Dark and Turbulent WaterssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I learned that "Non-Responsive and "Ambulance" when applied to your dad are two of the scarier words in the English language. And they were the only words that registered when I received a phone call last morning, the rest were lost in the resulting mad dash to grab some things and get in the car.

After a great deal of waiting and worrying the doctor concluded he'd contracted an infection that was causing his brain to swell and administered the antibiotics used for meningitis.

At which time we were told it would be several hours before there was likely to be any change, and so I went to my parent's home to wait for news that he'd regained consciousness and said something, anything that indicated his mind was still intact.

Most of us have heard that the weather can affect our mood, but is it possible for our mood to affect the weather?

I went down to the lake, normally a place of joy or solace. But rather than carefree. the wind seemed angry, and the bleak gray sky transformed its usual wild blue beauty into something dark and malicious.


I stood frozen for many moments when I looked at these two pictures. There was a monster in my mind, the kind that ripped your loved ones from you- had I transferred this creature to the water? Had the enemy of my thoughts launched an attack, reaching for me with its malformed hand?


I went up the stairs to the comfort of the house and the call finally came. He was exhausted and lethargic, but he'd responded to my mom by saying "My babe" and squeezing her hand.

I returned to the lake and found the 'monster' had departed. And though the sky was still more dreary than usual and the lake was still churning, it, and I, were far calmer.


I am hopeful for bluer skies today.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Wow, that was a monster!

You see that, right? Like a clawed hand and a whirlpool behind it?

Most of us have heard that the weather can affect our mood, but is it possible for our mood to affect the weather?

You always thought you were sad when it rained, until the day you realised it was raining because you were sad.

Very poetic, did you just come up with that?

I wonder why Americans use z's in words Europeans use s's in. Random yes, but I've been wondering that since I got on this site, lol.

I can't really take the credit for it. I was thinking of a scene from the movie "Dogma." The last descendant of Jesus always thought she became sad when it was raining, but an angel revealed to her that it was raining because she was upset.

Sounds a bit gay, but it's actually a great movie. And hilarious to boot.

Also, I think it is as simple as Americans changed the English language, essentially simplifying it. It appears the goal was to make words be spelt the same way that they sound when spoken. I might be wrong though, but that's the impression I get from looking at the differences between the languages.

Yes, our mood can also affect the weather. If everyone were to spread positive energy on this world, would be a much better place with great and pleasant weather.

It's definitely a theory I do not discredit.

Wow! And bluer skies you shall get!

Thank you, here's where I break out in song from the musical Annie...The sun will come out,tomorrowwwww lol.


I'm trying to imagine you sing but have fun :D

Everything is energy, so totally. Hope your dad is better soon :)

Thank you sweetie, I'll just keep sending him positive energy :)

I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. Your dad is strong, and I know that he'll get through this like the champ that he is. Think only positive thoughts.

Thank you my friend. We call him the Energizer bunny, because he keeps going and going, lol, he's always pulled through, I have no reason to think he won't this time.

He will pull through, because the energizer bunny keeps going until the heat-death of the known universe.

One, got the antibiotics kick in quick and glad that the monster if which you speak had not actually come. Thinking of ya chick.

And I thank ya for it me lion'arted friend :)

(superb play on your logo, blog style, and spirit if I do say so ;))

How are things now with your dad?

He hasn't gotten worse, but he's still barely speaking, mostly just sleeping. We're hoping it's just that his body is demanding he rest while the antibiotics battle the infection.
It was very kind of you to ask, thank you!

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