The Night Gods II- Chapter XXXVI: Aftermath (Final Chapter)

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!!!

Denning was gone- dead. Beck had been sworn in as president. The funeral, as could be expected, was a grand affair, with Beck delivering the eulogy. His performance was magnificent.

"My Fellow Americans, we are here to pay tribute to a great man, a fine president and an exemplary American patriot. I believe there is no better way to honor his memory than to continue with his vision for this magnificent nation. It is my supreme honor to follow in the footsteps of such a splendid predecessor..."

He went on to speak of Denning's vision for the nation being cut short by his sudden and tragic demise. Capitalizing on the moment, he took the opportunity to speak of the continuing threat from N. Korea and his plan to strike "while the iron is hot." This time President Denning's plan would not be stopped. War was imminent.

Przybysz decided to buck orders and eliminate Beck before he could destroy the civilized world. In all the time he had worked for the Council, it would be the first time he had done anything of this sort... but there was more involved, the stakes were higher now- he had Anica to think about. He would save her even at the cost of his own life. He called the Doctor who reluctantly agreed. Beck may be a radical, but he was still a member of the Council- one that represented more than just himself.

Beck seemed to sense that something like this would happen- he called Przybysz and banned him from the White House and surrounding complex. He asked where to have Przybysz' few possessions that he kept there sent.

From the comparative safety of the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas, Dick and his small group of stalwarts prepared for the worst. Dick's son in law, Jeff, had tunneled into the side of a mountain years ago in preparation for just such an eventuality. There was a sizable bunker, large enough for up to a dozen people to live in relative comfort. It contained chemical toilets, an electric generator sufficient to power food storage and communications equipment that was attached to two 500 gallon fuel tanks, in addition to the two that provided electricity for the house. They could survive for months.

Anica was beside herself with anxiety over Przybysz. Although he called every evening, she missed him terribly. Every day when he called, she asked when he would be there. His answer was always the same:

"I have something I have to take care of here first... Then I promise I'll be there with all of you," he would tell her. He had never really cared about anyone before and this complicated things immensely.

"Is it dangerous?" She would ask.

"No Honey," he would lie, "just some loose ends that I have to clear up."

If he was to terminate Beck, it would likely have to be done using the poison ring method. A sniper shot was out of the question- security prevented that. There was simply no way to get close enough for a shot. Bret and Lena had invited him for dinner at the townhouse with the Senator to discuss any political remedy. He realized the futility but agreed to come.

It was Bret who came up with the idea... It was dangerous, but there were few options left...

"I could request a one on one interview," he suggested, I could wear that ring of yours... the one with the poison."

"I can't let you do that, Bret- If you get caught it means certain death," Przybysz told him. "These guys aren't Boy Scouts."

"I understand that," Bret replied, "but look at how many lives will be saved if I succeed."

"If you succeed," the Senator said dubiously.

"They're right Bret," Lena looked ready to cry. "Please don't. You can't do this."

"I have to," Bret said his voice full of determination. "I'll find a way to get to him."

"Prz said they'll kill you, if you get caught," she said her eyes full of tears. "I don't want our child to grow up without a father."

"What?" Bret Looked amazed.

"I just found out myself," she said, I was going to tell you tonight."

"This sheds a different light on things," the Senator said. "You can't go through with this."

"They're right Bret," Przybysz put in. "Go to Arkansas with Dick and the others. You're a brave guy but you're not cut out for this sort of thing."

Bret was torn, but his mind was made up: "I have to do this... For my child if nobody else."

"Don't make me knock you out and ship you to Arkansas in a moving van," Przybysz said firmly. "Leave this for the pros... It's what I do."

"Thank you Prz," Lena said gratefully.

"But what if you fail?" Bret asked.

"Then we're all in deep shit," he replied.

Finally Bret reluctantly agreed... He and Lena would leave for the Ozark Mountain hideaway. Lena was concerned for the Senator, but both he and Przybysz assured her that being a Senator, he would have access to one of the many government bunkers.

After the impeachment hearings, the Womacks returned to Phoenix without attending the funeral of the man who had murdered their beloved daughter. They declined the offer to go to Arkansas- with Melissa gone, they said it didn't matter what became of them. They would take their chances in Arizona.

Przybysz flew to New York for a final meeting with the Doctor. Beck was too well insulated and virtually impossible to reach, except for a small inner circle of advisors. He spent most of his time now in the White House Situation Room preparing for war. Przybysz took a cab from JFK to the Doctor's brownstone...

