Fish fillet! A fiction

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Dear friends

I am pleased to participate in the daily challenge of @mariannewest, Friday's message: fish fillet. I hope you enjoy.

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Upon reaching the shore of the beach Sandra and Miguel were surprised by the immense sailfish of about 150 pounds of weight caught by fishermen. They saw at that moment as a young man had it placed on his head to take him to town.

The fishermen's work during that last night had been very productive since the boats were overflowing with the amount of fish caught. Now they were moved by the abundance the sea had given them, they celebrated the gain by sharing a bottle of beer.

Upon returning from their brief walk, Sandra and Miguel passed by a small restaurant where they were frying fish fillets served with tomato, banana and cassava salad. They immediately sat there and ordered a ration for each.

Miguel, seeing the attention, exclaimed:

"Honey, you got it right, since you've chosen the most beautiful place for us to enjoy our honeymoon."

Sandra hearing it:

"Love, I knew you were going to like it, from now on these will be unforgettable moments"

(to be continue...)

© 2019, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.


Image source

This is the continuation of Mark's adventures, you can read the previous episodes in the following links:

01 The jungle21 Coffee Mug
02 Main street23 Shawl
03 Funny incidents24 Backwoods
04 Fern25 Sunscreen
05 vegetables26 Business trip
06 Disposable diaper27 Skiing
07 Not moving28 Barbecue
08 A broken toe29 Sesame sticks
09 Stovetop30 Good surprise
10 Gutless31 Satellite
11 Napkins32 Wedding
12 Envy33 Bright light
13 Recycle34 Fresh air
14 Wool sweater35 Details
15 Black-eyed peas36 Cannibals
16 Chocolate cake37 Radish
17 Understand38 Cleft
18 Bandage
19 We are young
20 The big test

Also here you can enjoy the Mary´s adventures.


Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!

[image source courtesy of @freewritehouse]


That is a huge fish and what a sweet romance they have!

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fish fillets served with tomato, banana and cassava salad

That combination sounds very interesting! Have you ever eaten that? I haven't, but I think I should try it!

@scribblingramma In Venezuela one usually savors this type of dish. Thanks for comment.

I wonder if the story goes on till the end of 2020. Enjoy your weekend. 💕

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I know I will still be able to catch up with you one day when it comes to writing.

Am here to deliver the weekend Freewrite Prompt.

A single one to mingle
Three in one,
take them one by one

Do have a beautiful weekend.

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