Happy Mother's Day Steemit!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mothersday7 years ago (edited)

For all the moms out there in steemit land, I hope you had a glorious day, filled with hugs, love, laughter and joyful conversation...

(...and maybe some dancing in the kitchen to the oldies after a gourmet dinner and a rich dessert)

My Mother's Day at My Brother's Place- 2017












Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Good to see you always being surrounded by such lovely people, @dreemit! There is nothing more valuable than family and friends.
Have a great start into this new week :-)

Thank you @surfermarly --that first picture is of myself and my thirteen year old son! Either he's going through his major growth spurt early, or he's going to be a giant--he's already over five foot ten and if his feet grow one size larger I'm going to have to start special ordering his shoes!
I agree, I am very rich in that department, thank you, and I wish the same for you!

Oh wow, he's really tall then!!! 13 years. Then you started early since you are 34 according to my calculations (birthday post)...;-))
Thank you!!! Not sure if I will have the pleasure to have kids some day. Currently it doesn't look like that. But I'm cool. I've got my surfboard which is like my baby, too :-))

Ha, yes, actually I did start really early--with the girl child lying on the sofa (Zoe-16) I met my husband when I was only 18 and he came as a package deal with two boys (my step sons are just over a decade younger than me, so more like little brothers ;) When he and I got married I saw no point in waiting since the boys were already with us all of the time.
I have a girlfriend who never had children and another who didn't get started until her late thirties. Both are happy with their choices. Every one is different, goals and desires, it's what makes us all so interesting!

Yeah, well... Actually this might be the only thing in life we can't really decide on. I mean even if I'd like to have a family / kids, if I don't find a partner who's willing to go that way with me (or who I consider being "the right one"), then I won't be able to do so. Women like me who don't have a family yet don't always voluntarily choose that way, they just haven't found their other half yet...:-) I'd love to have my own family, but I haven't had the great fortune to run into Mr. Right yet (or well to surf into him better said LOL). But these things happen when we least expect them, so I don't wait for it... I'd just be 100% ready whenever it's going to find me :-)

I understand. It is too bad you're so far away, I have some dear single male friends that also would like to have families but have not met that 'right' one (matchmaker? I'm not sure how well I would do, haha) You are so beautiful and full of life and energy, I imagine it will take a very special man to be your other half. And of course I can't help but to wish that for you now!

Oh you are such a wonderful person. Thanks for these lovely words ❤️
I am pretty sure that "he" is out here and will find me one day...
All that energy needs to be handled so he better keeps training himself a bit more until he's ready hahaha
Big hugs my dear @dreemit, have a wonderful weekend with your besties!!!

You have a very nice family, Im glad that you gather to celebrate. For me it was a very special day because my mother had 3 sisters and we all celebrated the 4 daughters and the mother, my grandma. I havent had a celebration like that in like 5 years but still, made me smile seeing you so happy there and made me remember the gatherings i used to have :) I hope you had cheesecake for dessert!

Aw thank you! I'm glad it brought back good memories for you :) We usually have cheesecake for dessert at family gatherings because it's one of my mom's specialties, but we don't let her lift a finger on mother's day, so my sister-in-law made a vanilla torte cake with buttercreme frosting and strawberries :)

Uhhh vanilla cake with strawberries is just right behind cheesecake :P
I think it´s perfect that you don´t let her lift a finger on mother´s day. Have a good night my friend :) Oh, almost forgot, Happy mother´s day to you!

What a great looking family do!! It looks like you had a blast!!

Why thank you, I definitely did! And my bro sent me home with a limited edition four pack of cherry hard cider from a local place ;)

Sounds top notch!! As they say in France, Get in there doll!

Do they say that in France? Or did you make it up?...hahaha!

I shall let you be the judge ;0)

Happy Mother's Day. A great way to spend it, surrounded by your family. Thanks for sharing your day, and hopefully you cut some serious rug, after the dessert. Have a nice night, though it's probably approaching morning by now.

Thank you! It definitely was, and we danced off some of those dessert calories, that's for sure!!

I've heard that's why dancing was invented, so we could eat more dessert.

Loving all those pics!

Yes, I'm alive and only popping in really quick to say HI! Miss you. Love you. Happy Mudda's Day.

She's alivveeee. Oh my goodness! Miss and love you too sweets! Happy mudda's day back atcha ;)

I am alive and well in the land of VIVA but made a commitment to get my ass back to Steemit! Gosh, we need to connect on FB messenger or Skype. How's life been treating you?

Awesome! Had a birthday bash last week, made a post and discovered people apparently like seeing lots of pics of my crazy ass and my crazy ass friends, hahaha, almost broke a hundred bucks, highest paid post I've had by far, LOL!!
Finished putting Reborn through steemit, will start putting the next one through in about a week :) But I'm alternating it with a new series- dreemit's world, real life stuff, trying my hand at blogging :)
How about yourself?

Happy day dear friend @dreemit, it makes me very happy to see that you have been surrounded by all your loved ones, fearing a big hug

Thank you my lovely friend @jlufer, I am fortunate to have so many loved ones to surround myself with, and always lots of hugs ;)

So glad to hear you had a lovely Mother's Day! :D



Thank you my friend! I hope you made it a special one for your wife ;)

I did the best I could... We had grandkids over for dinner, I did most of the cooking and cleanup.. :D

This evening we watched "Hidden Figures," which she hadn't yet seen. She enjoyed it! It is a remarkable movie...

You had me at "most of the cooking and cleanup" LOL!
I haven't seen that either, 'remarkable' makes it sound very appealing, I'll have to check it out :)

Happy mother's day, sister! I hope you and the whole family have a great time! Also, I hope the kids know how lucky they are to have you as their mom :D

Happy mother's day to you, dear @dreemit!

Thanks for sharing all those awesome photos of your family. You guys seem really close and connected, which is exactly how a real family should be. Bless! :)

Thank you my beautiful friend! I'm glad you enjoyed my little photo album, bless you tenfold @ezzy,

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