Last Week: STEEM Broke a Dollar! My Account Broke Ten Grand! My Posts Broke 5000! My Followers Broke 400! I Broke My Pinkie Toe!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I'm first going to tell the story of my poor teeny toe. Yes, it's a true one!

I was taking a walk from my parent's house to the Willard Asylum burial ground for an upcoming dreemit's world post, and on the way there my thoughts were wandering as they tend to do.


At first I was caught up in memories from my tween and teen years...

Now I've walked this stretch of road countless times, and during the day it's peaceful, with the wooded hill on the right and the lake on the left.


But at night, a quarter of a mile without a single house, with a graveyard up behind the trees--that can be a little spooky.


And this was at a time when I thought it was a fairly small Jewish cemetery, and for some inexplicable reason, the tombstones were over to the right, as though someone had stuck the sign in the wrong place.


Now just behind that sign, through the little patch of woods, is a cliff that slopes down to the road.

A group of us were hanging out up on that hill, as we were known to do, when someone had the idea of climbing down this steep incline rather than walking the path. Naturally, we all thought this was a brilliant plan, I think we may have even chanted the genius's name.

IMG_20170515_134143 (1).jpg

In my first dreemit's world post I mentioned that I'd never tumbled down the hill that leads to my stone fort, but I had tumbled down others which I'd promised to tell you about. This is me making good on that promise...


I didn't make it two steps before I tripped on a root and went tumbling head over heels to the bottom, finally coming to a stop in that bit of grass.

At first I couldn't move, mostly because I was laughing so hard that tears were pouring down my face. Which naturally freaked the hell out of my friends who thought I was badly injured. Through my wheezing and hiccuping I heard someone suggest running back to my house for help. (We're talking stone age pre-cell phone days here)

I flailed at them while shaking my head and finally managed to convey the message that there was no need for that, I was A-Ok.
And I was for the most part, just some cuts and bruises...but when I got up and started walking- Holy shiznit-my teenie toe HURT like a beotch!

Now you might be asking yourself "How is this story relevant to this post?"

Well I'm going to tell you.

In the second photo of the road there's a building you can just make out beyond the yellow turn sign. Next to this building is a row of large rocks, and like my genius friend of days long past I had the brilliant idea of climbing up on these rocks to take some pictures of the decaying pier for another post...


...and when I hopped back down I landed on a stick that rolled forward, simulaneously turning my ankle and smashing that same poor little toe!

After hopping up and down on the other foot saying "Ow, ow, ow...which admittedly sounded more like eeyiii- sonofapinkietoelickingassstickshitfucker" ( I suffer from a rare form of toe-stubbing turets), I ended up doubled over in a fit of guffawing and snorting hysterics but still managed to hobble myself over to a conveniently located bench.


When the giggling finally subsided, I stared out over the water, my mind shifting to steemit (a place it wanders to quite frequently)


and I thought about all of the incredible friends I've made, and how much my life has changed in the past nearly six months.

I'd finally found a creative outlet for my fiction, I was on a platform that promised global interaction and delivered on that promise, and to top it off the prediction my husband had made way back in the beginning- that steemit would reach a dollar by summer- had come true!

Once my toe felt a bit better I started toward my destination of the burial ground, still pondering the price of steemit and wondering just how high it would go when I noticed someone had spray painted something on the road...


I don't know what you would make of that, but to me it was a sign!

So the morning when I checked my wallet and saw that I had broken ten grand, I knew I had to make this post.
(And it's broken thirteen grand now!)

To all of my followers, I can't thank you enough for making me feel that my words are having an impact. You guys are AMAZING, and while there are still a number of you I have yet to have the pleasure of speaking with, I look forward to the day that we do.

This place is filled with the kind of people I dreamed about meeting for years. People who think outside of the box, who know what the word empathy means, who are constantly seeking the truth and to better themselves. I couldn't ask for a more supportive, enlightened, loving bunch, and I'm so proud to be a part of such a community.