"I wish things were different, Prz," The Doctor said sadly. "Things are about to get really dicey."

"No way around this?" Prz asked praying for a glimmer of hope.

"Let me put it this way," the Doctor said. "If you have someplace to go- as far away from here as you can get- I'd go there."

"That bed?" Przybysz asked.

"Worse," the Doctor said gravely. "Of course, you're welcome to come with us- you've always been a good and loyal friend."

"Where will you go?" Przybysz wanted to know.

"Oh," the Doctor laughed, "the rich always survive... We've got our own bunker up in the mountains with all the luxuries of life. We can last 20 years if we have to."

"Do you think it will come to that?" Przybysz was worried about Anica.

"Beck and his maniacs will certainly nuke Pyongyang- no doubt about that... after that," the Doctor shrugged, "who can tell?"

"Will China use their nukes against us- or Russia?" Przybysz was visibly concerned.

"Hard to say for sure," the Doctor shrugged again. "Even if they don't- they can do enough damage with conventional weapons to bomb half the world back into the Stone Age. One thing for certain- the East Coast is the last place I'd want to be."

"The whole East Coast?" Przybysz couldn't believe his ears. He was afraid he wouldn't get Bret and Lena out of Washington in time.

"The East Coast is the locus of power in the country," the Doctor went on. "Think about it... Washington is the seat of government. New York City is the financial capital, with Boston right behind. With those three places gone, the whole country is crippled."

"Surely there's some contingency plan," Przybysz said hopefully.

"Oh, the President and those close to him will be safe enough- along with Congress, the Court, everybody that's anybody in government and finance in the country," The Doctor told him. "The mountains of Virginia and Pennsylvania- the whole Appalachian chain for that matter are honeycombed with bunkers... Much of the Rockies as well. Like I said, the elite always survive."

"But what about everybody else?" Przybysz already knew the answer.

"Everybody else?" The Doctor smiled. "My dear boy- we are everybody else."

"All of those people," Przybysz shook his head sadly, "women, children. Surely these aren't the Night Gods we serve, Doctor."

"It isn't," there was sincere sadness in the Doctor's voice. "Beck and his lunatics believe it is. The more sacrifices, the better. The Ancient Ones allow us to flourish in exchange for our fealty... they don't want wholesale slaughter- only as much as it takes to maintain a balance."

"But can't they stop it?" Przybysz was grasping at straws.

"They never interfere directly," The Doctor mused, "there are a few that they may influence. But in the grand scheme of things- they benefit no matter what happens."

"What will become of America?" Przybysz asked glumly. "Will there even be an America?"

"Not as we know it," the Doctor said the sadness he felt showed on his face. "But we're globalists, Prz. I'll miss it of course, I love this country, believe it or not. But, we'll profit no matter who runs the government- we own them all. What did Baron Rothschild say, 'give me control of a nation's money supply...' I imagine the UN will play a pivotal role in geopolitics - much like they do now, only more so."

"So there's no way to stop it?" Przybysz asked dismay in his voice.

"At this point- no," the Doctor shook his head. "Half of the Council is solidly behind Beck now and the other half won't stick their necks out- they have too much to lose. We'll be fine no matter which way things go. My advice to you, my boy, is to either come with me or join up with your friends in- where is it, Arkansas?"

"Yes, Arkansas," Przybysz said. So this was it... The great experiment in democracy was over. What began as a dream of freedom for all men would collapse into a fiery cataclysm.

The Doctor rose to walk Przybysz to the door. "I'm sorry Prz, this isn't what I wanted... we wanted. I love this country and I'm as sorry as you are to see it end this way. Go now Prz... Go and be safe." They embraced briefly and Przybysz was gone. Maybe they'd see one another again- perhaps not. His mind was made up... he would gather his few belongings, Bret and Lena and head for the wilds of the Ozark Mountains. Przybysz was a city boy- this would be a big change. But at least he would likely survive and he would be with Anica. Funny, he thought, how he'd never really cared about anyone... He really grown attached to the little refugee girl.

In the White House Situation Room, Beck had gathered SecDef Wade, Adm Stehle of the Joint Chiefs, Sec of State Minnick, SecNav Mitchell as well as the heads of CIA and NSA. They would replay Denning's proposed strike... Only this time it would go through. Capt. Lawrence Petrie of the USS Nevada was standing by awaiting orders from his Commander in Chief. The procedure hadn't changed, only the time and coordinated- the Nevada was in a slightly different location... everything else was identical. The 30 minute countdown was about to begin- the Nevada was at launch depth and Weaps was standing by.

