The gem followers pick (week3)(day5)

Finding those really great content creators to get their work noticed and for you to follow.


@minion - Diversity of content

@customnature - Photography & nature

@shneakysquirrel - Diversity of content

@shaka - Photography & travel

@jaredcwillis - Diversity of content

Promoted author work (click image to go to their post)


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

Vote Buying


Other work by author

UPCYCLED: From Pallets At Work to a Headboard At Home. (Original Work)

Daily Nature Fix: Just a Buffalo and His Tiny Bird Hat. (Original Photos)

Daily Nature Fix: A 25-Year-Old Tabletop Forest. (Original Photos)

Daily Nature Fix: A Warm Swim in the Volcano Heated Ocean. (Original Photos)

Daily Nature Fix: A Scenic View Memorialized. (Original Photo & Artwork)

Daily Nature Fix: A Rainbow Shooting Out of Mitchell's Butte! (Original Photo)

Daily Nature Fix: An American Icon - Live and Up Close. (Original Photos)

Daily Nature Fix: What a Friendly Little Weasel! (Original Photos)

Daily Nature Fix: Antelope Canyon - Home of the $6.5Million Photograph. (Original Photos)


Other work by author

StumbleUpon Gems #1

Texas AG Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit to Stop Obama Administration From Handing Control Over the Internet to International Organization

Hiking the Oregon Trail #3: Ghost Town Buncom, OR

Hiking the Oregon Trail #4: Jacksonville Forest Park


Other work by author

The local gem safari #3 - Downtown Basel

Mirror test with a T-Rex - Shaka´s miniature scene #9 [Original work]

The local gem safari #4 - Castle Ruin Rötteln

Prophecy of the seeress


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

The Sky Is Not Falling: Overpopulation — Coming Disaster or Myth?

Unconventional Profit: Raising Ostriches

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@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

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Russian - @serejandmyself

Not in yet

French - @sebastien

Not in yet

German - @knozaki2015

Not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Not in yet

Quote for the day

Image credit


It occurred to me the other day that I spend more time on Steemit than I do watching television. I think it's because Steemit has really become a well rounded place to be entertained, and is evolving everyday. What you do with these posts is point it out, thanks.

I really love steemit as it is firstly entertaining second you gain knowledge 3rd you can make money and meet people

Thanks for bringing those to my attention. Some familiar names there i should follow more. ^^

good ones again!

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