The "I hoe em, you grow em" series - Need a story idea? Look here: hoeemngrowem

Making a Haunted House out of a Haunted House

An Inkling of the Guilty Party (modern ghost fantasy)

Common Themes

It is very easy to see some clear patterns in my writing. The heroes are professional killers who apply their own justice to the world. Their love interests are women of various backgrounds but always with dark hair and dark eyes, and who usually are women of ability on their own. These men and women are not immoral, but their morality is different than the norm. Most often, the lead expresses some degree of contempt for the larger society, but still serves it.

The stories will always involve violence, and usually sex. Morality and duty are almost points of discussion between the characters. The good guy wins, but he busts his ass doing it. The heroes make mistakes and are often eaten up by those mistakes.

Every last one of these heroes believes THIS implicitly:
It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six

Indexing Your Work

I will suggest that you index your own work. Due to Steemit's nature, your readers may lose a chapter or two in your story line. In order to make it easier on your readers, you might want to consider indexes or link-chains. Cheetah may yell ;>, but these devices can help you readers move from chapter to chapter easily. I wouldn't suggest an index of everything that you write if you cover a lot of subjects all in one post, but a post indexing your fiction in one blog, and then another covering your criminal justice thoughts in another, may just be the ticket. It might also help YOU keep track of what your doing.

My Books


Very very important last paragraph. Us readers like being able to find the beginning, middle and end of a story. Thank you for collating your works, with brief descriptions. I have only been on steemit for 50 days, and already have a ton of blog/post that take me forever to scroll back through. An I have found that sometimes you can not scroll back beyond 4 months in some cases. Some you can scroll back all the way through, but some you cannot.

I am resteeming this, for selfish reasons. I like to read, some of my followers like to read. But it's mostly for my benefit, though all benefit.

thanks for reSteem!

have only been on steemit for 50 days, and already have a ton of blog/post that take me forever to scroll back through.

one of the problems of Steemit is this now aspect - that posts don't get read at all if they dont get read within the payout window; I work around that by reposting of old material and by these indexes.

Hope you enjoy!

I will, and learned through your Page that Mr. Everitt Mickey @everittdmickey is also a storyteller. Thank you. Both of you if he see's this also.

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

I just now figgered out the index thing and the link chain a little while ago.
I shoulda listened to you.
oh n learn.

I keep tellin folks I'm a damn genius...;>

It looks like you're doing a little better than me tho!

Maybe you should be lecturing me LOL

great minds think alike.

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