Bret Lena and Przybysz were in Przybysz' Suburban heading West on I-40, having sent their belongings ahead in a moving van. Selling Bret's townhouse seemed pointless- it was unlikely to be there in a matter of days, if the Doctor's prediction proved correct. They had decided to drive straight through taking turns at the wheel, stopping only for gas and food. Dick was to meet them at the Ozark exit just off the Interstate. By the time they passed Memphis and crossed into Arkansas- a missile was streaking through the sky over the South China Sea carrying it's deadly cargo toward a sleeping Pyongyang.


I want to thank everybody that has been following the story... Up next (In a day or so) The Night Gods III.

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Story looks interesting, looks like i will have to read from the 1st chapter :)

It makes a lot more sense that way lol! There are links at the bottom back to the beginning

Amazing stuff my friend! What an accomplishment!

Thank you my dear friend! Without all the support I've gotten from my amazing Steemit friends,. it would never have been possible. I give you all credit in the acknowledge page of the book (so don't forget to buy it lol)

This end is simply brilliant !! Thanks a lot for everything!

Thank you... Stay tuned for the Night Gods III, coming today!

I saw you posted. Thank you very much!

I did the forward and Prologue for Part III if you're interested.

Yes, I saw it. Thank you! :D

Looking forward to "Night Gods III". I have really enjoyed this story Rich, along with "The Lottery Council", and the "Night Gods original". I can't wait to find out what happens next, WWWII, bombed into the stone age, a cooling off, or what, so many direction to take this. Will you turn it to the left? Turn it to the right? Set off cross country? So many directions can not wait to get your road map, at least the first fold.

I'll post the prologue tomorrow, I think. It's almost finished. Thanks so much for your support- I'm glad you enjoy my writing... I enjoy doing it. Who knows, maybe I'll even get good at it! The Night Gods book should be out sometime in Nov.


I missed, who the heck killed Denning?

The ghost of Eddie Phillips.

Are you sure he was a ghost? They are gods and can do anything!

Didn't you read Resurrected?


I have no idea why am missing some episodes☹

Well, the links are at the bottom!

Looking for Resurrected now😊

Your ability to tell a story with so much fun makes this a brilliant prose, i love this, im josediccus

Thank you!

Of course, i should thank you this cut it for me, you got a publication yet?

The guy that did the painting and I are putting this and the first Night Gods into a book that should come out sometime in Nov or early Dec. I do the writing and he's doing some marvelous art work for it- he sent me some samples a couple of days ago.

Thats wonderful, im also a pencil artist, if you need any pencil artwork i can supply you with any for nothing. Im sure you will make it huge with the book.

Here is a post i have my artwork. do see, please

I'd be happy to!

wow, a great final chapter for a great story, dear friend!!!! Reestemed!

Thank you my dear Silvia... Tomorrow begins a new tale (NG III)

Whow, what a dark ending... Good thing you already announced NG III, so it continues - in some way or another... Looking forward!

I've got the Prologue finished for tomorrow. I edited the Prologue of part II along with the first chapter and sent them to you. Also the thank you and disclaimer. I'd like to start with the NG III pic you sent if it's Ok... if you change it any- I'll use the updated... that way I'm not using somebody else's art.

Found everything and like I mailed: if you don't hear from me before you post, go ahead and use the work-in-progress :) Thanks, looking forward!

You bet... I'm really excited about this collaboration- you're tremendously talented and your art for it so far completes the whole concept... It's a perfect marriage to the story!

Thanks man, I'm honoured my art is an inspiration to you - likewise your writing inspires me - it's not often such a thing happens. I feel like picking up my oils to put another layer on the NG III canvas :)

I got the cropped version and it will appear on tomorrow's post (I can't believe I got $8.00 today) I wonder if witnesses can erase votes?

what a great accomplishment, looking forward to more great post

Tomorrow, the Part III begins!

I am anticipating then
Go check this out and read between the lines..find the link inside and check it out. Might be a solution to extra income.

I signed up on there before they even launched- I was so excited... Now, not so much. I'm not downloading cash to vote with!

I was not aware of this at all. So it's not even worth exploring?

No be patient... I have friends with things in the works!

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