For those of you who have not been to my page in awhile, there have been some changes. I no longer focus solely on fiction. I have started a real world blog called Dreemit's World, and I'm getting into scenic photography.

dreemitsworld: Secret Childhood Fort
dreemitsworld: Childhood Home
dreemitsworld: Amish Paradise
dreemitsworld: Abandoned Insane Asylum

Good Morning- rough waters pics
Scenic ride on motorcycle
Sunset over the lake
Mother's Day-If you want to see pics of me and my family
Truth or Dare in Tunnels
Rays of the Sun
Sunsplashed Summer Sanctuary
Dark and Turbulent Waters

For those of you who are interested in fiction, I finished putting through my first novel of the series Allies of Old and below is a link to a complete chapter list, summary, as well as details for Book Two-Coming Soon. I will be including this link in every chapter of the new book so people can get started whenever they'd like.

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

The Allies of Old Book One Reborn Complete Chapter List, Summary, Details for Book Two Renewal

I would also like to take a moment to mention some new people on the platform. Many of you may know @gregm, but did you know that recently both of his teenage sons have joined us? Two incredible guys who love cryptocurrency and have a big head-start in life thanks to their amazing dad. Please welcome @jbreezy and @moonie at your earliest opportunity.

Also @son-of-satire's brother has begun this journey, @tonyr, a fantastic guy with a lot of poignant and enlightened things to say. Please give him a warm steemit welcome!

@luzcypher recently brought @anomadsoul on board. A philanthropist and all around great guy, definitely check him out.

@michaeladamparis has been with us for a while now, but school has him very busy and makes it tough for him to spend as much time as he'd like meeting people here. He has been putting through a fantastic fictional Sci-Fi novel called The girl and the pendulum Check it out!

And a few more newbies that caught my attention:

@marxrab @brevebronovan @bilbop @mprgrmmr @mz-fisteganos @youngjae

I've always been a bit reluctant to do the mass @ shout out, but in light of the big changes to my blog, I thought this particular time it would be relevant to do so.

I hope to reconnect with some of you that I've lost touch with, and connect for the first time with those I've yet to meet. If you've been following me and we have not yet spoken, I would love to know you, so be sure to comment!

For everyone I'm in contact with on a regular or semi-regular basis, thank you so much for being such amazing friends. I love you all, you are a blessing in my life!

@breezin @barrydutton @clayboyn @coloured-content @creatr @carrinm @ddschteinn @denmarkguy @donkeypong @ericvancewalton @everlove @everittdmickey @ezzy @giantbear @fisteganos @hanshotfirst @happyharmonymay @jedau @jlufer @jrcornel @karenb54 @kiwideb @klye @literature-trail @luzcypher @meesterboom @merej99 @neoxian @nonameslefttouse @opheliafu @ogochukwu @papa-pepper @reddust @rigaronib @riskdebonair @ryivhnn @sift666 @son-of-satire @surfermarly @surpassinggoogle @the-alien @therealpaul @trafalgar @verbal-d @writingamigo @rubenalexander @htooms @johalfiles @thecyclist @engagement @analisa @andrarchy

@acidyo @alienbutt @andu @always1success @artem-sokoloff @alexpmorris @anotherjoe @apolymask @ballinconscious @baerdric @beanz @boxcarblue @benjamin.still @anagamidev @anarchrysalis @countryinspired @damarth @danigirl @codydeeds @doitvoluntarily @duhiki @ebryans @exploretraveler @gavvet @freebornangel @hilarski @fulltimegeek @girlbeforemirror @giftedgaia @generation.easy @konelectric @lazariko12 @lastminuteman @lichtblick @lifeworship @liondani @kafkanarchy84 @nanzo-scoop @nextgen622 @nigelmarkdias @nspart @haphazard-hstead @jsantana @manandezo @mammasitta @lukestokes @motai @namastaynpaint @natureofbeing @onceuponatime @personz @prufarchy @ramta @richardjukes @richq11 @silviabeneforti @skapaneas @sirlunchthehost @skypal @sazbird @runridefly @roelandp @rossenpavlov @soundlegion @steevc @stellabelle @thereikiforest @timbo @timcliff @tincho @tommycordero @williambanks @yadamaniart @abit @arthuradamson @anyx @baah @dwinblood @jsantana @karenmckersie @jaybird @teamsteam @whatsup @williambanks @yadamaniart @val-a @playfulfoodie @sgnsteems @the-future @t-feldman @mithrilweed @mrwang @thecryptofiend @frankbacon @ned @paulobeneforti @seablue @shadowspub @mattclarke @mikkolyytinen @liliana.duarte @pitterpatter @raymonjohnstone @mynameisbrian @kevinwong @dragosroua

I am currently devising a system that will allow me to do a better job staying in contact with many more of you, as well as affording me the opportunity to get to know the newer people here and those that are on their way.

