Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 > Week 13 > Roll

in #poetrydice7 years ago (edited)


Okay so I'm missing a die...
I just moved from my apartment and I just realized a dice was missing. :-( Let's substitute the last one for the M.J. die. :-)


  1. Create a poem using the 9 images on the dice (above).
  2. All 9 images on the dice must be referenced at least once, each, in the poem. (Reference Mary Jane in your poem the corresponding number of times as leaves shown on the die. For example, this week shows 3 leaves up, so you would mention M.J. 3 times in your poem.)
  3. Use “poetrydice” as your first tag.
  4. Label your entry clearly. Include ~"Poetry Dice Entry:" in your title, so I know it's official.
  5. Drop a link to your post in the comments section (below).


*Images are interpreted loosely. How you interpret (or assign the image meaning) is up to you and will not count against you. Please only use the "poetrydice" tag for official entries to the contest. Abusers will be flagged.

Deadline to enter contest is next Saturday at Midnight PST (UTC-7)

Winners will be announced weekly

*Disclaimer: The winners are based on the entries which I think are the best. I am not saying anyone is a bad poet, I will not say that. Instead, I seek to offer you my encouraging and supportive feedback as a fellow poet. My opinion takes into consideration many things that can add or subtract to the value of a poem, including:

  • grammar / Does it make sense?
  • flow / Are there any unclosed loopholes that leave me confused?
  • rhythm
  • rhyme
  • imagery / Can I imagine the pictures the words paint?
  • feeling / Does it cause a reaction?
  • and emotional pull / Do I suddenly have an opinion?

Hosted by @rensoul17 & @robyneggs


We are still open to hosting a guest judge each week. Three heads are better than two. If you would like to help judge next week, please message us for details. We group on Saturday to talk over which poems are our favorites and why. Judges are not allowed to win the contest but are encouraged to participate.

[One Human Basket]

Curation / Poetry Incubator

Use the "onehumanbasket" tag to ensure @robyneggs 100% (real person) upvote.

***Official entries to the Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 (PDC3K) will have the highest priority vote. Posts using both "poetry" and "onehumanbasket" are second priority votes, since I wish to curate the poetry community specifically. Any left-over voting power gets used for highly selective posts that I hope contribute to the "onehumanbasket" feel. (This includes nonsensical YouTube videos and my own posts.)

Thank You All For Participating!

Whether you are taking a break from your own flow, or you desperately need pushed over the writer's block edge...this poetry challenge is for you. All of us coming together and sharing our versions of how the dice speak to us, is what makes this weekly challenge so great. I hope the roll of the dice will continue to be an inspiration for you and the ones close to you. Cheers! And thanks for all you do!

Previous PDC3K's

PDC3K Week 12 Winners
PDC3K Week 12 Roll
PDC3K Week 11 Winners
PDC3K Week 11 Roll
PDC3K Week 10 Roll
PDC3K Week 9 Winners

thank you_robyneggs_by_girlbeforemirror.jpg


You capture my soul and the very essence of me so completely by way of your words. I am in the space you describe and I to experience the ever so captivating , other wordly MJ-high. Thank you @breezin

Thank you so much, I always appreciate your constructive, positive feedback!

Whoo Hoo!!!. The dice have been rolled again. Here we go go!!. I am so excited to be apart of this challenge. And I am grateful to @robyneggs for allowing me to come on board.

Just within the two weeks that I have been judging I have grown tremendously in my on vision, creativity and in my motivation and passion to write. I have learned of new writing styles and how different minds work.

I have also experienced the magic and the sacred space found within the Poetry Dice realm.
When the dice have been thrown the images take the judges and the participants on our own train ride full of a myriad of imaginative spaces. Yet within the parameters of the dice spread for the week.

And when I come on to read the blog post each week I can feel minds thinking, wheels turning of the participants that will take the stage for that particular week.
And though our thoughts and mindset cause us to write our take on the dice spread, we are still all in it together. We share a unique bond by way of the rolling of the dice.

