I Made These Adorable Quilted Baby Cowboy Boots - Make It Monday by A Panama Mama

I knew I had to make a pair of quilted baby boots that are "too cute to kick off" when @superinvisible told me her daughter was having a baby! She is having a baby boy, so I made this pair in a sort of neutral color.


I received this pattern from my sister-in-law one year and it took me a little while to decide to try it out. It is called Quilted Baby Cowboy Boots by Curby's Closet. I just looked and it's $6 and an instant download! What a deal!!


These end up being just so adorable. It took me about an hour and a half to make this pair of boots. I like to make them out of old jeans so that they are a little more sturdy. I start out by quilting the fabric that I'm planning to use and then I cut out the pieces needed for the boots. Then you pin it together and sew it. This time, I only broke two needles at the seams where there are lots of fabrics to sew through!


I can't wait to see pictures of the baby boy who receives these little boots. He is going to look adorable in them. Since they live in Texas, these are the perfect gift, don't you think? They'll be flying to Texas today from Panama!

This is a pair I made a few months ago for my brand new niece. They like Texas A&M, so I used some maroon fabric.


My favorite hobby is quilting. Take a peek at my other quilt posts:
Grandpa’s Texas Flag Quilt
My Daughter’s Paintbox Quilt
Texas A&M Graduation Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt
Grandma’s Comfort of the Psalms Hexagon Quilt
Quilted Christmas Stockings
Nana’s Pinwheel and Spools Quilt
Stacks of Sweets
8 Sponge Bob Quilt
First (and Only) Triangle Zig Zag Quilt
First Quilt for my Baby Boy
Purple Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt


Make It Monday will be brought to you here every Monday by A Panama Mama.
Check back each week to see quilts, projects and other hobbies that will encourage you to explore your crafty side!
If you would like to share one of your projects, feel free to link to it in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by and, as always, Craft On!

#NeedleworkMonday by @crosheille
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So cool! I never knew that quilting could be so diverse. Great idea to use old jean material!

Thanks! I thought it would make them sturdy and pretty cute looking. I have no idea how they fit on baby feet. They may be super tiny or super huge! The maroon ones I put a little strap to help hold them on, but it was a pain in the neck, so I skipped it this time.

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They are really cute...and warm I'll bet!

They may be warm. I hadn't even thought about it! :)

Oh my goodness lady! These are sooooo stinkin Adorable!! Like for real, who would of thought you could make quilted boots? I sure didn’t...these are just too cute!!!!

If I’m having my second girl (Lord please let it be a girl I can’t imagine having 4 crazy boys 🤪 lol...sorry side vent Ha!) I might just have to pay you to make her a pair!!!! Resteemed!😍😘❤️🤩

4 boys here! I always wanted to have a second girl as well. I have 3 brothers and always wanted a sister. Not sure if that's how my girlie feels because she is pretty good friends (at least now) with her youngest brother, but I'm sure in the future she'll miss that sisterly bond (if there is such a thing since I don't really know since I don't have a sister). ;) If you have a girl, I'll send you a pair!! Or even a boy! :)

Oh wow!!! How crazy does it get over there with 4 boys??? Just with my 3 alone it’s always a wild adventure! My daughter feels the way you did. She is praying hard and asking God to please bring her a sister lol! We get out a lot to have girl time to give her a break but I’m sure that still doesn’t suffice. I have an older sister we are 4 years apart. We didn’t have a sisterly bond until just recently. I admit I drove her crazy when we were young. I would blackmail her if she didn’t take me with her when she went places lol. I would catch her sneaking on the phone passed her curfew...she couldn’t stand me. But now we are pretty close. 😊

Oh my you just made my night!!! I would totally love a pair for my new baby!!! You are such a jewel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! 😍😃😘❤️

Lol! Nice! I hope your girlie gets a sister! My girl is 6 and right in the middle of all of the boys. She has lots of girl cousins, so if she never gets a sister, hopefully that will work for her. :) 4 boys are a lot of fun. Well, it's always pretty noisy and dirty. There is much eating done (which I hear only increases as they get older). My second son is super quiet/shy, so it evens out the first one who is usually over the top and the third who is crazy. In our family, the 1st and 3rd are similar (look similar, act similar) and the 2nd and 4th are similar. It is so crazy how that worked out. Like twinkie baby pics, hair, personalities! I guess we will see how they all act as they get older. ;) I remember wanting a baby sister so bad when my youngest brother was born. I was 8 and I cried when he was a boy.

Thank you I hope she does too! That’s good she has lots of girl cousins!! Noisy and dirty sounds familiar lol! I heard their eating increases too. I can barely keep up with them now. 😳 It’s amazing how kids that come from the same parents can be so different in personalities and even looks. That’s pretty cool how yours has similarities. Awww I can imagine you cried...that just might be my daughter crying if she finds out she’s not getting that sister she wants.

Are you finding out gender ahead of time? I can't remember if I asked before. Around when are you due?

Oh yes!!! As soon as I can find out the gender we will!!! I’m sue June 13th!!

You know I will make the cutest post with the baby sporting your boots and tag you in it!!! Oh yea!!! 😃

Nice! Yea for a June birth. I'm going for June 11 as the birth date (I will turn 40 that day)!! :)

Oh wow that could happen!!! 😀😄

And it is my dad's birthday too. We share a birthday! :) I was his 25th birthday present!

We have a hereditary disposition towards icy-cold feet in my family. I wish I had something like this for my own feet. Heck, I'd wear them to bed!

Lol! That does sound nice, right? I bet you could find a pattern big enough or adjust this pattern - make a pattern to scale. :)

Wow cute! And didn't take too long either, that's really neat. Also, blue is a neutral color? :) Baby stores seem to have a clean separation of blue vs pink haha. But blue does seem neutral, come to think of it, and it's not the light blue color.

Yeah, I guess blue isn't really a neutral color but I was thinking red would be non-neutral. I just mean that he can wear them with different colors, where if they were red, he would only wear them with red. I was going to do a yellow/blue stripe but decided that might not work. I have a SIL who is really picky about colors matching. I'd put dark blue with pretty much anything but black.

it turned out really fun ☺

These are SOOOOOO cute!! :-)

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