Let's keep on breaking through those thresh holds steemit, let's take this platform and its currency Up and Away!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I read the title of your post to my wife as I found it funny, and it reminded her that she broke her pinkie toe 3 weeks ago. Which she did not find so funny!
Thank you for your story.

That was definitely my goal, so I'm glad it entertained. Tell your wife I feel her pain-quite literally!
Thank you for reading :) It's very important to me for people to know that I've added dimensions to my blog. For a very long time I was almost solely posting fiction, but that has changed. My new 'dreemits world' posts are about the beauty and fascinating history of the Finger Lakes region of NY.
I have a great deal of respect for you, in fact I have the story of your life bookmarked :) I began reading it some time ago, and this is a reminder for me to continue...and it occurs to me that I will now be able to comment on the older posts! I actually discovered you through the comment sections of my good friend @son-of-satire :)

Thank you for finding the time to answer my comment.

And thank you for reading my posts. I will continue to post until I reach the point, in November 2016, when I registered on

I was searching for my name in the mentions :P
Anyway, great post, great pics !!
sorry for the toe :(

I am going to be checking out all of the new people that keep popping up on my page, and you have definitely made the list, haha! Thank you, (I have a feeling you'll be in mentions of mine in the future)

I have the same feeling too ;)

Good thing you decided to come to steemit to share your work with us, you are an excellent and very talented
I congratulate you dear friend @ dreemit for all your achievements.
Continue the success !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you with all my heart lovely friend!

Fantastic post @dreemit and so nice of you to give me a mention. I really appreciate your kindness and it should be appreciated by a lot more as you are definitely a credit to the steemit community and to yourself . Thank you for making me feel welcome and sharing all of your thoughts with us.

Hope today is going really well for you.

I'm very sorry to hear about your wee toe and hope it's back to normal soon! :)

Thank you @tonyr, you are very sweet. I'm glad I know @son-of-satire, I might have missed out on you if I didn't!

Wee toe, haha, I can hear your accent now, love it. It's doing fine :)

Sorry about your toe! Really nice post though...I'm looking forward to reading more!

Hi there neighbor :) Thank you. I've been trying to keep up with who has been following me recently and I know I saw your name when I was running down through it this morning, so following you back :) I'll definitely be checking out your page, see you soon!

thanks @dreemit! and yes...neighbors!!

Wow ! I love you too :)
Maybe I sounded a bit tacky but I know what you mean!

You don't sound tacky at all lovely @mammasitta, big hugs to you!!

hahaha of course not! BTW I also hit the 10k and then banks it turned 13 whoop!

So sorry to hear about your toe. I sprained my ankle at the end of last year, and I could barely walk for two months. It was painful and real annoying, but I made it through, and you will too. I didn't even have steemit yet to keep me company while I was stuck on the couch, so use it as an excuse to write more.

Actually the break occurred a long time ago, this time I only stubbed it though it hurt something fierce for a little bit, haha! The last thing I need is more excuses to be on steemit LOL

Damn followers breaking everything!

The nerve of you all, haha!!

Maybe its the phoenix effect...
Congrats my friend.

great post and pics! :)
aw! for the toe ;)

Thank you! And yes, aww for the poor little toe, haha!

Here I thought you broke your pinkie toe the same way again! That would've been totally freaky. Glad to hear that it's the only thing that was injured. Could've been worse, so I'm glad it wasn't. Congratulations on your achievements, sister! You're one of the hardest working people here, especially in terms of socializing. Truly deserving of all the accolades that come your way. I'm just blessed to have gotten the chance to know you :D

(The title had me in stitches by the way! hahaha)

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