Another thing that reaches in and plays the heart strings of my very soul is that the participants who come here are stepping away from lives that are jammed packed with activities and they daily have a lot going on, yet they continue to come here and be apart and bless us with their awe inspiring tremendously life changing gifts by way of their words that flow in rhythmic form, that sings a melody of love adventure, hope, tenacity, personal pain and pleasures and so much more.
I want to encourage all to step into this space and take a ride with us on this week using the dice spread above, we will support you (each other), show you love and we will celebrate all participant's expression of art and how they make it do what it do in this space of the poetrydice challenge. Wishing everyone success this week. ~RenSoul17

Thanks for being amazing! It's so tru! I love the coming together of minds to create fabulous poetry from "Rory's Story Cubes" - so inspiring! And the nice mind break is relaxing - just enough rules, but plenty of freedom to seize the images and make them your own. :-) I should write a poem for this week, in tribute. :-) Best of luck to you all! XO Cheers~! I look forward to reading your posts and seeing who can come up with the best challenges. Remember you get up to 3 entries :-)

Yes, yes write the poem @robyneggs.


PDC3K Entry: A New Direction

The direction I’m going
Is a field full of sheep
A calm, green field
Full of milk and honey, weed and meat
I look for the signs that God is present
Yet, I feel like a minnow on Steemit…

The sheepherder carves the apple pipe
Inside his sheepskin teepee
Soon it will be time to puff the weed
But no one will ever believe me…

Sitting under the moonlight, in this field
I dream of home, and the green I left in it

by @robyneggs
October 3, 2017

So glad you wrote the poem. Its beautiful, descriptive. I felt like I was in a prairie on a sunny day in a whimsical carefree space. Thanks for this @robyneggs.


Thanks Babe!

Thank you dear Ren :-)

https://steemit.com/poetrydice/@artsygoddess/poetry-dice-challenge First time posting poetry on here figured it looked like fun @clayboyn pointed me here

I'm not sure if I'm still qualified, but here's my last minute entry:

I Love This style of writing, Very well written @Krizia.

Hello this is my first ever poetry dice entry, thanks for hosting this :)

@juliakponsford, Nice and precise and a visual I won't soon forget.


I go in a distant direction, it's the melancholic breeze that greets
the hill and the grass trace the footsteps of a misguided sheep
derailed to an abyss of emotions, lost and found glances
that fall from your alien shirt,
undress you and slip my shirt confidently
which permeates the sweat and mixes
in the ocean while feeding the abstract fish
fish that hit the curves and enjoy the infinite sea
hiding from the moon to curb the moments of internal tickling
you smile and you know ...
I can not deny the message between the lines
I would like you to read the lyrics of my lost sense
in the prairies of your forgetfulness
I want you to remember the promises of the house we built
the afternoon of roads and random sounds where the future we drew without return
I touch your hand and you smell the aroma of the dinner plate
you do not avoid blushing when I repeat that I cook and do not let you interfere
the apples fell out of the refrigerator, the rusty bites remained in the pantry
I am observing in the present the same kitchen
and the smoke of this improvised cigarette repeat to me that I am alive
repeat that I will never see you again.

Oh @yusaymon, if we could put the precious life moment in freeze frame and just live there for an eternity, would not our life be in totality....fulfilled. Thank You beautiful soul, I felt your heart.

Thanks my friend for your words !!

Bravo to all the Master Artist in this space, So many, too many masterpieces this week, how can and for which one to decide, unbearably, frustrating.

Everything is, indeed, zen. Hope you guys like this one!
All We Are

@jonknight for me you so completely and precisely summerized, our experience in this reality. Awesome and Bravo!!

Whoop! Thanks for entering the PDC3K @ jonknight!

I really enjoy these poetrydice!

@clayboyn, I enjoyed the poem and the pic truly placed me there, I could feel the change in air pressure at the high altitudes. This one for me was a in the clouds high adventure. Roaming intimately on high.

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