A Journey To A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle - #1

in #health6 years ago

Hey Fellow Steemians,

Over the last few years I've been looking into healthier options for myself and family with so many new fads coming and going, who can keep up?

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Personally I couldn't keep up with only looking at only a few options, not worrying about everything, but when you turn on the tv, radio, computer you are confronted with all these fantastic marketing gimmicks that make things sound really interesting.

Everyone is different, things affect us all differently, what led us to changing habits was slow and gradual, which I was still mucking about till the push came to buckle down and find solutions for different health issues within our family natural solutions where found.

Natural solutions was diffidently not something that came easy, as we were people that were Doctors and our Government have our best interests at heart and would not harm us, so what they say is solid.

Events started happening to debunk this theory in the way of coming across natural ways to do things, asking the doctors for natural alternatives they laughed at me and said we can only prescribe you what is in the chemist attached to our computer, our children suffering health issues and going to specialists in that field to find they couldn't figure out what was wrong or that they wanted to drug our children saying it was safe.

With one of the drug situations, the specialist asked if we had a special card, if we had this card that he could ring the supplier and get us a discount.....
In my ears all I could hear ringing was this is not America this is sleepy little New Zealand, why would a specialist be offering a discount this is unusual.

Went on line to check out the drug to find reviews from adults wished they had never taken it, the list was scary with ten massive side affects that this was to be given to a child, not any child our child.

Some of the side effects were - lack of concentration, suicide thoughts, clumsiness, addiction to the drug, loss of memory and so on....

Would you want to give this to anyone?... So the search went on to find the natural alternative for what needed healing with a limited time space to heal, as we only had a space of one month to heal the issue before it came permanent that our child would be living with excruciating pain due to the length of time it took the doctors to refer tot he specialist then wait for a appointment.
The natural alternative was not done with a light heart, we gave two weeks and if that didn't work then we would have to get the drug prescribed, but luckily the natural remedy worked and the Specialist was amazed how much our child had improved when he first saw them walk thru the door, he was praising the drug, we told him we didn't even buy the drug his face dropped.
We explained we used Apple Cider Vinegar, he said "that is an old remedy". We also sprinkled turmeric powder a few times in the food.

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Another time we went to a nutritionist for another child, they told them to eat a muffin, when I mentioned about how they have processed sugar in them, I was laughed at and told it is ok for people to eat it in moderation.
With realizing I myself had a addiction to processed sugar and had the shakes when trying to wean myself off, and reading about how some nutritionists believe that processed sugar is as addictive as cocaine and be classed as a class A drug.

As a parent we need to be advocates for our children but when you don't have the health knowledge yourself, and don't realize till many years later that you have been buying toxic food for your children that can damage them.

Then the blame game starts is who is at fault, you for not knowing, the government as they are meant to look after us, Retailers and producers and marketers for making selling and marketing unhealthy products to us, society for the Jones of silent peer pressure.

You can either sit and dwell on trying to blame someone or just dig into research and changing the health issues.
It's not easy to change your health lifestyle as everyone has an option, what works for someone else may not work for you, so it comes to research, test and trial.

Health is very broad also as it's not just food it's pollutants, products we use, stress, mind, soul, exercise it's a lifestyle, sometimes things don't work if everything is not changed our body is like a wheel and if something is not right one or many will get stuck and there can be many factors.

A realization to a healthy lifestyle may be your own health, families health issues or a triggered thought that is like a scab that gets itch that leads you down a path maybe to healing or infection, you get to choose your path with research and determination.

Many scabs have been picked to led us down may path's in our journey to a sustainable healthy lifestyle we are only beginning there's many more scabs to pick and heal on this journey.

Have you started A Journey To A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle we would like to hear some of your Journey also, or are you wanting to get started and stuck leave a comment below...

I am not a doctor or a health professional, just a person that has been and seen many health journey's which I'm only expressing my own personal opions that we have tried which have either worked or failed, please consult your doctor when wanting to introduce a different health option as your doctor knows your illness and history.

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

If you have missed our other sightseeing adventures you can check them out

#1 - Auckland From The Sea
#2 - Rangitoto From The Sea
#3 - East Tamaki Auckland Wholesalers And Factory Shops
#4 - The Famous Korean Restaurant In South Auckland
#5 - Heading Out West Auckland To Bethalls Beach
#6 - Driving Thru Scenic Drive Titirangi
#7 - A Visit To The Fancy Bakery - An Asian Style Bakery In Botany Downs
#8 - A Little Walk Thru New Market In Auckland
Sightseeing with BLBM #9 - On The Road Sights In Auckland
Sightseeing with BLBM #10 - Botany Downs, Auckland
Sightseeing with BLBM #11 - Lion Nathan Brewery, East Tamaki

Our Last Five Posts if You Missed Them

Recreating Recipes From The Internet #4 - Steemits @woman-onthe-wing - Healthy Homemade Chocolate Only Three Ingredients Vegan Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free
Rambling Thought's - #01 - Why Is There So Much Confusion When It Comes To Healthy Eating
Rambling Thoughts - Introduction
Tpot Contest: No 21 - Theme: Greenery
Sightseeing with BLBM #11
Fruit Icecream - Vegan, Gluten & Processed Sugar Free

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#makeithealthy project is being held by the fabulous @woman-onthe-wing so you don't need to go healthy by yourself.

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So true, our health system is only focused on profit and the best customers are those that are sick but still alive. Of course, there are many doctors out there only wanting the best for their patients, unfortunately most of them are not really trained in nutrition, are fed with false knowledge about the range of treatments or blinded by the influence of the pharma industry.

It is amazing how well and gentle we can treat health conditions with natural remedies, so great that you could help your child without these harmful drugs! I cured my pretty bad tonsillitis within only 3-5 days just by using healing foods like ginger, turmeric and black pepper, garlic, onion, lemon, tea tree oil and more. I was super glad that no antibiotic was needed and especially no surgery to remove this vital part of our immune system.

All the best for your future journey on this natural healing path 💚 I myself am super excited how nature and healing food will continue to support me in my healing adventure!

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